Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Today, we would like to talk about the Pink Ray of Cosmic and Divine Love.
This ray will allow you to shift your reality into a love based experience.
It will help you to love yourself and others unconditionally and receive unconditional love in return.
The Pink Ray of Cosmic and Divine Love embodies the feminine energies that are inherent in every soul.
These loving energies exist outside of any condition.
That means, that this love can be sent to yourself and others regardless of the circumstances.
It is free of any judgment and expectations.
When you begin to work with this Divine, loving ray, it is important to begin with yourself and to fill your heart, until it overflows with it.
You are creating your reality from the inside out and therefore, loving yourself first is important.
If you have, you can connect with a rose quartz crystal, which holds the energies of this ray.
Simply relax and breathe...
Then, imagine the Pink Ray of Cosmic and Divine Love coming from above, entering your crown chakra and then, entering your heart.
See, feel and perceive your heart to be filled with the unconditional love of Creator.
See, feel and perceive it to overflow and expand into your aura...
See, feel and perceive it to overflow and expand into your world...
Feel the people and all life radiating with this love and see the smiles and wellbeing in your world...
Feel yourself smiling...
Welcome back.
We invite you to let the Pink Ray of Cosmic and Divine Love flow to everyone in your daily interactions.
Every day a little bit more and watch your reality change.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love...
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos."
Thank You, Adama! :-)