
~ This writing is a combined effort with Master Djwhal Khul and Rev. Christine Meleriessee ~

As initiates, it is important that we learn about the Rays of God and how to command them for ourselves and others within the Earth. Many individuals do not understand this concept, as it is a challenging one to grasp within the Concrete Mind.

As we are shifting from the Old Earth into the New Earth, more individuals are awakening upon the pathway. This means that has a soul realizes there is more to their life and start to exhibit spiritual gifts (some may consider this psychic phenomenon), it allows for an open doorway to be more as an integrated soul within a physical body. We call this the Initiations of the Pathway of Mastery. Learning that we are gifted is only one small step in this huge pathway of light.

Each of these individuals become initiates; some souls choose to stay where they are and not move further through the initiations, but with the New Earth approaching us more souls are awakening unto their mastery pathway from the soul’s perspective. This process is not an easy one to move from the 1st initiation through the 7th (Full Mastery as an Ascended Master). It takes us deeper into our Emotional and Mental bodies to clear the old elements that we have held as a soul which is referred to as Soul Psychology. This also includes our Etheric Body which is the soul body that remembers every act, thought, and emotion that we have held in that bodily function in all lifetimes or considered fragments of time known as Time-Lines.

What happens through this process is that we start to remember all parts of ourselves and some of them are not within the Light as we have been on the dark also.

It is part of our pathway on this earth to remember all aspects so that the Law of Karma can be rectified, as we become the Soul Beings of Light completely. Many individuals have a hard time releasing their Lower Ego as it has served our purpose from lifetime to lifetime. This can be exhibited in a low self esteem as a low ego or as one who has all the answers and won’t listen to anyone. It is also part of this process for these elements to appear so that they can be healed and the Higher Ego can be fully intact. Please know this is not easy and many individuals do not even know they exhibit a lower ego as they have been taught through the many lifetimes that it was necessary to have these energies fully intact.

But that is no longer the way of living for the New Earth. Each of us has to get deep within ourselves, look at our dark energies, so that our Light can be fully illuminated within our four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental. This will then allow the accessibility of the spiritual bodies to be fully Embraced, Accepted, and ACTUALIZED.

The Rays of God known as Spectrums of Light from the God Source through the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace as the cornerstone of accepting the mastery pathway within a physical body. They are given to us, as initiates, to help us understand ourselves on a much deeper level so that we can walk this pathway with the light and grace of an ascended being.

The Elders ignite these energies unto the MahaChohan who is now Saint Germain then through the Ray Chohans. This is how we receive the frequencies through each ascended being along with specific Elohim Masters and Archangels.

These rays have also been incorporated within our existence as a person on this earth. Each soul that arrives in a body brings forth one to three rays within the Personality, Physical Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body along with the Monad (group consciousness of Higher Selves consisting of 12 souls), and our I AM Presence (the group consciousness of 144 souls of Light directed from the Source of Creation).

This means that as a human upon this earth we have the qualities of any of the seven rays within these aspects as stated above. They mold us into who we are, how we live and interact with others, what we do in our lives, and how we accept the roles that we, as souls, create within our existence. Many individuals will only have one ray in each of the aspects, but it can be up to three.

Each of these rays has higher characteristics along with lower characteristics. They represent the ability as a soul to embody an essence that is going to help that person’s life or deter them from their true purpose.

When an individual steps into the role of being an Initiate, there are steps that are achieved through each initiation (seven of them) which are considered “tests” of the soul to be initiated into the physical body that is guided by Lord Melchizedek (who oversees all initiates) and the individual’s Higher Self.

The first four initiations bring forth the ability to full step through the four-body system.

Initiation 1 – Mastery over the Physical Body – Instinct
Initiation 2 – Mastery over the Emotional Body – Desire/Feeling
Initiation 3 – Mastery over the Mental Body – Concrete Mind
Initiation 4 – Mastery over the Personality – Freedom of the Self

The higher initiations from 5 through 7 represent how an initiate brings forth what they have learned in the first four to create their pathway within the Light of God in all their dealings, living habits, environment, personal convictions, and giving service to others.

Understanding How the Rays of God work Within the Initiations

Even though each individual is infused with certain rays to help them in their development as a human upon this earth, as a master, each soul must learn to command each of the first Seven Rays of God first and foremost. It is an essential component for their pathway. Within the New Earth energies we are now learning about the 22 Rays of God which takes us into the 5th dimensional chakra grid.

This means that each of the rays becomes part of their daily ritual for the healing that they are working within their personal pathway. When an initiate first asks for the ray to assist them, the thought process is sent through the Ray Chohan and then to each Elder that represents that ray. It is then transferred unto the individual through their breath and into their physical existence (usually within the chakra of the corresponding ray); it goes into all parts of the four-body system.

The Act of Initiating the Ray means that the individual calls upon the energies for it to be imbued within them through the breath.

The Act of Activating the Ray means that the essence of the spectrum of light comes within their corresponding chakra, through their breath and into all of the bodies for it to be enhanced.

The Act of Actualizing the Ray means that the essence of the ray becomes One within the Initiate. They embody the ray physically, etherically, emotionally, and mentally; thereby, the Higher Self is fully intact bringing forth that ray essence into the full body system. This does not happen until the 7th initiation takes place because a physical individual could not fully accept the ray within them as it would cause overload within their system. This is especially true of individuals that still have their Lower Ego intact. The Spiritual Hierarchy with the Elders and the Elohim do not allow this to occur until an initiate moves into the acceptability of full mastery.

Now initiates can think that they are ACTUALIZING the ray but the true term is ACTIVATING the ray until the specific time that the initiate is ready to accept his/her role within the pathway of mastery that they are. It is at that time that the four-body system becomes United as One Body of Light to accept the role that the master is now ready to handle.

When it is said that “One needs to command the Seven Rays of God,” it means that as an initiate of the 7th Initiation that individual has the ability to on command bring in that essence of the ray directly from the Source without the intermediary of the Ray Chohans, Elohim Masters, or Archangels. He/She is then directing this light force from the Council of 12 or the Elders directly within the God Force.

As you can see, it takes great concentration and effort to be able to command these rays for self-healing or others, but is a necessary component for each initiate to acquire this skill. It is important to realize these elements because many initiates will think that they Actualize a ray which in fact is not true. The Lower Ego plays many tricks on the minds of initiates, and this is one that needs to be clarified in order to accept the challenge of working with the ray energies and the higher dimensional essences.

The process of understanding must come from the Higher Mind so at time it becomes confusing within the concrete mind. It is essential not to get lost in these moments as they will deter an Initiate from truly walking through the process. We share this knowledge as it is important to ascertain what the definition of mastering a ray represents no matter what the level of awareness that an initiate is incorporating.

Always remember that you are bringing forth knowledge from your Higher Self that you have used in the Etheric Body but the process of acknowledging it within the physical self becomes a much more challenging task. Take time to reflect and feel the energies instead of continually trying “to figure it out”. This should be your guidepost in every moment you are walking as an Initiate to Become the Master Within.


Ray 1 – Will and Power – Blue Flame
Elders: Lord Astia and Lady Fratia
Ray Chohan: Master El Morya
Elohim Masters: Hercules and Amazonia
Archangels: Michael and Faith

Ray 2 – Love and Wisdom – Golden Yellow Flame
Elders: Lord Rayla and Lady Raylio
Ray Chohans: Master Djwhal Khul; Ascended Master Joshua Stone
Elohim Masters: Apollo and Lumina
Archangels: Jophiel and Christine

Ray 3 – Creative Actualization – Deep Pink Flame
Elders: Lord Seelea and Lady Seeleo
Ray Chohan: Master Paul the Venetian
Elohim Masters: Heros and Amora
Archangels: Chamuel and Charity

Ray 4 – Harmony, Balance and Beauty – Crystalline Flame
Elders: Lord Esstela and Lady Esteelo
Ray Chohan: Master Serapis Bey
Elohim Masters: Purity and Astrea
Archangels: Gabriel and Hope

Ray 5 – Scientific Knowledge – Green with Gold/White Flame
Elders: Lord Zatheeah and Lady Zatheeia
Ray Chohan: Master Hilarion
Elohim Masters: Cyclopea and Virginia
Archangels: Raphael and Mother Mary

Ray 6 – Inner Devotion – Ruby Red with Gold Flame
Elders: Lady Astia and Lady Fratia
Ray Chohan: Lady Nada (previously Lord Sananda)
Elohim Masters: Peace and Aloha
Archangels: Uriel and Aurora

Ray 7 – Ceremonial Structure and Magic – Violet with Deep Purple Flame
Elders: Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio
Ray Chohan: Lady Portia
Elohim Masters: Arcturus and Virginia
Archangels: Zadkiel and Amethyst

To learn more about the Rays of God please check out Walking Terra Christa’s 22 Ray Challenge Program. If you are interested in receiving a Ray Reading with Master Djwhal and Rev. Meleriessee, please check out the Sessions Page.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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