Manifestation – it’s on the minds and lips of most everyone today who studies, practices, and has committed to what we call “New Age Thought.”  The Secret, The Power of Now, and even classics such as Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking and Hill’s Think and Grow Rich have u-turned many back to the origins of the “you create your own reality” edict, all proclaiming that our thoughts indeed have power to create.  Be in the moment, visualize your dream reality and you can make it so.  All of these mantras do have validity, but there is one key ingredient; perhaps the single most influential conduit to consciously creating our reality – the heart.  But how and why is the heart of the human being – the magical rain maker, the instrument that has apparent non-local ability to pull “stuff” out of the ethers and into the 3D world?

First, it behooves us here to have a brief think about the law of attraction (LOA), whereby the proclamation of like attracts like is a fundamental tenet of the universe.  Another idiom – Energy goes where attention flows, and so on.  As Lisa Nichols explains in The Secret that if you open an envelope expecting to get a bill, chances are that is exactly what you’ll find.  Conversely, if you have an expectation (the thought) of receiving a check in the mail – voila, your thought will manifest that long awaited tax refund that was 3 months late.

The Real Secret is:  There is more to the story…

The Secret no doubt served as an important primer, indoctrinating millions into a new (or re-newed) way of contemplating their every thought and moved those toward a proactive routine of abundance creation using picture scrapbooking and visualizing images that can stir up the energy to attract that very object or scenario.

Thoughts are a powerful precursor to creating one’s reality, but if you look at instances in which thoughts, especially those which were redundant, created an outcome that seemed to correspond perfectly to the thought, what was behind it?  The feeling!

Let’s look at that.  Have you ever taken notice of the feeling that comes every time you think of something that you may be anticipating?  Something you are worrying about will bring a feeling of anxiety.  Something that you are looking forward to like a vacation will bring a feeling of excitement.  It’s a physical sensation that corresponds with the thought.  If it’s an authentic thought, you can’t escape the feeling.  Have you ever taken notice of how you feel when you receive news that may be shocking or unexpected?  Your heart will emit a physical vibration, whether it’s a pounding of fear or surprise or a fluttering when you’re around someone that you are attracted to.  How do you feel when you are in absolute gratitude about something that has been given to you that you’ve always wanted or when you are absorbed in sadness from a tear jerker on TV or the grief over a departed loved one?  The heart has a physical sensation that is associated with every emotion that we carry – and that may be the key to how and why realities manifest via the heart.

The Heart Has Intelligence

Most are familiar with the perennial wisdom of James Allen’s “As a Man Thinketh” which was borrowed from the biblical text that says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  The intimation with this brief passage is that the heart apparently has some ability to think and have consciousness.   From this passage we can deduce that “he” will become that which he thinks (feels, emotes) from the heart – his reality, circumstances, lot in life et al.


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