From the Light of God that I am, I hereby declare that my team of guides shall, as soon as any necessary transference can be made, be comprised only of members of 100 percent Pure Light, who have never been reprogrammed by entities of the dark.
From the Light of God that I am, I hereby declare the entity that is my Primary Guide shall be an entity of 100 percent Pure Light that has never been reprogrammed by entities of the dark, with such change, if necessary, to be made as soon as possible.
From the Light of God that I am, I hereby declare that my consciousness mix should be converted, if necessary, to a mix of 100 percent Pure Light of entities that have never been reprogrammed by those of the dark. I further declare that this conversion should take place as soon as possible, but preferably during evening hours as I sleep, and as gently as possible in order that I might continue my normal daily routine.
From the Light of God that I am, I call forth that all things, whether animate or inanimate, within or around me, my home, or my yard, or place of business [or my environment or my automobile] be immediately deactivated from use as “directional beacons” by those who are not of 100 percent Pure Light. I further declare that when this has been accomplished it shall be irrevocable and permanent.
From the Light of God that I am, I call forth that no energies, entities, or beings are to be allowed anywhere around me at any time that are not of 100 percent Pure Light. I further declare this to be irrevocable and permanent.
From the Light of God that I am, be it known that I hereby immediately cancel all contracts and/or agreements I have made with ANY entity, in any time frame, or in any reality, that were not in my best interest, or in the interest of the Light, or that were made with entities who were not of 100 percent Pure Light. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities.
From the Light of God that I am, I call forth, beginning immediately, that there shall be no negative energies downloaded into my body from any source, and that any energies run through my body from this moment on be only of 100% Pure Light.
Additional/Optional: From the Light of God that I am, I call forth that all incoming energies onto this planet that are not of 100% Pure Light be completely and immediately dissipated and removed from this planet, and never be allowed to encroach upon this planet again. From the Light of God that I am, I ask that those who walk with me arrange for the healing of my body to begin immediately until full healing has been restored. I also ask that the same take place for my children [and my grandchildren] and my pets.
Doing this once a week (or even more often for a while) can't hurt--and just might change one's life for the better. Expect surprises! Be strong and fear Nothing!
From the Dear God Book :o)
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