How to use Divine Aspect

When you ascend you learn something very special about yourself, you gain aspect to help with your common issues. Stress, tension and bullies can be taken down with aspect.

Aspect is Power, but not ruin, if used the right way. Aspect is needed in everyday life to control emotions, tension and stress. It can give light to a sitchuation, a problem or advice in the manner of meditation. Aspect can be used to take down people who bully you, and try to persuade to get you to do things THEIR WAY. Bullies are just scared people who pick on people they consider weaker, because they see a type of grace around these people that they think makes them weak, because they don't have this grace. This grace is humility and humbleness and is a primary focus of Aspect, it is humbleness and meekness, a proper way to rise above the normal way of doing things, which is by theft or meanness. These people can not ascend, they are humans that live as animals and loons and kooks.

When someone comes against you, use your will. Look at them or focus on them and center yourself and quietly say "Aspect". This will render them useless, and you will have no more problems. This does not teach them to fear you, it teaches them not to even be near your person. How dare someone think they can control a different person because they have ascended? They have not lost anything but gained it. When one ascends they gain TONS more than ever they thought they could.

Ascension seems to follow psychic related people, especially telepathic kind.

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  • Thank You. I also feel that way namely today. I have felt disowned by my guides, i have lost my wiccan/pagan faith. I have discovered the system of GOOD doesn't work, it only works when we know something about someone else thats bad and they try and over compusate for something bad they did..its a never ending snowball of pain. I truly tried something new today, darkworker and athetist, it may sound extreme and strange but its working to sort me out. Still its been one horrible day.
  • thankyou for this Lucretia, I have had problems with this for most of my life, I seem to attract  "bigger ones" to me, sometimes it seems almost always like this, part of my chart I discovered, its left me kind of battered and sometimes I feel very angry and also abandoned or caged in by the universe. it also doesn't help that I am very seclusive, what you have taught me is probably going to change my life, if I still have the health to "come back", but thankyou for this information

    and also

    you echoed something I remember, and I thought I had forgotten
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