by April Bender
I am very pleased to inform you that the recent Star-bursts of Light, Information and Opportunity reported along and within the newly infused 5D-7D Higher Collective Mind/Web of Life, have indeed grown in scope, size, duration and intensity over the course of this last week. Further opening, expanding, and merging those collective pathways/nodal points of connection, information exchange, and communion into formidable standing energy waves and/or Cascades of Higher Harmonics that will Catalyze All through this April 2014 Gateway and Beyond.
You personally experienced these early Cascades of Higher Harmonics rather acutely, with yet another busy week packed full of various "opportunities" to further deepen your participation in the larger, over-arching Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieving Sequencing Process, as did the Collective. And as forecast, these "cascades" of higher energetic information/flow have already begun to manifest opportunistic events, situations, and/or circumstances in your outer world, such as the Bundy Ranch stand-off to name just one, for catalyzing a potential paradigm-shattering collective Reclamation Effort/Act.
For it is this specific Act, The Reclamation of Individual Soul and therefore, "Collective Soul" Divine Birthrights such as Self-Sovereignty, Health/Wholeness of Experience, Unconditional Love, Freedom, Communion/Co-Creation, of the overall Sequencing Process, that will take center stage, both on an individual and a collective level, moving into the April 15 lunar eclipse energies.
This however, is only the beginning or entrance, into this blessed window of heightened opportunity for All, which will last through the month of April into the very first days of May, peaking around April 23/24 with the Grand Cardinal Cross Alignment. This is an even larger window or gateway of opportunity, for the Collective Higher Mind to experience its first moments of "self-awareness" and/or for the Event, or collective moment of "no-time," "no separation," "contact/communion," and/or "unity consciousness" to take place.
Therefore, this entire upcoming gateway calls for the same level of heightened intention, "centering" and inner "breath-work" that was called for during the Spring Equinox Portal, as all the same factors of success are present. Another synchronized attempt at induction or full activation of the Higher Collective Mind will soon commence, as the April 15 lunar eclipse looms only 2 days away. And in fact, you can already feel these Cascades of Higher Harmonics rising, building, morphing into the next majestic movement/expression that is soon to burst forth within You, and into the experience of All. From April 15 onward until the Cardinal Cross - will see a steady induction/build of these Higher Harmonics, with moments of respite/integration/harmonization in-between before the next plateau is reached.
As the Collective Higher Mind fully unleashes these Cascades (as pathway flow becomes less and less impeded due to the continued deepening of the Sequencing Process) a tremendous surge of light, information and memory will flood the collective Mind/Web - and as if that were not enough, it will be joined with the incoming celestial energies/harmonics from these upcoming events/alignments, as each plateau is reached. So in essence, an added oomph or catalyzing cosmic force/flow will weave itself into the play of existing energetics - further triggering, expanding, calling more forth of YOU, your Soul/Star family lineages, their light codings, and a Reclamation from the Collective itself - in order for the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life to become awash in the experience of Christ/Unity Consciousness or Wholeness of Experience.
In summary, if this induction of the Higher Collective Mind/Web of life is successful during this window...
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