by April Bender
I am pleased to share with you that as a preliminary result of the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process that the Higher Collective Mind recently initiated, many of the troubled, misaligned/imbalanced nodal points or energetic pathways of connection within the newly infused 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, have now begun to achieve or are moving into, some degree of right/proper alignment, exchange and/or resolution.
That's right, the tiring and challenging work performed by you and the many other countless Warriors of Light, of anchoring, integrating, and infusing (or breathing in/out) the equinox portal energies into the Collective Higher Mind, along with your participation thus far in the early stages of the overall Sequencing Process, has allowed some measure of Harmonic Up-Shifting - or an expanded state of convergent movement, flow and magnetization within the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind, to occur.
Even at this preliminary stage of the Sequencing Process, this has created a more harmonious and expanded state of awareness, connectivity, and receptivity that is now sweeping across the Collective Higher Mind, and therefore within You! This extra, highly-refined energetic oomph! provided, will aid you and the Collective greatly in the ease and further completion of the overall Sequencing Process. Let me briefly explain just how, under each of the 3 Sequencing Acts listed below:
The Resolution/Reconciliation of Any Unresolved Business or Energy
Because a greater sense of resolution is beginning to be found and expressed within previously distressed nodes/connecting pathways of the Higher Collective Mind and within Self, a greater sense of higher clarity, focus, and even movement can now begin to be established within the Collective Web/Mind and within individual perception/experience. In simplest terms, the proverbial dust of the colossal equinox portal infusion is now settling, and you are finally able to clearly see/sense the new, beautifully inviting and lovingly supportive, energetic landscape that you're now standing in.
In bridging the polarities within you of the initial energetic blast of distressed/opposing nodal energies within the Collective Mind/Web and Self, you in essence reconciled and therefore, upgraded the new firmament in order that it may function at a higher, fuller capacity. And this upgrading or refinement of the new firmament in Self and the Collective, will only continue to happen in larger and larger increments/steps, as you move deeper into the overall Sequencing Process/Experience. That is until the time that the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web achieves full self-awareness.
There are still more pockets of resistance/distress along the Collective Mind/Web that need to be reconciled, healed and/or transmuted but the initial blast, and most difficult part of such energetic confrontations is now complete. Until that time anyway, when another "full activation/infusion" attempt will be made on the 5D-7D Higher Collective Mind/Web of Life so that it might become fully self-aware.
So continue to seek out any "baggage" you may be still carrying - conflicting beliefs, issues of self-worth, etc..that need to be acknowledged and dealt with, and also be on the lookout for additional dissonant pockets of energy that may be brought/magnetized into your field for transmutation or reconciliation. And remember to stay in your "center" as much as possible throughout your day, though it should be somewhat easier for you to do so now, with the wonderful new space or energetics you now find yourself in. As you are feeling oh so light again and it's as if you can see for miles and miles now in the clear blue distance. Enjoy this space, utilize it, as before you know it, it will be time to rise/move yet again.
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