For the last several months you've found yourself seemingly adrift in a sea of Void. Unable to move forward nor backward, as the sense or reference point of “you” in the past is no longer there, and the “you” of the future is still being defined/created, just as the future itself is.
Yes my dear, you've let go and released so very much this last year, and in doing so, have finally created a cavernously large, purified vessel that will now enable you to contain/hold ALL that you are now able to BECOME and REMEMBER on a scale never before imagined!
Let me explain. . .
Universe upon universe literally exist within you – and as you've discovered, you can easily travel down into their depths through your solar plexus chakra. To do this, you can simply allow your consciousness to focalize as a spiral shape within this center, while your inner sun blazes a brilliant and fiery yellow. You continue to allow your consciousness to be carried along this inner spiral, moving in and down. Next, you allow yourself to slow down and sense where it is you need to stop and then simply step off.
Levels upon dimensional levels exist deep within you, NOT OUTSIDE OF YOU. By the very nature of how you were created you serve as a databank, a storehouse of all universal/galactic codes of life that your multidimensional Selves and your Soul/Star family have ever accumulated throughout your vast experiences, sojourns, and/or incarnations throughout the great multi-verse of space and time. This is the information, the knowledge, the memories, the codings, and the energetic linkages that your soul actively seeks to re-establish within Self and upon Gaia.
Levels upon dimensional levels exist deep within you, NOT OUTSIDE OF YOU. By the very nature of how you were created you serve as a databank, a storehouse of all universal/galactic codes of life that your multidimensional Selves and your Soul/Star family have ever accumulated throughout your vast experiences, sojourns, and/or incarnations throughout the great multi-verse of space and time. This is the information, the knowledge, the memories, the codings, and the energetic linkages that your soul actively seeks to re-establish within Self and upon Gaia.
It is now time for you to fully realize this and begin to explore and reacquaint yourself with such ability, with such expanded states of consciousness and awareness. THIS is how contact with your Soul Families and multi-dimensional Selves will be made – initially. For they are contained WITHIN, therefore access to them is also found within – not externally above in the outer world. You must find US within YOU first, you must recreate that bridge/link back to us, your Higher Self and Soul/Star Family, now that all doorways are being fully reopened to you, and in doing so, we connect and merge with you through that bridging/linking to bring the many experiences/realities together for “the upcoming event.”
More plainly put, YOU ARE THE ONES to weave us back through into your world and into the consciousness once more of all earth's inhabitants. In truth, you will be reconnecting and bridging many realities together within your newly created vessel, and it is through this endeavor that a high degree of illumination shall finally take place upon the Earth. Keep in mind that while you've always played such a part in the overall ascension process of humanity, at this moment in time, you are being given much more conscious power and control to serve as a nexus-point of worlds, it is an opportunity as we say. . . for true mastery.
In fact, the reason your are now able to facilitate this inner, soon to be outwardly expressed, concrete bridge-building/linking between worlds is because over the course of the last year, you have been breaking the “seal” upon each dimensional level via the consecutive inter-dimensional timeline splits and extreme energy/cleansing waves experienced, which raised you vibrationally and purged you soundly, thereby allowing you access to higher and higher levels of vibration, form, memory, information and higher function integration.