Huge Flares And CMEs; By Dr Schavi M Ali.

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Planetary time is moving along swiftly, and already it is the month of August which has arrived with strong “M-Class” solar flares (“M.4” and “M.8”), and our Sun is filled with numerous sunspots all of which are building for the release of further “M-Class” and also “X-Class” flares.

Solar winds are approaching 500 km/s, and the magnetosphere is gradually being pressed with dense particle plasma from both our Sun but also mostly from positively-charging protons from outside of this solar system as per usual.

Several CMEs have hit the Earth, and more are on the way. Upper level “G2”, “G3”, and higher geomagnetic storm ratings are possible.

Much vibrational disturbance is still happening amongst humanity as wars between Israel and Palestine as well as in Ukraine and Russia reach a fever pitch.

In the UK young girls were annihilated and others including Yoga teachers are in critical condition because of being stabbed by a crazed man.

In the USA political chaos is raging as people take sides on which candidate to support.

The Olympic games in Paris, France were threatened with violence.

Nations in Africa and Asia argue and protest over leadership.

People all over the world are homeless and hungry.

Illicit drugs and crime is like a movie drama.

Why remind people of what they are already aware of as they watch or hear from others about the global news?

The answer is because our planet has yet to reach enough of a percentage of morally righteous people in order for humanity to move into a better era of time.

Many people refuse to deal with disharmonious issues because they believe that focusing on such things only feeds the flames.

This is true only when people do not connect with SOURCE in various ritualistic ways so that the flames can be destroyed. Just ignoring what is occurring is not the answer.

True, we should not consistently sit in evil shadowy energy.

However, we must recognize the shadows and turn on the LIGHT. The more who call down the LIGHT into this realm, the more that the LIGHT will remove the evil that this planet is dealing with daily.

One person can start a ball to rolling, but slowly the ball will begin to slow down and to come to a standstill unless there are others who keep the ball rolling along the way.

During the Olympics, the teams of the various competing nations work to gain enough points in their various sports in order for their nation to win a medal even though only one person may outshine the others on the team. Thus, an entire nation may take home a medal regardless of who has been the greatest athlete to insure that enough points are won for the whole national team.

During this month of August, there will be continuing potent cosmic events that will both cleanse and offer illumination.

Also, Mercury will retrograde in a few days — and to repeat for emphasis — these dates are from August 5th to August 28th.

A Mercury Retrograde tends to take humanity back first over the previous three years, then as it moves along, the previous three months are re-assessed, and finally as it approaches its ending, the previous three weeks of the retrograde itself are reviewed.

Interestingly, three years ago, our planet was dealing with pandemic intensity, and drug companies are again pushing for people to take another injection because a new strain of the vicious virus is supposedly in existence, and also they are advertising for people to seek protection from various flu strains as well.

Hundreds of chemical medicines are advertised daily to pump people up with toxins in either pill form or via injection.

Three months ago, the very tremendously powerful geomagnetic storms in “G4” and “G5” ranges gained global news attention.

So, review what was occurring for you personally three years ago and three months ago. The same issues may occur again in either a minor way that shows that something needs just tweaking, or something may occur in a major way that shows that there must be a final very important resolution made for change.

However, do not make any changes just now. Wait until after Mercury has gone direct.

Remember also that whenever any planet turns retrograde, it first does what we call “stationing”. This is like a huge ship which first must come to a bit of a stand still before turning around and going in an opposite direction.

Therefore, on the day of a planet’s retrograde and for a few days afterwards, its energy is magnified.

So, with Mercury governing all types of communication (oral, written, and technological) and with it also dealing with brain function, all of these aspects will come up for review.

Global chaos and confusion will continue, and it will happen for some people in their families, in their work environment, and in their communities.

The “Twilight of Kali Yuga” is still in existence. Those who are proclaiming that the “New Golden Age” has already begun are delusional.

Perhaps they are only trying to plant the seeds for a new era in people’s minds, and this is a good thing.

However, the truth must be faced. The seeds have yet to be watered and given LIGHT.

The key words for the month of August are: SLOW DOWN, REVIEW, RE-ASSESS, RE-FRAME, and REACH FOR HIGHER LIGHT.

Plan a specific time daily for deep prayer and meditation. Do not allow your spiritual rituals to be merely haphazard affairs — only doing them once in a while when you “have time” or only when you have a serious need.

Besides the regular prayers that should be done anyway, a quiet time in either the morning hours, the afternoon, or in the evening can be made for communicating with the INFINITE PRESENCE—SOURCE FREQUENCY for a longer period.

Perhaps you would like to light a candle and incense at your special time and also anoint your third eye and the palms of your hands with a sacred oil. Many persons will also chant mantras with prayer malas.

I suggest, as I have done in the past, that the “grounding” malas made of either AMBER, BODDHI SEED, LOTUS SEED, ROSEWOOD, or SANDALWOOD be used.

The energy of a mala becomes stronger the more that it is used and worn. Review the many mantras that have been shared in these articles, and select one for your daily chanting with your special mala.

Keep your mala shiny and thriving by periodically placing Sandalwood oil on each bead. Try to get the purest Sandalwood oil possible.

Many companies are placing only a few drops of Sandalwood oil in their bottles because it is hard now to obtain pure Sandalwood due to the over-harvesting of the Chandan (Sanskrit term for “Sandalwood”) in Bharata (India).

Australia has been producing Sandalwood trees and obtaining the oil from them for several years now. However, to protect their trees from over-harvesting, they are placing only a few drops of the oil in other substances such as Aloe or Sunflower oil or some other carrier oil.

It is still possible, however, to obtain authentic pure Sandalwood oil without additives, but it is expensive. Try to get your Sandalwood oil now. In about a year, it will be out of the average person’s price range.

Gather your sacred spiritual tools now if you have not done so already. You will need them as August and the rest of this year moves along.

All of the happenings that are still occurring — on and off of our planet — are setting the stage for the coming “show” of next year.

Some of us were Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts when we were children.

The motto we were taught can be used for any situation of our current times: “BE PREPARED”.

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