Human 2.0-christed edition ~ Lauren Gorgo May 2011

"There is so much change taking place on the subtle levels that to speak of each one individually would be akin to searching for a stone cast to the ocean." - Seven Sisters of Pleiades


If your head feels like lead, your heart is on fire, and your body is a mockery of a marshmallow...then welcome to the full integration of head-heart-body.

If I may still indulge in polarity for a moment, I have what feels like very good news and very bad news.  The good news is that I have been told that this month is the month that the frontrunners of new-human consciousness complete the upgrade to the new-human prototype, the final transformation into mind/body/soul integrated existence. 

The bad news is that I think its going to hurt like hell.

I definitely hope I'm wrong here, but the pains of labor have been p-r-e-t-t-y intense since May began and it doesn't feel as though it will let up anytime soon.  The unseens say otherwise…that the middle of May will bring some reprieve...tho they also admit that this month will be a very "physically focused" one.  This is what I heard: every single cell of your played-out bodies will continue, unremittingly, to throb in the writhing pain of cellular mutation.  Until forever.

Physical Integration

"What we would like to bring forth out of all of this is the realization that those who are on the path to oneness have arrived at a deep place of physical integration, a crosspoint in all intersecting layers of perceptual reality that are now woven into the cellular tapestry of the new human form." -Seven Sisters

If April was a month of reassessing, redirecting and resetting, then May is a month of integrating, mutating and morphing. During the last several weeks, all those parts of ourselves that needed to be reclaimed were revealed to each of us (in mostly odious ways) during that never ending Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury is finally leaving its shadow station, and we are coming out of a very long and productive inward phase where we released & cleared lifetimes of human/genetic karmic debris... however, with so much growth in such a short period of time, our cells still need the time/space to shift and align with our new level awareness.  

Because of all the inner-work we completed last month we are experiencing a profound unmistakable soul recognition is taking place, a growing awareness of home that is filling every cell of our bodies.  Literally.

Right now we are adjusting and releasing another round of remaining density so as to align with the harmonious energies of the new-human form, and it does NOT feel good, but as we continue to come into alignment with the vibration of our complete, purified, core selves, our bodies will adjust and release, adjust and release, and the end result will be a perfected physical vessel…the physical representation of our divine-human blueprint.

"Mid-May will provide you with forward moving momentum, the key will be in how well your body is able to assimilate these energies.  If you are hanging on to unresolved issues from the past, forward movement will be halted to the extent that you are willing to let go.  The physical symptoms of mutation may continue to plague you, but only until you are fully released from the past, firmly situated in the present, and focused on moving into the future.  Trust in your body's intelligence and it will show you the way home." -Seven Sisters

New-Human Health

"If we had to define health in the new human form, we would say this: harmony.  Rather, we would change the word health to harmony." -Seven Sisters 

No doubt we are in a nasty funk…we have been knocked down for weeks with symptoms, and tired in ways that mimic the beginning of our journeys.  This deep fatigue is present in every tissue, organ, muscle and bone of our bodies…even our blood is tired….but up until now, none of it has made any cognitive sense.  

The unseens say that all of this is because we are literally changing physical form and our bodies are using all of our vitality to morph…that we are emerging from our proverbial cocoons.  Tho the butterfly analogy is relentlessly overused, it is also very poignant in the sense that we are actually changing from one physical expression to another, from the inside out….and just like the butterfly, our release from restriction is timed with the greater cycles of creation.  (groovy butterfly metamorphosis vidHERE...should make you feel right at home)

Whenever we go thru these intense periods of physical transformation, its important to remember the magnitude of change we are undergoing….that the transition we are morphing thru is not an incremental (linear) healing that is taking place as in old-paradigm holistic constructs where we "peel back the layers of the onion" to reveal our core.  Contrary to that, biological ascension (reconnection) requires that we access our core selves first, in order to effectuate true and lasting change on every level of our being and in every area of our lives.  

This is also why, for those on the ascension path, no individual healing modality can take us to full symptom cure…not only because these modalities are external, but because true health is not established thru healing, but thru remembering…aligning with…our divine state of wellness.  The difference is in the focus.

In other words, the ascension process does not bring us from bad to better (linear), but from from limitation to freedom (quantum).  The result is in the lasting effects, but the process is WAY more comprehensive…which is ultimately why the starseed warriors were designed to go first…so all you freakishly courageous souls could fully display the results of such self-inflicted torture. 

This fiercely independent group stepped up as the biological beta-testers for the new-human prototype and now these groups are finally (tho slowly) coming out of the beta (metamorphic) phase and are soon to be fully functional 2.0's as we near the end of the massive inner-journey and embark upon the final phase of our physical transition to the "other side".  (NOTE**Keep in mind that tho we are emerging, our wings still need time to harden before we can take flight, so patience is still required.)

The unseens have always said that physical health would be the last to arrive, but they are making it clear that this will not be health like we have ever known before. Health is such a broad topic that perspective matters here, but they really want us to "get it", that this state of completeness is far superior to physical well being.  They describe new human health as "an amalgamation of circular patterns of bliss…heightened, creative energies that flow uninterrupted and are interconnected, yet independent of each other...energies that transmit and communicate to each other in a harmonic and effortless way, free of the separation-based discordance that breaks the flow of vital life force in lower dimensional consciousness."

They also share that the human 2.0 christed-edition will be malleable, spontaneous, self-contained and light in its movement…they call this the "ultimate state of physical existence" and one that will require less maintenance than the older (3d) model. ohthankgawd.

Because the new-human form works with crystalline magnetics in the fluid form fields, we will be tapping into a new circuitry board, one that is built into the new grid and contains the codes required for our physical participation with conscious co-creation. 

With the upgrades complete, our ability to adapt to energy will apparently be remarkable and our new-human vessel will enable us to not only feel good...novel concept...but to navigate ourselves strictly on the new earth (crystalline) grid, which exists all around us now, pulsating with pure potential and while waiting to express its infinite intelligence thru our shiny new stellar bods.

From Service to Creation

"One further point that we would like to make with regard to this life-changing transition is that each of you are fully in control of your destinies now.  It is no longer a place of coming together to create for the good of mankind, to fix what's broken, but a place of coming together to create from deep passion, from the unrelenting desire to make manifest your YOUnique contribution to the planet thru the pure reflection of your soulular self."

We are finally at a place of fully expressing our divinity in a way that expires our old (clearing) contracts and deeply embedded programming that we are here to "save the world".  There is no saving or service required any longer….we are simply here now to share the part of ourselves that will, by default,  uplift others.  The shift is important here because when work from a place of "saving", we are holding on to the very paradigm that we are now breaking free from.  NoCanDo.

The unseens want us to deeply understand that the new-earth pioneers are shifting from service to creation, which is a completely different energy construct. 

Any need, desire or impulse to "save" the falling world comes from a polarized mind, lends energy to chaos, keeps us attached to the outworn and therefore restricted from our ability to create on the new timeline. Remember those words of one famous Albert Einstein...“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”?  It applies here.  As the outside world continues to spiral into chaos it is imperative that we push thru to a higher level of thinking by remembering that lasting change only comes when we transcend the energies that created it.

We are here now to create a new way, to create a new world... to use inspiration as our weapon and love as our shield.  And there is no turning back.

"Know that your contribution to the world is nothing more or less than what sets you on fire…it is the reflective radiance of the sun's creative potential within each of you, the core center of your embodied power to create, and for all to benefit from."  -Seven Sisters

Dance with the Divine

"Understand this...there is no longer a gap between who you are and who you want to be."  -Seven Sisters

So the past and the future are merging and we are beginning to operate from still-point, where the universal elixir of creation resides.  Its an odd sensation really, like we are no longer participating in our lives, but with them.  And nothing outside of the moment can hold our attention for very long.   Accessing anything outside of the present is growing in futility which means we are no longer operating from a place of what will be, but what is....and as well, we are shifting from the mental understanding of ascended living to the sensation-based experience of it.  This has yet to sink into our full-body awareness, but it will.

As a result of this merging, we are no longer those beings who are here to teach thru information alone…we are here now to teach thru the integrated, embodied understanding that can only be achieved thru first hand experience, and is wholly contingent upon our ability to create our inspired visions on the blank canvas that is now laid before us. When we do this effectively, the universal forces of creation come rushing to meet us…not because we have summonsed the force, but because we have become the force. As we merge with these forces of creation thru the sheer magnitude of our presence, we become one with the flow of divinity thru sacred union...and as these energies move us to act, to create, to speak, to dance, to sing, to love…all in perfect allowing...only then we will understand the true meaning of co-creation.  

This sacred dance works thru mathematics and geometry...which I will probably delve deeper into thru future writings... but for now, know that these sacred sciences are fully at play.  In the past, separation-creation was a combination of sacred science mixed with human will and using universal hologram technology (3d matrix) specifically designed for this interplay.  But now, in the fluid fields of morphic resonance, the power of these sacred sciences are pure and instantaneous.

"Those in the collaborative cosmic dance with the divine will be presented with opportunities to take part in the creation of new earth.  You are the builders, the planners, and the architects of an ascended earth.  We wish for each of you to grasp the enormity of your contribution thus far and especially as you step forth to apply your creative, sculpted vision into the world at large.  You hold dominion over the new are the fiercest of warriors, the pioneers, and therefore the guardians of Eden." 

Bridge Portals

The new-human (crystalline) prototype that the warrior brigade is beginning to embody is designed to work/communicate strictly with the intelligence of the new (crystalline) grid …without participating in the old world dynamics…which is why it is so essential that this group no longer attach to the falling world.  This also means that the interconnecting points of old-world versus new world (sacred living) will be fully protected by vortices, or forcefields of energy so as to secure the portals to new earth dwelling spaces from those who are not yet fully reconnected and operating from a place of pure heart resonance.

This is not a separation based tactic, per se, but rather a safeguarding of sacred creation as well as forces of protection for those who are not yet prepared to handle such high frequencies. These interconnected grid points will serve as the bridge portals for souls to walk over, both for souls who have ascended into triality consciousness to access duality, and for those ascending duality consciousness to access triality.

These portals will serve as anchors of higher dimensional energy for the dismantling world and offer healing to those who feel called to serve.  It will be up to those who have entered fully into triality (christ) consciousness to act as the gatekeepers and to work with these sacred portals in a way that will support the new-human and the new-earth.

For those of you who are already participating with these sacred portals between dimensions you will be coming together with many more to broadcast these energies in physical locations that support the bio-energy dynamics required to uplift humanity to a sacred level of coexistence. More on this to come...

World Without Limits

One morning a couple weeks ago I heard these words ringing in my head…"Are you REALLY ready to be, do and have it all?"  

In the past when I heard those words, they scared felt too far away and too overwhelming to grasp.  But this time I remember thinking that I don't even know what that means anymore…that I am so beat up far removed from any concept of wanting that there was suddenly no context for that question.  

Right after I formed that thought in my head, I heard…"Well then, congratulations is definitely in order."

Which inspired me share, with kind permission, this crystal clear analogy from an email I received from a reader:

"I feel like Janus at the portal, with the ability to see into both worlds.  

The old world I feel so intensely because it feels more and more repulsive in the strictest sense of that word.  I find myself looking at things and going, "I remember that" and yet it's something that the masses are still up to and yet it feels like eons ago to me, like remembering something from childhood that went out of style and is no longer around but you might see in an antique store or something.

And the new is so very exciting.  It feels so appropriate that it is springtime now as that goes with this feeling, this anticipation of something wonderful unfolding, with little hints and evidence here and there.  And yet what is so strangely prickly about the new that is coming is not knowing what to expect and not in the typical "can't know the future" kind of way but in more of a 'So, just what does one wish for when there are no limits?' "

Don't forget to nurture yourselves!

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LW said...

Hi Lauren,

New Human ... Homo veritas. :-)

Love, LW.

Ava said...

Lauren, just in time... and again I discovered this one before I even got the email! I'm in tune with you sister. Reading this post actually got me giddy. Which is a NICE feeling, considering the physical death symptoms and aching depression and frustration of the past couple days... I still don't feel *good* in a physical or emotional sense, but I'm starting to feel HOPEful... not that I trust hope at this point... but oh well, I'm enjoying it. :-)

Ava said...

I will mention one "positive" physical symptom of late... I've been eating like an absolute cow, lots of junk food too, and I seem to be looking thinner - my mother remarked on it so I know it's not "just me." I am doing the opposite of dieting - my appetite has been out of control and I feel compelled to oblige it. Also I didn't get as insanely hormonally bloated as I normally do each month, which was also grand (although the other hormonal symptoms were worse than usual... blah).

Again, THANKS LAUREN. Best channelings around. Only ones I want to read...

openid16-rounded.gif said...

OMG!!!!! Lauren, THANK YOU THANK YOU for giving expression and explanation to the crazy, insane, seemingly chaotic energy I have been feeling since May 1 and has amped up significantly since Sunday. I feel this change on every level of my being....especially in my heart. And thank you for giving words to what I have known...that we are being invited out of the "save the world" mentality to "create from your highest gifts." I have stepped into this transition and welcome it fully!!!!!! Thank you for continuing to be a vessel of Divine revelation in the world!!! 

Lauri Lumby
Authentic Freedom Ministries

Lindsay said...


This is amazing. Thank you so much for making sense of what I've been thinking & feeling lately.

Grammanet said...

Thank you Lauren:

I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you had a Reconnective Healing Session and the amazing Reconnection. Please see The Book of Enoch (The Book of Knowledge) Read Keys: 3.1.4 and 3.1.7 It is a difficult read but I think you will understand my point.

Love & Light, Annette Moreland

Charlie and Becky said...

I wasn't going to leave a comment because I always re-think what I have said and feel silly the next day, but somehow I don't care this time.

First of all, I'm seeing number signs on a daily basis encouraging me in newly incorporated changes I am making. Yay!

For example, exercise. I am working on getting this weight off FINALLY and about to implement a GUIDE to use that can be malleable and flexible (for those interested it is the Long, Lean and Strong book). 

I "heard" this in regard to exercise (for me): "It is ok to have a routine, but remember that it needs to be flexible" and that "I cannot afford NOT to exercise everyday" or do some type of physical movement (esp. with my personal health and personality)

With my history of severe depression, I feel like something has changed. That those low lows will never come back. (maybe speaking pre-maturely?) It just feels different, the depression doesn't "stick" to me like it used to these past few weeks.

I feel like I've been handed the missing puzzle piece of ME and my DIVINE BLUEPRINT! I can see my timeline unfolding.

As I continue to study becoming a harp therapist, I will do everything Lauren mentioned in her post about creating. As I enter a patient's room, I have to be willing to greet whatever situation that is there and make present moment decisions working as an instrument of healing.

Thank you Lauren, your posts speak straight to my heart.

TL;DR number signs, exercise, depression, future career

C. Danielle Ongman said...

Wow, answers a lot! I have been feeling lately that absolutely nothing means anything, like what's the point? Ready to gag on 3D and just gets hints of bliss and sweet neutrality. Can't force these things I have found, just use all the tools we have learned as needed. 

Everyday there are miracles and at the same time I am being so stretched with releasing and learning that i just want to say enough!! In fact I have told divine creator this and I do get SOME help, nuggets of compassion to keep me going. I am grateful, but OMG.

I have no physical issues, just fatigue and a back injury-to halt my "oh I can fly now" mania I had last month I suppose. 

So odd to feel this is so happening but the layers seem so jumbled that the human part of me is still like, am I going to live a regular 3D life after all? Is this it? Then I have an experience that says, no, things are never to be the same. Much LOVE and thank you!

Jim Wert said...

Thank you so much!! So much interesting and positive info here that I'll be rereading for a while!! Blessings and love!!

daoplan1204 said...

K you made me cry 3x. That's a new record. I can't express how much confirmation this one gave me, and how much confidence it will continue to bring me. THANK YOU LAUREN :)

bertapegav said...

Thanks very much for your post ¡¡¡. you give us such an important and interesting information briging us confidence and understanding . WELLCOME AND BLESSING .

Susan said...

I have deep gratitude and appreciation for having you explain my life, up to now. It has been feeling that this is the time, yet on a physical level, my injured body has forced me to sit, contemplate, formulate, dream, and perhaps the next word is to "create" my future for the next 200 years! I truly do feel like an 'almost' butterfly.
Thank you,

EnlightenedGuru said...

How do you know where you stand in the process of becoming one?

Astaria 29 said...

Thanks again Lauren, and wish you so much for all that you are and express! A pleasure to share this ride with you. :0)<3 <3 <3

elena said...

I am that I AM. And I AM that which you are seeking, as an answer to your physical pains. I am as I am because I asked to be transformed, and I asked for it to be through grace. I decided, and came to remember that I AM whole and beautiful, even in my aches (which seem a memory from the past). You too are beautiful just as you are, I know that you will remember it when your moment is decided, by you, and no other.

For all those who are in the "chaos" of transition, decide, and make it true. There are NO limits. 'So, just what does one wish for when there are no limits?' 

Now GO!

Terri said...

beautiful words, Lauren, and beautiful thing! yay Team! great work, and what a wonderful Being, this Human!! all I needed to hear! onward and UPWARD!

Astaria 29 said...

by the way the <3 are meant to be hearts....:o) xoxo

Terri said...

attitude of GRATITUDE and let's show The Way!

Tania said...

Don't know how many folks clicked through to the butterfly transformation video, but I couldn't help but chuckle about the "first commandment of a caterpillar is to eat and grow". Oh... so that explains it. ;-)

Valeried said...

Great info....Thank you so much. A lot has been explained. There was an uncertainty of what too expect. What to look forward to. The best result would come from staying in the moment & not being distracted unnecessarily. Clean slate? Yes!!! Again, Thanks.

lisagawlas said...

Amen!! Amen!! Amen!! I have not had so much ascension pain in a longgg time, at least to this long lingering degree. What is funny, spirit has always called me a "prototype" and until today, I had no flipping clue what that meant! Thank you so much for being you and all you do!! I appreciate you more than you will ever know!!

psikodiva said...

So true...the duality has never been more prominent but then again, I've never been more comfortable with it. Just a thought regarding the 'new human health as "an amalgamation of circular patterns of bliss…etc."' I can't help but see that the 2011 crop circle season seems to show some patterns that puts this interconnected/independent dealio into context for a sacred geometrical sorta way :) 

Grazi for your posts and Mucho Mad Loves to all y'all <3 

The circles in crops can be tracked here:

brightclam said...

Any physical discomfort I/we may experience is greatly overshadowed by the new place where I find myself. Communing regularly with spirits on the Other Side of the Veil, which is thinning dramatically. In lucid dreams...even in dreams where I know only that I am talking to a loved one who has crossed over....the veil is definitely lifting. Even the dream group to which I belong has been visited by a common visitor, whom I believe is a benign entity who has caught sight of the group energy we are creating. I am BLOWN away and so happy to be moving into the new and awesome paradigm.

slg8 said...

Ava I'm with you too always know when a new update is on it's way... Im usually feeling really off right before...Ive been wicked hungry too and feeling like I'm eating like crazy which isn't like me either... Crazy bloated... Gas ...sorry TMI... 

Thanks Lauren this explains alot...

Dave B. said...

Lauren, as always, beautifully put - you are an inspiration to us all! :)

This month has been very intense for me since day 1 yet I have been sensing great things are just around the corner. This past week has started to confirm this as I have an interview tomorrow morning for an excellent job in the city! I have a great feeling about it, and have also started to think about going back to school at night. I feel like my passions and potential are really re-emerging in a brand new, dynamic way. It's very exciting to say the least. :) I have also felt times of new vitality and 'I can do anything'. That is most amazing given how hard this past year(s) has been. The releasing of 'everything' literally has been very challenging, but I feel the positive, encouraging signs more and more. This is truly the best and worst of times, soon to be solely the best! We are almost there! :)

Andria Lee said...

Here's to being a fiercely independent freak and accepting that it's ok not to be noraml. Well said Lauren and thank you. Once again perfect timing!

Nia said...

Anyone else here having consistent strange, fast and surging heart beats? Or should I really go see the doctor now>!

slg8 said...

Nia... I've been having all kinds of different heart palps for a while now... It stopped briefly... But noticed it in the last week or so... If I had ins. I'd go to the doctor to be sure ... Its freaked me out many times...But I'm fairly sure it's stress and ascension... I hope!

dream_weaver_sasha said...

Thank you, Lauren. Perfect timing. I feel tired to the core with an overlying whiff of freedom. Creation is the theme of the day though and that feels exhilarating!! :)
Love to all my fellow brave spirits!

dream_weaver_sasha said...

@ as well

Inanna said...

I was having intense heart palpitations last summer for a couple months or so. Its normal - but maybe see a doctor just in case.

I love when we have corresponding posts and feelings Lauren.

yk248 said...

Lauren, yes, makes much sense, thanks.

The -beat up- wiped out had me lol.

You know how to make it sound bearable. :)

Namaste :)

Metafizzy said...

Yep I've also been having heart palps for a few months. I was disappointed because I had a major (unexpected, otherworldly) heart healing with white light in 2002 and I expected I would never have these symptoms again. But I started to sense that it is part of the energies bathing the planet. Glad to know that others are also experiencing. By all means, however, if your guidance tells you to check with a dr., do so!

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  • Lauren is my favorite channel, thanks for posting this one :)
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