Humanity Will Become Immortal
Greetings, friends!
There's some fantastic news. We will soon be entering the New Earth. The Galactic Federation has confirmed this.
The New Earth exists in the same space as the Old Earth, but it is at a higher dimensional level. The energies of the two piles of Earth influence each other. Therefore, eventually, all of humanity will move into the New Earth, and our consciousnesses will ascend to higher levels of awareness and spiritual development.
What will it be like on the New Earth?
The New Earth is not an actual physical planet as you know it now, but rather a dimension that exists on top of the old Earth (the third dimension). It has been termed the "Fifth dimension."
The old Earth is still under the rule of darkness. The new Earth will be ruled by light.
In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between the old Earth and the new Earth. The main difference between old Earth and new Earth is that on old Earth, we have a carbon-based body, and on new Earth, it will be a crystal-based body.
The transition from carbon-based to crystalline-based DNA has been described as a quantum leap in human evolution. Humanity will become immortal. The process of transition is already underway and will continue for some time.
During the transition period, existing carbon-based bodies will be gradually replaced by crystalline-based light bodies. These light bodies are real physical manifestations of the new crystalline network that is gradually appearing within the Earth's Collective Consciousness Field (CCF). Thus, they are not ethereal or astral in nature. They exist in physical form like your current bodies do, but they are composed of a more refined matter/energy matrix and are more finely tuned to the resonant frequency of your True Self—your multidimensional, eternal essence that exists beyond time and space.
The Universal Law of Attraction will cause your awareness to be drawn to these new crystalline forms in order for you to occupy them so that you can reunite with all those who have already made this transition and so that you can help co-create the New Earth together with them.
As you progress along your own spiritual path and create the necessary energetic blueprints in your mind and body through meditation, affirmation, and visualization techniques, you will begin to raise your consciousness to a higher dimension in order to attract this crystalline form.
We are not aware of our own soul or spirit because we are behaving like a corpse. We have forgotten the secret of immortality from ancient times, but on reaching the New Earth, we will again attain that knowledge and become immortal beings.
There is no death on the New Earth. The New Earth will be a paradise-like place. On the old Earth, there was death and separation of masculine and feminine energies, which caused us to face many problems in our daily life. On the New Earth, there will be no death, and this separation will be done away with. There will only be Oneness. So there will be only one gender. Both masculine and feminine energies will be in a union.
Yes, it is true. The old Earth is nearing the end of its time. And the New Earth is in the process of being created. The old Earth had all kinds of problems, like war, terrorism, natural calamities, poverty, unemployment, diseases, etc. But they will not exist on the New Earth. The new Earth will be a place where peace and happiness run wild.
The New Earth has been created by God Almighty, and we will be transferred to the New Earth through Ascension.
That's why God Almighty has been delaying his work of creation so that we can get prepared for the New Earth. We have to prepare ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually for that day because on that day; there will be no turning back for anyone.
For some time now, the events on Earth have been changing very rapidly. The light penetrates the darkness, and a lot of people feel that something big is about to happen.
But what will happen? How is it going to affect us?
Let us discuss this in more detail.
On the old Earth, we were in duality or separation. In separation, there has to be a winner and a loser, but that doesn't exist in Oneness. Oneness dispenses with duality because it exists only as an illusion. And there are no losers or winners in Oneness; everything is One.
Duality means that there is a light side and a dark side, but we will all be together again on the New Earth, which will be very different from what we know today.
The New Earth knows no boundaries between countries, religions, or races. There are no wars, no greed, ego, or fear, and there is respect for all living things.
This is not a future scenario but very much a reality already. We have already started our journey into the New Earth by leaving behind the old paradigm based on duality.
We are all One Love, One Light, One Consciousness. We have all come from a divine source.
The New Earth is described as a world free from all vices, crime, and disease. There is no need for money, and everyone shares their material possessions with those who are less fortunate than themselves. The inhabitants of the New Earth are said to have perfect health and to be free from any illness, disease, or physical defect. They never have accidents or experience death before the time of their natural life span.
Particular emphasis is placed on freedom from any kind of physical pain. This freedom is not limited to just the inhabitants themselves but also extends to animals and plants—even insects, which we might normally consider pests that must be eradicated.
The New Earth will be a spiritual world where people are in constant communication with God. The world itself is sacred, and everything in it is alive with God's presence.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Master The Ascension Process Now
Confront your fears!
When we think of confidence, we usually think of someone who's confident in their ability to do something or who's confident enough to make a move. But how about confidence in ourselves?
Confidence is an important quality to have, especially if you're planning on doing something that could require a lot of risk-taking.
When you are self-confident, you are able to do things that scare you sometimes. Without it, you're likely to step back and not take risks involved with pursuing your goals.
In our fast-paced, busy lives, we can often feel that we're getting nowhere. We get frustrated and feel like we're not making any headway—but it's more likely that we're just making excuses.
We are all moving on the same journey, and sometimes it feels like we're stuck in traffic. We can't seem to get where we want to be no matter how hard we try because our perception is distorted. We feel like something is missing from our lives; we think that if only someone would tell us what the missing piece is, then everything would fall into place and make sense.
There is a very important principle in life that I call "Face Your Fears!"
Facing your fear is the birth of the power of your life. It is when you become the man or woman that you have always wanted to be, and you have never been before. That becomes the greatest thing in life.
You can make it happen by practicing this one principle: Become unafraid of the opinions of others.
How do you get there? It starts with a decision to let your actions speak for themselves. You don't need anyone's approval. You don't want anyone to criticize you or tell you what to do, think, or feel.
If someone criticizes your actions, smile and say thank you because they are giving you information that will help you improve. If someone tells you what to do, ignore them. If they show you how they did it, learn from them. If someone tries to tell you what to think or feel, keep quiet and listen; if they try to teach you how to think or feel, use it!
Ultimately, all that matters is that you know who you are and what you want out of life. When you do this, then all the pieces of your life start to fit together. And when they do—when you have found yourself and your purpose—everything else will fall into place around you.
The problem with the way we think is that the problems we see are not always real. Life is not a problem, but fear is a problem. Fear makes everything a problem. But it's not really a problem because there's nothing wrong with your life. It's just that you're afraid that there might be something wrong with it. Fear is just an illusion of separation, and when you don't separate yourself from fear, you become love.
We all have fears, even though we try to hide them. What we fear most about our fears is that they are real.
So how do we begin to deal with our fears?
The only way to eliminate fear is to face it with love. Love is the first step to defeating fear. This can be difficult, as it might make us uncomfortable at the moment. But if we are willing to do that, we can turn around and look at our fears from a different perspective.
Fear can be overcome by observing it with love instead of running away from it. Fear often comes when we are divided against ourselves and trying to control something outside of ourselves. The greatest way to control your own life is to identify what you have lost control of and learn how to let go of it so you can regain control over yourself.
When love comes into your life, you are no longer alone. You are no longer living in a world of things that cannot be trusted or loved. When love enters your world, you see a place where all things are perfect and beautiful and good and kind, and nothing can hurt you anymore. And then your world is so full of life that it is impossible to want anything but to want to keep on living in it forever.
Your life becomes a celebration of possibilities instead of a struggle against obstacles. Every day becomes an opportunity to make miracles happen instead of frustrations and fears about what might happen in the future.
There is a reason why the last five words of the Bhagavad Gita are "Love is when you have known your inner sky."
It's not hard to understand what life is about. It's your actions that make the difference. We all want to be happy, but we all find it difficult to do what is needed to attain that happiness. So how can we attain happiness?
We feel happy when we are in love with someone. This love strengthens us and helps us in many ways. The best thing about being in love is that you have overcome many hurdles and problems, and this gives you the strength to go further in life. It also makes you learn many things from your partner, which guides you while growing up with him/her and makes you as a couple stronger. Being in love gives you strength and courage to face every situation because there is no problem too big for you to solve with your partner's support.
This life is full of uncertainty, but if you are in love, then there are no uncertainties because you know everything will be alright. Love takes care of things that would otherwise worry us. It has made many people very rich and successful.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
A New Financial System For New Earth
Greetings, beloved ones!
Our Galactic Federation sends forth messages to assist humanity on a regular basis. I want to share one of these messages with you once again:
"We are the Galactic Federation, and we have a few things to say about this process that is occurring in your world. We want to talk a little bit about what is happening and also some of the reasons why it is happening.
We want you to understand that in your world, there are many different factions, and they are all fighting for their own version of reality. They are fighting for their own version of the control, and they don't want other people to have power. They don't want other people to have freedom. So, there have been struggles for control of your world for many thousands of years.
This has been a very violent planet because of the degree of separation that exists – separation among yourselves, the separation between yourselves and all other life forms on your planet, separation between humanity as a collective and your planet itself. This separation exists because of the energies that have been used by those who have controlled you—energy that has come from rage, hatred, anger, and from fear.
Frequently you see these energies expressed in physical ways – through pandemic or war or through competition over resources that are scarce or over land or over political power. These things occur because the old energy patterns are still playing out on your planet.
There is a lot of change happening on your planet right now. Many people are feeling fear, confusion, and a sense of loss as they try to make sense of the world around them. While it is true that there is a feeling of chaos in the world today, there are many positive changes occurring at the same time as these chaotic ones.
In this process of the old breaking down, there is much change happening. In your physical world, it is becoming apparent that the old systems are failing, and they are failing rapidly. Your financial system is in shambles. Your food systems are failing. Your educational system is not preparing you for what you need to know to be successful in life. Your energy systems are not giving you the ability to move forward with the technologies that are available to you today.
As you know, the old financial system has broken down and is undergoing massive change. Old systems in governments and other organizations are being replaced with new, more equitable ones. The energy on your planet is allowing all this to occur so that your society can evolve into one that is more loving, fair, and compassionate.
People from countries that were once at odds with each other are becoming allies in order to avert a major war. This breakup of old alliances will allow for greater peace on your planet in the future.
The new financial system is being implemented very slowly because there are still those who would prefer to hold onto the old ways of doing things. The new way of doing business will be based on equality rather than greed, so it will require some time for people to adjust their thinking and behavior.
There are many ways to describe the concept of the shift that is occurring on this planet. It is a time when the old is breaking down, and the new is coming in. Many of you who are reading this right now are in the process of making major changes in your lives, as well as major changes within yourselves. You may have many dreams about the future and about a new life for yourself, and you may feel an excitement building within you because you know that a change is coming. And it is!
You are all creating this change because you are all co-creators. You have put it into motion through your thoughts and through your feelings because your feelings create reality. You have put this change out into the universe, and now it is coming back to you. It may not come in exactly the way that you expect it to come or at exactly the time that you expect it to come but be assured that it IS coming. It has been birthed by your thoughts and desires, and now it is manifesting for you.
There will be much upheaval on Earth in the next few months as old systems break down and new systems are born. Change is coming to every country, every city, every town, and every village.
Some things are changing faster than others, but the changes are happening all over the planet. This is such an exciting time to be alive on Earth. There is so much change happening in every different aspect of life as well as in your own individual lives. Some of you may be experiencing more change than others, depending on your own personal journey. But no matter what is going on for you in your life, know that the universe is working with you and for you in every area. It has your back, and it's always there, ready to help. Just ask—that's all it takes!
A new paradigm is emerging with a new financial system that is based on truth and love, not debt and control. These changes will affect everyone on the planet. It's time to let go of the old way of doing things so you can create your own future. Creating your future starts with letting go of the past.
Let go of the past so you can create your future.
It's time to let go of fear and negative emotions. Fear is an illusion created to keep you from creating what you want in your life. You are loved and wanted on this planet! You have gifts that others need. You have a purpose in life that is unique only to you! If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's time to let go of the past, forgive yourself, forgive others, and start fresh today!
"I am willing to let go of my fears so that I can live my life as I desire,": say bravely.
Fortunately for you, beloveds, many of you have already chosen a different path, a path of love and light, a path of creation and connection with your creator/Source. You have chosen this consciously, or your essence has chosen it for you. In any case, you made this choice at some point in your life, or even lifetimes ago, and it is now becoming more apparent as the time of transition upon your planet accelerates!
The New Earth is already here! It has been here for a long time! It is now becoming more visible to those who choose to see it. Those who choose to remain in the old consciousness, the old world order, will remain blind to this process of ascension and will continue on their path of destruction and separation from their creator. "
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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