

Humans & Extra-Terrestrials ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are increasingly excited to witness your journeys, as we see you unlocking more and more of the keys to your evolution of consciousness. We see more individuals on a daily basis who are looking within themselves for those keys than we have ever seen before on Earth. We know that you understand the power of meditation, and we notice that most of you utilize this valuable tool. What we have begun to notice recently is how much more interested you all are in your personal histories, your journeys throughout the galaxy, and the e.t. DNA and energy that you have inside of you.

You have gotten to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. And we’ve noticed that you are doing your best to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important, you might wonder? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them.

You have often thought of yourselves as a collective in very unflattering ways. You have either been far, far beneath that which you call God or Source, or you have been the lowly humans who are looking to the skies for extra-terrestrials who can come and swoop down with their ships to save you. Now is a pivotal point in human history because more and more of you are realizing that you are a part of their story. You are recognizing that they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them, and you have come to the knowing that you have something to offer besides gold or slave labor.

First of all, humanity has climbed up from the depths of feeling so separate from Source and so divided in your beliefs about Source. You have suffered so much and have endured so many negative emotions throughout your history there on Earth, and you are fascinating because of what you have been able to struggle through and emerge from. You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming.

Now is the time to invite them to land their ships, because you are ready to get to know them. You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are connected to all of you and all other beings and collectives in the universe in a way that allows us to better understand all aspects of Source. We are very excited about meeting more of you consciously, while you are in your waking state, because we know how much you all have to give, how much you have to offer us in our knowing of ourselves. There is so much power in the diversity that exists amongst all beings in the universe. You all have the capacity to see that, to see your differences as what makes you powerful as a collective, and that really is the goal for you all right here and right now.

You do want to come together and experience the power of unity consciousness; you do want everyone to be given an opportunity to be exactly who they are and to fit into the space they were always meant to fill. Being a loving and accepting person has such a huge impact on the collective you are a part of and the entire universe. Every time you give someone permission to be exactly who they are, you make this coming together more possible. You make yourselves more powerful as a collective, and as a powerful collective, you can experience enormous, massive changes, the types of changes you all have been waiting for.

The problem with the perspective that most people have on these changes is that they assume that it will be something outside of themselves that initiates all the change. But when you realize that the power has been within you all along and remains inside of you, that should be enough to put a smile on your face, to warm your heart, and to ask yourself how you can be more accepting of others, even in their radical differences from the way you live your life.

Of course, it’s not always easy to just accept the actions of a person who is harming others or the beliefs of a person that are racist, misogynistic, or homophobic, but it is the first step in getting them to heal and become who they really are. You have tried to just condemn everyone to prison or even death, as a society, who isn’t doing what is best for everyone. You have tried that level of consciousness in your approach to living in a more perfect world, and it hasn’t worked. In fact, that strategy is backfiring, as your prisons become breeding grounds for more crime and more violence, and your approach of dealing with terrorism by dropping bombs just creates more terrorists.

So you have to admit that the approach you have been taking on your world hasn’t been working, and then you can see how you could possibly accept, forgive, and embrace everyone as they are. And when you can do that, you will see those enormous, massive changes you want to see there on Earth you want to see, and you will start seeing them right away because you will be seeing the world through that new lens that you have put on. You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting news and other stories about people coming together because of the decision that you made within yourself to start accepting others regardless of what they do, what they think, what they say and what they believe. That is where your true power lies.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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