I've Got My Ticket! - Voyage to the Stars Trip

8108756678?profile=originalAs I'm reflecting on the Voyage to the Stars trip, I encourage myself to make a choice - where do I stand? Is it going to happen or not?

I don't need the physical proof of this event occuring to know of the great love and existence of Star Family and my connection in oneness with them or you.

I Have a Choice

I know that we're all in this together and it is our group energy that will in a large part help this trip to happen or not. So because I know we're all creating together, I choose for my words to be reflective of that understanding of my eternal self, our Divine Power to co-create and our Oneness.

As I am eternal, I have plenty of time to be patient and visit with Star Family in the physical, as I've done often astrally or in dreamstate. As I work on self, release what I need to release and do this inner work more and more, this only increases my chances of a physical visit with Star Family occurring sooner rather than later.

I know there might be naysayers on this event everywhere - on this site, other sites, in mass consciousness. No matter what the popular vote is on this trip or what mass consciousness expresses about it, I know that as a Divine Being I can visit with Star Family anytime, planned trip with others or not. I will not be hindered individually from visiting  Star Family on the ships on my own. I already visit the Cities of Light and the starships energetically and some are even working with Star Family to beam themselves physically onto the ships right now as we speak.  So the way I see it, all is not lost due to a mere change in planning for the Voyage to the Stars trip. The more I prepare myself, the more invites I'll receive to physically visit both the Neptune Mothership and others. 

It was said that women would never get the right to vote, they did. It was said that the Wall would never fall, it did. It was said we would never have a woman as President, we almost did. It was said we would never have a Black man as President, we do. I know that it has been said that physical visits to the starships won't happen, can't happen right now. I know they can and will.  I have faith and trust in my Star Family and will continue working with them in unity.

I Have Access to Info Through my own Divine Heart

Anything I run across, whether it's this event or a channel, I always run it through my Sacred Heart to discern the truth and accuracy of the information for me. We can go within, take some deep breaths and inquire about the truth of this event for self. We can listen to our hearts on this, not the brain mind that may be subject to fears, angers and hurts of the past, but our sacred heart centers, composed of the sacred heart and sacred mind acting in tandem as one and in love....

Speak or Go Within?

I understand that, as I am a Divine Creator, what I say and share with my powerful words will be what I'm helping to create and manifest for not only myself and those around me, but my entire world.

So right now, I'm asking myself, what do I individually and what do we collectively wish to create at this moment with our outlook, words and energy? What do we choose to see, speak about and create, for not only ourselve, but our children, our parents, our neighbors, our world? I choose to use my words, energy and outlook to help create harmony, unity, oneness, peace and joy!

Focus on the Gift

I know that as hard as it may sometimes seem, if I am in fear or anger about something, it is best that I go quiet, go within and nuture myself so that I can then re-emerge viewing my world in harmony, through my heart, in balance without fear, anger or disappointment.

I know that some dear souls are disappointed the Voyage to the stars hasn't occured in the way we expected yet. For some there is great disappointment and they feel loss, pain, like they've been tricked or let down... believe me, I know... for I've known disappointment ... I've known frustration and heartache and I've known the pain of putting myself out there 1000% percent to at times feel like I've only received disappointment in return. But in all those cases, it was because I wasn't seeing the gift of the situation. My perception was skewed.

So if we want, we can choose to see the gift of this situation with the trip exactly as it has transpired so far AND FOCUS ON THAT.

I Love You, We are One

And so to those feeling sorrow and disappointment at this moment, I wrap and shelter you in my love, give you an energetic hug and kiss on the cheek and say to you... I understand... I love you... it will be okay...

Also, let's also remember, the Voyage to the Stars trip hasn't been cancelled, there's just been a slight change in how it will come about. (Are we going to throw away Christmas just because we didn't get to open our presents at 10 am like we planned?)

The Important Question for Me

The important question is... how are we going to act and conduct ourselves in response to the change on this site? And does how we decide to conduct ourselves fit with how we'd like to act and conduct ourselves on the starships with Star Family? Imagine you invited 100 people to your home for an event. How would you want those guests to respond and act in response to your hospitality and gratious invitation to come to your home?

The way I feel, Star Family has been waiting a lot longer for a physical meeting with Humanity than I have with them!

So in posting my responses to this event, I have to ask myself - how do I want to be remembered about this event? We all know disclosure is indeed going to come about, whether it's tomorrow, a month from now, a year or 10 years. It is going to come for each of us. So I ask myself, how do I want to be remembered as having responded this event and any changes to it ...

I can remember that if I have anger or fear or can't believe or trust at this time, that's okay. I can just decide to get quiet, go within and ask my Divine Self, Guides, Star Family or even Creator to help me understand, process and release whatever in my outlook is not serving me and the highest good at this time.

They will respond.

I love you.

For those who are disappointed, I hear you and cradle you in my arms and love forever, for we are one.

Love, peace and blessings,


P.S. I'm not giving up my ticket and seat for this amazing field trip no matter what! I'll continue preparing myself knowing that my visit will occur at the perfect time and in the perfect way!  lol!

P.S.S. Here's a wonderful summary of some of the wider purposes and missions of this event that may assist in a greater understanding as to why the changes in how the event will be carried out were implemented.


P.S.S. Here are just 4 out of a myriad of things I can do before I make a post about the Voyage to the Stars trip to double-check if what I'm writing is actually serving me and the whole or not:

1. Inform myself - Links at the bottom to several discussions about this event are included for convenience.

2. Count to 10 and ask "Is it for the highest and best good of all that I write this post"

3. Take a walk in nature and actually talk out loud to my guides and Star Family and Creator about what I'm feeling. Then I can let them comfort, nourish and converse with me on what I can do to improve my circumstances.

4. Divine Body Check - For this, I stand up, put my hand on my heart and ask myself "Divine Self, would it be for the highest and best good of all that I write this message about the Voyage to the Stars, move my body forward for yes and backward for no" and then I can listen and feel the response.

5. Heart Check - I can pay attention to my own heart - before posting a blog or comment, I can read the message out loud to myself and then notice how it makes my heart feel (not my head). Do I feel a joy and upliftment from my post/comment or do I feel down or a sadness/

I choose and intend to be a bringer of joy and upliftment to my world and those around me in everything I do! This will help me be mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally prepared to take this awesome trip!


Written Transcript - Conference Call 2/4/12 - Part One

Audio of Part 2 - Conference Call 2/4/12

Preparation Instructions:







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  • Beautiful words thank you!  To me time is irrelevant in this, we are beyond that now.  I try to find a lesson in all things and there is a wonderful message in this event the lessons will be be different for each person but for me I learned to breathe, to let go.  Do you remember when you were a child and waited for an exciting day and time crept by so slow whilst you waited anxiously.  When we look back at that same event with adult eyes the time was meaningless.  Well my brothers and sisters this is no different... When it does happen you will look back at this time and say "I guess the wait wasn't that bad!  I kinda wish I would have done this or that while I waited."  Focus on the here and now, on your brothers and sisters of light that need you here in the now.  We will visit our Star Family soon enough and then the real work will start because we still have to fix this beautiful planet that has been ravaged by us all.  Walk in the light where ever you may be and share a smile it'll be O.K. I promise.

    Much love and understanding my friends,

    Nathan J. Lawcynell 

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