I have to get this off my chest

have to get this off my chestInboxXReply|john gunshefski to Allison, Ashley, chris, christine, david, gunshefski, James, JamesG, lemuria, lisa, mike, na, patty, samantha, Steve, torres, walter, yumi, Yumishow details 10:18 AM (0 minutes ago)I am talking about Ascension. Now , I think a lot of people think that when the ET's come face to face with us all their problems will be gone instantly. Listen, this ET mission was heralded from God. The galactics answered the call to duty to heal Mother Earth and all sentiment life upon her. Their mission is more of a spiritual mission than just technology. Yes, they will bring their technology but more important they will bring the love of their souls to each and everyone. I see a lot of people all for the ascension, however these same people have a lot of negativity, judgement and condemnation in their hearts. It is time to wake up all to your true selves. Your true self is a highly powerful being of God. You see god actually, hum how can I say this, God literally divided him/herself into trillions and trillions of different aspects of him/herself. These aspects became souls known as you and I the animal kingdom, the nature kingdom, the cetacean kingdom. So yes lterally YE ARE ALL GODS.It is very important at this time to heal all your old wounds. A lot of people will show up in your lives that may have hurt you in some way or someone you just hate. Well there is a reason they are showing up and the reason is to heal the situation. You dont have to get along with everyone but accept their personalites and allow them their god given right to be who they are whether you agree with them or not. It is time to lift your vibrations of your soul.. I am getting good at it as if I see someone that in the past I would judge or condemm, I simply see the god in them. Now I dont want to judge or control god so I now see them in a totally diffeent perspective whether I agree with them or not. I remember one day I gave a dollar to a homeless man that was ragged and dirty. He looked me in the eyes and said god bless you. Wow I could feel his god self come through. His eyes were shining the shine of love. I had so much admiration and respect for this man. We all could but we have to recognize the god inside all of us. I think what I am saying is of great importance at this time. Remember, God, the Angels, the masters the Galactics cannot and will not make the decison for you to ascend. It is up to each individual to make that decision on their own. Now they would all like for as many humans to ascend as possible but know that will not be the case. and respect those that donot choose ascension as some of them may feel they have more growth to do on a 3rd dimensional planet. So when you find yourselve feeling negativity for anyone or jealosy or condemnation, take a minute and see the god in them. The more you do this the more you lift up your own vibrational energy and you will see how good it feels. 2012 is not about destruction. Yes it is about the end of the world, and I mean the end of the world as we know it and then into the Golden age of love,peace and joy for all. Man what a world it will be, I could picture it now. We are going to have such a great time but for now there is much work for all of us to do. Work of the soul. So go out unto this world and show love for everyone. See the godspark in their eyes. Show no hatred, no judgement, no jealosy, no condemnation for love is all that is real. God's intention for us is to live in this golden age and now more than ever you have so much help from the other side. The only thing is you have to ask for this help and it dont matter if you ask the angels, ascended masters, the galactics or others. When you ask I feel it is important also to request that beings only of the highest Christed consciousness come into your aura. And get ready for the ride of your lives as they rejoice and take so much pleasure in assissing us with our soul evolution. Wow now that felt good to get this message out. God bless you all as you continue on your journey and may you always seek to create the next grandest vision you have ever imagined of yourself.
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  • Thank you so much Agnes. Yes I heard about the IRS issue. These are called hardship withdrawals and you dont have to pay it back. you still have to pay the penalty and taxes next year. What I did was type up a fake letter from my owners to me saying i would get evicted if I dont pay 3 thousand rent. I told the owners and they signed the letter for me. I got the money in 2 working days. I lent my owners(hey I sound like a dog woof woof) 700 because I knew they are having trouble with their mortgage. I finally causght up with my bills for the first time in 2 years and still have maybe 800. I wish I could just take the whole amount out as I am 100 percent in the know zone of the ascension that we are currently going through. Thanks again for your info.
  • Gunner,

    The only way for you to take out your money is when you owe IRS money and that you don't have the $$ to pay them. My hubby owe them $$ and was on disability retirement (it's all in the head) and they had to no choice but to allow him to take out his $$ and pay the IRS debt. He got 35% tax taken from him upon withdrawal. To me, that is daylight robbery and I'm manifesting to get at least half back from IRS. Talking about doing injustice to the Americans. In other countries (I won't say which), citizens pay around 16% to their old age retirement/housing/medical funds (so that no one will be homeless) and the rest they get it back to feed the family and pay bills.

    At the end of the year, everyone pay for the income tax before March the following year and you can opt to pay by instalment. That is very fair to the citizens. I'm sending wonderful intentions to and for you. God bless all of you.
  • Nice meg. I gotta go home now an d I dont have a home computer. That is why i dont comment at night or the weekends. Thanks so much for all your help Meg and god bless you and your family.
  • Wow Meg you go girl. If I ever win the big lottery and set up my school of ascension you have a job. 4 day 4 hours a day workweeks with all the benefits, vacation holiday and sick leave. although I would not call it sick leave. Say you dont feel like coming to work on a day you just call in and say hey I dont feel it today or I have spring fever. Thanks a lot for all your info. I used to get mad saying how can they tell me what I can do with my own money.
  • No I spoke with our HRD department. I gotta call them up and say yo i want my money now.
  • Thank you for the info but they already told me I cant withdraw my funds. I know about the 10 percent penalty and taxes but I would still take it out.
  • Comdr- I base my whole future on this event as this has been in the making for many years already. You can say I am in the know zone. I wish there was a way to acess my 401 k money as I know I WONT NEED IT IN THE FUTURE. THE ONLY THING i WOULD RECCOMEND IS TO HAVE A SURVIVAL KIT IN YOUR HOME. I MEAN WE ARE TALKING OF A COMPLETE TRANSITION TO THE WAY LIFE IS AS WE KNOW IT AND i AM SURE THIS WILL NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED OVERNIGHT. Man I always do that I hit the cap lock button by mistake. I thank you anyway for your advice. And dont worry about me seeking approval because one of the sayings in life which i got from God through the conversation with god books is to "seek the approval of no one"
    Number 9 i feel so pumped up by your reaction to a negative situation. This is what it is all about.
    Vagelis4- You know I would want as many as possible to join the new world but that will not be the case. A lot of souls with stick to the old 3d pardagramn ( I know I spelled that word wrong) and a lot of souls will feel they have more to learn on a 3d world. All decisions will be honored and not judged as one decision is not considered better than the other. This is an indivdual decision. Also i keep reading people will be bought to full consciousness. I am not exactly sure how that will wrok but lately i am seeing the least likely people waking up to who they are. Ok Back to the movie 1,k 2 3 ACTION.
  • Agnes, I give your movie 5 stars. i could feel your passion coming through your words. Hey that is also what the messages from the et and spirit world have been urging us to do. Create in your mind that which you want in our new world. I have a movie but first i would like to walk the streets and tell the poor and homeless that they now hav e a home, food, clothing and all is free of charge. I want to go overseas and tell the soldiers peace has been declared. I want to go to the oceans and tell the dolphins and whales they need not worry anymore about our sonar use and our destruction of their enviroment. I want to walk free with the lions and the lambs. This can be fun making our own movies so keep on creating as all creation starts with a thought.
  • Well done, Gunner!

    All of us are already 'Christed' as we all have the divine in all of us. It is just an amber which we have to 'stoke' by achieving what we're here to do and the divine spark will light up in beautiful violet flames - that's who we are - One with God.

    We don't have to wait for 2012 to have heaven on earth. It can be NOW. Just 'imagine/create' (like a movie) a wonderful and beautiful story of what we would like to have in our journeys.

    E.g. - My movie is:

    I have this beautiful story of having a large, beautiful and endless garden with lots of tasty fruits, vegetables, flowers and much more ..sharing them with God's creatures like the butterflies, dragonflies, birds, earthworms ect. We have wonderful neighbors, friends, family, relatives surrounding us in harmony, helping each other out, barter and trade what we have and helping each other in bringing the best out in each one of them in a gentle and loving way. We all have 'Everything' that we need from God...everything! Perfect health, unconditional love, creative, successful in our endeavors in achieving wellness for mankind and much more.

    What is your story/move? Keep on playing your special 'story/movie' in your mind whenever you're distracted or feeling negative or having the 'urge to tell' others what to do/think/say. It helps a lot to tell your 'ego' to 'Get Lost'...or simply say 'Go Away!' or like Bewitch did - snap your finger with the intention to send it away.

    We don't need approval for anything. We just do the best that we can and the best that we know how.

    Gunner, you said it very well...congrats!
  • Thanks! This was the perfect timing for this message.

    I had just met this guy that I hated a lot in high school today. His name had randomly came up in conversation and then a few minutes later there he was! I felt so uncomfortable and all these memories came rushing back - but the best part was that I felt no hatred toward him. He was just a person.

    Now I can move on and let go of that negative past experience.
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