When i was a young boy 2yrs old and younger i saw this reality as an infinite space it had a character to it,here and there where things best described as hills of energy rolling into forever changing colors as they spread into the horizon pretty uneventful place to tell the truth. next i noticed my self i was a plasma ball of purple orange blue red pink and green like an electric ball shifting through phases.next i saw a red electric ball it came to my vicinity and slightly merged with me i really loved this red electric ball the ball then disengaged i saw it leave i was a little bit redder now also then a purple electric ball did the exact same thing i really appreciated this purple one there was love and something else a intrigue of sorts a questioning which was strange b/c i didnt have any concept of questioning b4 that.this ball once again departed just like the red one. my body at that point did an amazing thing it turned inside out on itself this implosion gave me a new sight to observe and a new body through which to observe this new sight i was sitting on what i now know as a couch in a body beside another body slightly bigger than mine it was my brother he was reading me a book i have a picture of this scene.thus i fully entered into earth as most ppl know it(btw the red ball was my mom the purple was my dad)i never forgot my origin. i went out of my body spontaneously after a traumatic experience of learning that i could hurt a lot (i found a bottle of dried gold fingernail paint threw it down to break it and get the gold inside some glass popped up and split the webbing between my fingers it was so painful i popped out to escape) now this place i popped out into was not infinite it had boundaries it was a massive place and it had tunnel openings ppl where walking out of into this realm in the middle was a massive creature i can only describe as a big dark bipedal dinosaur it had it mouth open and its eyes closed now the mouth had a stairway going to it the ppls size was 1/10000th the size of the dark dino and the ppl were walking in pairs and groups and one at a time they were all talking to each other laughing or just walkin doing normal ppl things.when they reached the top they all fell in the creatures mouth i was screaming at them look look at what your walking into !!!!!! no one heard me though and they kept going happily into the creatures belly never even looking at where they were walking or what lay ahead i cried Noooooooooooooooo! this cant be all the while the stairs and the dino grew larger so this is the first 3 dimensions i have visited know here comes the good stuff the other dimensions i have visited start at the age of 13 fitting no?to be continuedok i am thirteen and i start thinking what am i?i traced everything i knew about me back to the begining of this story i am telling and my realization was that I AM this to me was most amazing and profound i sat staring at all that i was not blinking just frozen in i am an amazing thing happened i whited out like the exact opposite of a blackout.i found my self in a place of pure light white light so brillant it erased all but the awareness of i am there was no other thoughts feelings sights or sense data just i am.the light withdrew like tunnel vision as reality faded into view at this point i am in my body again and i dont know what a what is a who or even how to describe the things around me i had to rebuild everything that "I knew" in order to function and reason with this reality but i was changed i did not (intentionally) put all my knowings back on there shelf.so now i know what i am i am a creation of self to interact with other dimensions. excellent.I grew very fond at this point with dancing freely to music and started traveling around listening and dancing when i dance i try to describe the sound and myself in the very act of dancing i become one with movement sound and light i did this so well one day i whited out again this time i broke through the light to the source of it what i saw still gets me excited( i am still finishing the digital picture of it and will post it soon).the landscape i saw was an infinite ground that bowled in the middle in that bowl was a circle of thirteen ruins made from energy blocks inside the circle was a shimmering liquidish energy and directly in the middle stood a obelisk on the tip of this obelisk pulsated a white green ball of energy it had tendrils of energy shooting off in all directionsi followed one of these and it merged with me until i came out into a realm that seemed to be a alien planet this was confirmed when a being with an elongated head and a grey body wearing a shimmering robe that had the thirteen ruins on the chest (looked exactally the same as the previous realm and the sleeves and neckline and footline had similar ruins but distinctly diff.) hovered up to me and said i could use the term ulien for our discussion when i referred to him i said what was that place you must know something i see it on ur chest. he told me something i already suspected it was the nexus for our earth a sort of intention antenna i asked what he had to do with it he said the same thing you have to do with it i began to tunnel vision out and as this was happening he said to me i am u u are alien we r ulien go find the 11 other us we are to be one as i come into this reality again i look up from my dancing to see everyone looking at me hundreds of other dancers but they are also looking elseware like they have one body over another both doing different things.next we have the girlfriend dimension this was a great sight to behold .as i was hangout with my girlfriend in the backseat of our mutual friend car we were driving to a store her mom owned from a farm we were hanging out at about a 40 minute trip it started raining it was night time and we were almost at the shop but oh no there is an ambulance in front of us we have to stop someone ran off the road into a tree he was dying right in front of us i could see it and also a strange clown creature was there suddenly it didnt look nice as i thought this he looked at me the clown that is.he saw me and knew i saw him he pulled out a knife and snared at me i flipped out at this point becuase he was going after that man and i interupted and now i thought he was gonna come after me i told the friend driving to turn around and fast i had to beg with tears streaming down my face they did and just in time i might addand ppl let me tell you my adrenaline was pumping hard and fast the trip to the shop from there seemed like we were going lightspeed the rain drops and the light it looked just like warp drive in starwars or startrek well when we arrive at the shop i sit down on a stool and stare off slightly down and to the right for a while trying to figure out what i had seen i was staring and i must have been doing it without blinking for a while so my girlfriend walks in front of me to ask if i am ok b4 she finishes she says "are u------------------ boom i white out and i am looking at a block in a shimmering brick like structure on the top of the block is a butterfly slowly flapping i stare for a while and then somehow i zoom out a bit noticing more bricks with objects on them like dragonflys or fairies millions of bricks millions of beautiful things on the top corner of each shimmering brick ,this thing is a massive structure i zoom out some more i see my girlfriend sitting on top of a massive pyramid of shimmering light bricks with living moving objects on each bricks visible top corner she is sitting like the classic statue of the thinking man you know the one where he has made a fist to rest his chin upon as the elbow rests on the knee as he ponders also she is wearing a derby and she is made of crystaline sparkly light she winks at me and boom--- ok?"next we have the dimension of me i sat at a friends house i was 16 i decided i wanted to stay awake for as long as possible so i got comfortable on the floor not to far from the restroom and began looking out the window during the day with my eyes closed the light went through my eyes and looked reddish and i began to think about what awake was i went through it all it was sense data coming to me from me interpreting myself this lead to a feedback eventually so profound that on the second day when light hit my closed eyes i whited out and saw myself from above but here is the kicker iwas still in my body seeing the movie of my life playing in reverse and from above i was watching as i saw how my actions rippled across the earth both scenes and views at the same time this i caused a feedback effect and boom i come back to my self sitting there staring at the dawn through the window my eyes are now open it is a glorious sight now a added bonus to this my friend set up a dj table and was spinning records as i came to as well it was some goa trance real early stuff it seemed fitting i looked up at him as the sun rose out of view and thought at him a mental picture much like the one i had of the girlfriend but it was me in that crystaline form with a derby on and he said oh u r one of those huh? i sent out a yes and got up and went outside the leaves were melting on all the trees and bushes drippin back into there roots i looked at the sky it looked like a grid without the lines and on each corner of the grid squares the the Fibonacci spiral beamed directly at me no matter which direction i tilted my head there was millions of them they looked like snowflakes falling but all the same i heard a roar it was another friend pulling into the driveway my friend came inside and we all started dancing for a bit after some time we got into a discussion about what we called the viscous cycle and the friend that had shown up had to go i walked and talked him to his car and sat with him for a minute we discussed the viscous cycle more it was about how we could get up to the vista of a new reality but everytime we got there something slammed us back to reality and life got so difficult you just couldnt find time to go see this new view we parted and i popped back into my body realizing that i had not physically gone outside i went back to my state of affair which was figuring out what awake was well another friend came and this time it was day three and dawn was coming through once again exactly as this friend appears i asked him how did you get here he looked at me with a look that said silly stop playing the fool and said you know how i got here we walked into another room that was empty all white walls and no windows very bright white i asked him after we sat down to explain awake to me he gave me that dont be a silly playing the fool look and said you are awake always he touched my forehead and i whited out and this time i saw sitting on top of a mountain he was old very old he looked at me time reversed progressively quicker and quicker i saw him grow younger and the mountain he was upon shrunk deeper and deeper til he was submerged to his forehead than boom he turned into a big turtle and swam towards me and i came back to my body and like b4 i didnt know what i was or what a what was i had to rebuild myself i left a few things out of the rebuild again on purpose i just didnt need those things anymore and he said look a brand new u and beamed me a awesome smile i got up feeling a bit shake and went to contemplate awake some more as he left.
next we have the warehouse year 2000 well this was a special time if you remember it was a time when a lot of ppl thought y2k would destroy the planet so i was in the mood to dance cause it might be my last ;) newayz i was dancing with all my real close friends and i had a realization that everyone was dancing to the same vibration and if we wished too we could shift the whole building so i sat down in the lotus position closed my eyes and what i saw was like when you look into a box of spageti noodles except they where all color coded like the rainbow and we were a ball of light traveling the length of the noodles and i moved us over a bit and right when i got done the ballons fell from the roof it was 2000 and a dj walked by and steped on a ballon it popped and i came too everything felt different that was the firsst time i heard about the shift i went around talking to ppl everyone was looking for something they had lost i was curious about what they were all looking for it dawns on me that they were looking for thier missions now but then i thought everyone went bonko but they were just adjusting as was i to our new well -------roles..to be continued
ur welcome kelly and no worries i am going to share all of the dimensions and how i got there this may take some time to pour out it is nessacary for me to do an assemblage of my life to disassociate my self from my physical and also so that i may gain the energy i left in my mememories i need it to travel to a most amazing new dimension that i can just barely see as i pull myself up over the edge of this density cliff
Wow that is amazing :) Thank you so much for sharing, what a gift to have at such a young age. I feel the truth of your words, and it correlates with what I know from theosophy.
Please keep us apprised of your adventures, thanks again for sharing with us.