My beloved Xzai-On, my tresure,my everything, my beautifull pleiadean prince, I love you so! I think of you everyday, my urge is getting so strong,my love for you, my beloved is almost driving me insane. I miss you so incredible much...
I love your heavenly big gordeous round darkbrown eyes, witch seems to twinke like stars when you look at me with pure intece love. How much I Love to caress and play with your amazingly gordeous long black hair! How I can feel you shiver of plesure, when I caress and play with your long hair with my hand and fingers...How I love your plump lipps, meeting mine in a long sensual loving kiss. How I Love to sit on your lap, while my head is resting on your muscular chest, while my hand softly caresses your brest...Showing my intence endless love to you my beloved, while i sit in your lap. The place I love to bee, the place I feel calm and safe...
Oh, my beloved how much I so want to bee in your arms right now. Feeling your warm hand in mine. Feeling you next to me when you hold me tight while i am feeling the softness of your skin. In your arms I forever want to bee for all eternity!
Eternily yours,