I give my healing without asking or desiring anything in return .....
I can do it all through the Ashtar Command and text or skype or whatever you're comfortable with.
That is my purpose here on this site to channel healing light energy for all who are willing to accept it.
I am NOT a teacher----I am an Infusion technition----of the Bryan DeFlores method.
meaning I know how to apply the technique and I have experience using it on myself.I have taken the necessary training
Ask me here about what is lightwave and how to set up a healing for yourself.
dear Eddie,found this link,it is very informative on light language,yes indeed,it sure comes from SOURCE, blessings starchild.
Remembering The Language of Light - Laura Pieratt
dear Eddie,thankyou,i am very interested,could you please send me one,love,light,blessings starchild.
There are several lightwave videos which illustrate the technique-- they are unlisted so if you want to see them please enquire about them I will send you one.
These are some lightwave accelerators that I use to heal the different medical problems Im dealing with.
They are called medical miracles with the universal accelerator
enlarge for better view
dear Eddie,maybe many of this site will understand the validity of light wave technology and light wave language,as over 20 years ago i was given this drawing(the original i still have) from a Aura Soma Colour Medium,with a very important message on it from Source,its portal energy is very important,and after all these years have been urged,and compelled to share it with many,maybe Bryan De Flores can decipher it,blessings starchild.
The intuitive healer is the guide here to understand a little about the clients needs and presents a pictographic card with the essence of the thought..
this is trasmitted telepathicallyna d visually...
Jason -- sorry I didnt get back to you sooner...
Ive had trouble loading some of the pages on the site..dont know why....you balance the chakras by infusing the correct colors into the different chakras on the points of the body..
the first chakra -- the root chakra is RED
.. so you envidion red light in the root chakr-- along with the different aspects that the chakra uses to function..
all 9 chakras need to be meditated upon one by one for purpose and infused with the correct color.
You do this in your minds eye
aat the same time channeling through the healeers hands the lightwave energy signal..
this signal come from the universal energy and is found in every living creature...for the first chakra the healer infuseshealth vitalitystability courage braverydterminationpatience prosperity and financial success
carnelian is a crystal that vibrates in harmony with this
and sandalwood oil helps stimulate it.
you go through each chakra one by one till you line them all up and keep them al in your awareness.
similarly you go through each of the 5 elements and meditate and infuse the lightwave enegy
and focus on its divine qualities.After the chakras and elements are all line up and energized you take certain aspects that you are lacking and meditate on whats called an accelerator..
a pictographic channelled art image of the energetic aspect you feel you need