I am Dedicated with honor to love. And to share it in every possible way. if it be through my writing or through my tears.
For I fully understand me. I fully understand you. Ive notice something and through my mind i put all the puzzle together and its a bigger puzzle than i can ever put together. But with your help I did it. Nothing can stop my momentem. There will always be joy for me and this letter is part of my joy. for it makes my heart beat with the best melody. My body,mind and soul is are all on the same page. still i cant see far with my two eyes. but with my heart i can see farther and wider than anything i ever expected. i am so bless and nothing can change that. i have made up my mind. my heart was waiting patiently for this. and now its happen i came to exposed the truth. with fully guidence and understanding. the truth shall set you free. i think martin luther king ment way more than you could ever think. love is a very important gift and we humans at one time have miss used it over and over again. we havent allowed are selves to change are ways to better our whole lives. and just seperate parts. people need to understand that you were born into a phsyical world without knowing your better half. your mind has been in a forever slavery or better words a disease. and this disease has spread too all nations. My big brother told me that in actually when we so call fall a sleep what happen actually is that your soul/spirit is in other dimensions and basically trapped intill your consious mind falls asleep.so your subconsious takes over and you dream/lucid astral travel and so forth. the whole point of ascending is too unlock this nature that you've lost milliena ago.
its always been here but now its time for every soul on this planet to awake out of there sleep. one of bashar videos says that when we are awake we are actually asleep and when we are sleeping we are more awake. so no this doesnt mean get more sleep people :D. it means to connect to your higherselves and put together your pieaces to your puzzle for this grand experience . no 1 can put together your puzzle. only you can so where you go from here you ask? 1 simple question (mediation) ands thats all too it. but you must be excited in doing your mediation because it is true connection with your highest selves. some people like being under command and some not. some are happy with there daily lives. and i understand all that but you are much much much much much more than ordinary human. all i am basically you have this other half of you waiting for you. you must triumph this ordinary ability and move farther into the forever universe that exist now. this isnt a race too the top. its a race of understanding the one. I am going to start posting up different mediation and energy work. because some people need a helping hand.
from me personally i dont read books anymore i just listen to my higher self and i start doing amazing stuff like yoga poses, breathing stretching with ease. energy work. balancing and grounding energy. because my higherself knows all and i truly believe i cant go wrong in anything i do.
i hope this helps i love you all. and i see so many great things for the human future. we are all beautiful people of light.
we need to stop feeding the ego. i hope this helps :D