For a large part of my life now I have followed spirit , for a large part of my life I have also follow what is called ego.
It is believed that there are higher beings than us existing on the 4D ,5D ,and up dimensions.
The information from these beings are as varied and conflicting as information coming from us lowly 3D beings.
It is often true that these messages give us great hope to continue with the day to day struggles of our lives. This has
been true with me in the past years.
These messages however sweet to the ears are almost never accurate with their 3D information.
Why is this? Why are we told that this 3D world is hell? Why are we coaxed with baited carrot to be ever aspiring to
return to some 5D existence many of us cant imagine?
Why is it that these all powerful being cant even manifest into this 3D reality?
Who created this so called quarantine on Earth?
If these beings cant understand what 3D is like then how are they going to guide us in any meaningful way?
Its like the blind leading the seeing.
Its has been said by a few channeling I enjoy and ring true with my ego and my heart that we should not trust the
sweetened words of these beings.( bringers of the dawn , encase your wondering)
We are in 3D folks , you are the best of the best , you are not cursed ... this flesh and bone is a sign of honor.
We are at the roots of creation , furtherest from the light and love of God... and yet we live as we die.
Thats my message for you my brothers and sisters , do not be fooled into worship of these younger beings , trust in
your own guidance and the guidance of the highest who shares your heart.
Lets bring this 3D world up to the divine nature it should be , let God come and live amongst us.
Thats awesome Andy , I hope it stays with you.
Yeah I agree with some of that Andy, but other parts I feel is apart of the same old story that has been shoved down our throats for along time now.
I have listened and read so much , its hard not to see patterns.