For about 3 weeks ago something happened to me and i ended up in a hospital, and i almost didn`t make it. Don`t wanna go in to details but im asking you, if anyone would feel in their heart to send me healing, i am home since 2 days ago but not yet all well. I will approciate every answer and since im tired and on medication i don`t think i will be wrtiting here so much. But i am asking for your help. Hope you are all well, lots and lots of lovefor you. im so glad to still be here.
Stargirl never ever feel yourself alone you have no idea how large WE ALL are in number
when i was a child i was told that if anyone is SICK or HURT HE/SHE is getting closer to GOD
sister i m not a HEALER but i ll definetely PRAY for YOU
and I M SURE HE will listen to ME coz I TRUST HIM and I WANT you to TRUST HIM TOO
GOD bless you
out there and i was really reminded by that. And touched. <3<3<3<3!!!! I`ve started to keep a diary in where i write everyday of what i am greatfull off....and it surprisingly i have plany things to write every night :)
SEnding YOU love & light
When I wrote my post by was so physically and mentally exhausted that I thought I would never get well again, i had an experience I never experienced before. I went through two surgeries, the first one failed. Then as a result of the operations i was hit by one infection after another, the doctors were getting a bit worried though they tried not to show it but I saw the concern in their eyes. Once I was discharged and wrote my post here on Ashtar, I felt just that I needed all the help I can get because I ate three different kinds of antibiotics (including many other medications) and they did not help, not then at least. But I got better, eventually and now feel I learned so much, and thanks marianinia that you remind me of the strength i have in ME. A friend tipped off a me of a movie called The Secret and I would really recommend to you all. I feel that after all I been through, I have learned so much and the experience of so many of you responded to my post and sent me love and healing is invaluable. Sometimes one forgets that there are conscious and loving people, (like you Helene) o
sorry while i was typing something went cross , wanted to say that the other 10 in my family do the same
Michael,Kelly V,esmee,flynn,renee,linda,bert,bryan,diantha and spike
Dear Stargirl,
Very glad that you are still among us!!!! will keep sending our Love and Light,
Thank you everybody, just wanna say Thanx again from the bottom of my Heart!!!!!!!!