If I'm Waking Up, Why Don't I Feel...Better?

If I’m Waking Up, Why Don’t I Feel… Better?

by Max and Lana

Countless times now, very talented, intelligent, and wonderful people have asked us if they are doing something wrong because they have been ‘waking up’ for a while, but still feel so lost, confused, and frustrated in many areas of their lives. The truth is that waking up to consciousness– while still living in this 3D world– inevitably involves feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, and/or being overwhelmed. After all, if when “your veil lifted” you woke up to a perfect, joyous, peaceful, and welcoming world, you and other light workers probably wouldn’t need to be on this planet right now to help initiate change around you! So, take heart. If you have moments or even phases and stages of feeling downright miserable, you are most likely on the right track and “waking up” quite effectively and successfully. Your more permanent upswing is not far away, though it can seem discouragingly temporary or, at times, even untouchable.

Being a light worker today means being a pioneer—one who can envision the beautiful possibilities for the human species and for our world, but who has the daunting, uncharted task of paving the way. Today’s light workers are also like “sleeper cells”Being a light worker today means being a pioneer—one who can envision the beautiful possibilities for the human species and for our world, but who has the daunting, uncharted task of paving the way. Today’s light workers are also like “sleeper cells” positioned and waiting for information, and who are often left with an incomplete picture until the last moment or as absolutely needed. The unfinished or unclear information can make these “special forces” feel like they have taken a wrong turn or aren’t “worthy” of more clues or direction from their higher consciousness, from guides, or from other Divine energies.

Listed below are just some of the more common observations, complaints, and frustrations that are often felt by those who are awakening to consciousness. Many may be familiar to you:

  1. Friends, relatives, co-workers, and the community at large can’t seem to handle your truths or perspectives. You have often created a captivating façade in order to hide or blend, or have had to gradually “plant seeds” with others rather than reveal or share more so as not to be criticized, ostracized, or denied certain opportunities.
  2. As a result, relationships can feel lonely and not genuine. You may find that life-long connections have faded away and that you yearn for THE ONE or ones who truly “get it” and get you.
  3. You recognize the greed, misinformation, disinformation, and/or propaganda in the government, health care industry, financial systems, organized religions, and even in a lot of the metaphysical world. It upsets you that the public is still being so controlled and lied to, and that most cannot see through the veil of deception.
  4. Your work or career does not seem fulfilling. You feel that you are not “serving others” enough, either because of the industry in which you work or because the public is not ready to receive to your help, talents, and messages.
  5. You have gone through and survived so much in life, but still aren’t sure of the details regarding your mission as a light worker in this world. You feel almost lost at sea without land in sight.
  6. The “signs” and messages from your guides, nature, and/or the Universe often appear more vague, unclear, mundane, and/or less frequent than you would like or than you experienced in other periods of your life.
  7. You are discouraged by the “glass ceilings” you have encountered in many areas (health, If you find that these sentiments resonate with you, you are not alone and you are not crazy. Unfortunately, less than 1% of the world’s population is well on its way to awakening to consciousness. The rest are making strides, but much like children or adolescents before a growth spurt, they still have some growing and evolving to do in order to be more heart-centered; to be more concerned about others and the environment; and to succeed at integrating these values into our 3D existence-- which will likely continue for many decades to come.relationships, finances, etc.). You wonder if they will ever be lifted so that you can truly feel and share the magnitude of your light and power.

If you find that these sentiments resonate with you, you are not alone and you are not crazy. Unfortunately, less than 1% of the world’s population is well on its way to awakening to consciousness. The rest are making strides, but much like children or adolescents before a growth spurt, they still have some growing and evolving to do in order to be more heart-centered; to be more concerned about others and the environment; and to succeed at integrating these values into our 3D existence– which will likely continue for many decades to come. The seemingly daunting task at hand for light workers is NOT to aim for ascension as a means of escaping, but to bring ascended ways to our 3D world here, now, and in the near future.

 Here’s the good news:

  1. Your trials, tribulations, and challenges have given you the tools or reference library to assist others with unique honesty and sincerity, especially when they go through their own awakening, clearing, and lessons in the coming years.
  2. Crystal Children, twin flame relationships, and other deep soul connections are happening in greater numbers and faster than ever to help connect, unite, and empower light workers worldwide.Your glass ceilings will necessarily be lifted so that you can be the beacon and shining example of how to survive and thrive– despite challenges and hardships like the ones you have experienced.
  3. Crystal Children, twin flame relationships, and other deep soul connections are happening in greater numbers and faster than ever to help connect, unite, and empower light workers worldwide.
  4. Recent, record-breaking solar flares, alignments, storms, earthquakes, and other unusual natural/cosmic events have been wreaking havoc on our technologies, grids—and light worker’s sensitive bodies. Although unprecedented events will continue, light workers should find that their systems are more insulated and not as prone to the weight gain, thyroid issues, depression, fatigue, and other maladies associated with “taking in” those cosmic disruptions.
  5. Mass consciousness and its attitudes, perspectives, and frequencies have weighed heavily on light workers—causing new or residual fear, anger, despair, and even stagnation, paralysis, or very delayed manifestations. As we move forward in the coming months and years, mass consciousness will also begin to shift in response to natural events, political changes, faltering economies, and a general “waking up” in the population. That opening and/or awakening may not be easy for a majority of the public, but it will offer hope, energy, and momentum to the light workers who assist with the process.
  6. A greater number of light workers will realize that the more awake they become, the less “phenomenal” their cosmic experiences need to be. Astral travel, signs, messages, premonitions, and discernment are naturally activated—not experiences that can be learned or copied—and are things that can be seen and appreciated in simple, everyday occurrences like songs, coincidences, shadows in the peripheral vision, buzzing in the ear, and moments of time in which you “just blank out” but know that you have been in another dimension. As you awaken to consciousness, the energetic experiences may seem less dramatic or colorful, but the downloading of information is more profound and plentiful.
  7. Although light workers will continue to be “supercharged” humans who feel the intense highs, lows, and passions of being human, they will find in the coming months and years that the audience around them is finally listening and more ready for their truths.  During this time, light workers will be “allowed:” to enjoy more of the fruits of the seeds they have been planting; to access more conclusive information regarding their personal missions and journey; as well as to delight in the actualization and manifestation of goals that have seemed so elusive for far too long. The upswing for light workers is a dream-come-true, but also a cosmic necessity and inevitability– in order to help move this planet into a more conscious state of living.

So, light worker pioneers, please keep moving forward and hanging in there. Your important energies and love are lighting the way!

About the authors: Max, “The Healer’s Healer,” is an acclaimed Medical Intuitive, Psychic Coach, and Energy Healer. Max, Lana, and LOC Group (www.locgroup.net) enjoy helping light workers make the most of their experiences, health, relationships, and path.


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  • excellent, I speak for myself, the difficulties' are different for each person, we all our personal history and now we are living the consequences of choices dangerous that we did and now we regret ..... there is something better, we must be content with small steps, will be 'the best of times .... when ???? between 1000 years ... maybe  ....... Hello


  • Dearest Stick...thank you so much for this article from ZG. It addresses issues I'm having. Anger, depression, emotions, etc. are things I've always been able to cope with but the health issues are most distracting. When you are ill everyday it's very hard to distance yourself from it...it's a constant but most troubling is the feeling of no longer being on my path....it's hard to concentrate on what I know I should be doing.

    This articles truly is good food for thought and I will revisit it as needed.

    I apologize for not responding to this article sooner...it is so helpful and appreciated.

  • Some interesting Multidimensional food for thought from, Zen Gardner...


    Stormy Weather on High Cosmic Seas
    by Zen Gardner

    I don’t even need to ask who’s feeling this. We’re all experiencing turbulent vibrational times right now. It’s a very real challenge. Whatever the source, we’re going through a kind of vortex of change and disturbance that needs to be acknowledged and addressed.

    I don’t know the so-called “reason” for it, but it’s there. This is confirmed by good friends and a variety of sources, but with even a cursory look at the world around us, we’re passing through some serious stuff. And it can be quite disconcerting…

    Symptoms and Possible Contributors

    The affects in times like this include scrambled sleep cycles, a sense of tension and difficulty in concentrating, low energy and health challenges, emotional turmoil, and even degrees of confusion in our thinking processes. It really helps to look outside for influences so that we don’t lose perspective on the event we’re part of or get lost in futile introspection.

    Astrologically speaking, we’re in a very powerful vortex. The mercury retrograde that just passed was having its usually somewhat disempowering effect. It’s said to always be a good time to back away from major decisions in our lives when this is happening.

    More substantially is a major influence called the Pluto-Uranus square, an infrequent alignment that has drastic implications on social and personal situations. This was brought to my attention by a dear friend Kit Walker who has been deeply immersed in astrology for much of his life and follows these trends passionately. Apparently it was the aligning of Pluto and Uranus that happened in the ’60’s that contributed to the rise of the cultural and spiritual revolution at the time, and a similar effect will begin again again once the direct squaring passes.

    Which happily is soon! Beginning March and April this year, it portends an uprising of convergence of social activism and increased awareness which will give tremendously greater impetus for spreading this awakening amongst a much larger swathe of humanity and help dismantle the ruling oligarchy.

    Happy thought? I thought so too.

    Surreal Signs and Screwing with Humanity

    I don’t know about you, but just observing the daily news and events is enough to make your head spin. The obvious lies, reversals, omissions and outright blather, negativity and fear we’re being bombarded with is surreal. That so few can stand back and take notice of this charade is another mind-blowing factor.

    It’s increasingly hard to even peruse the headlines as it’s so shockingly bad. But remember, that’s the intention – “shock and awe” at their sorcery and draconian power plays.

    For many of us, that anyone can even begin to fall for the mainstream portrayal and explanation of anything is hard to believe. But to so many this is their way of life, as incredible as that may seem. How they’ll snap out of the hypnotic trance is a question we all ask ourselves.

    Again, remember that detachment is the key to keeping a well balanced and conscious outlook.

    What’s Going on in the Etheric Realm?

    Good question. There are a lot of explanations being posited. Spiritual and inter-dimensional attacks, electromagnetic influences, chemical, radioactive and genetic degradation, mind control programs and on and on. Personally I take them all seriously and put them into the mix. It’s out there to be investigated.

    The point being, a very serious affront, or bombardment if you will, is now accosting our planet and spiritual sphere. That’s what we’re feeling and is twisting and turning so many and causing this sense of disassociation. We can’t lose our conscious footing due to “circumstances” and outside influences.

    This may seem like ethereal cereal to some but those who are experiencing what I’m talking about understand.
    Know you’re not alone, first and foremost. This is hitting all of us. But it can be weathered with full empowerment. Those on the cutting edge of understanding and consciousness already know this, as it’s not a new routine. We’ve faced these onslaughts many times over, and much of it continually.

    My intention here is to bring clarity and a general sense of common awareness. In unity we are strong, and as we share these common influences in open communication we’re able to better understand and ward off these affronts.

    Much love, and power to the True People,


  • Sweet, Avatar... It's so nice to be here and be appreciated too... Same to you... <3
    Yes, staying positive and observant... looking for the lessons... choosing to radiate Love and solution oriented thinking, so that they will take a stronger 'hold' in this 'reality' and within Us, at the same time... I think you may be on to something... : )

    Blessings... All Around...
  • Dearest Tally...I totally agree with you...it's so important that we choose to stay positive and see things for what they are....good or what many perceive as bad. I try to look at everything as a learning experience.

    It's so good seeing you.

  • Hellen...that statement is so very true.

  • Dearest Luke...I love it when you and Zeppelin "ramble on". :)

    I never feel like I'm fully awake...it seems there is always something to remind me that I'm not and that there is more work to do. I think we get into trouble when we think we're there.

    The more love, light and energy we send out the more and sooner people will wake up. That's why it's so important not to fall into the trap of lies that so many people set for us.

    Thank you so much for your great ramble, sweetheart...it's easy to see how much you're growing.

  • Excellent article and subject matter for contemplation... thank you, Avatar star.

    I have learned that what we choose to place our attention on, will heavily influence how we feel from moment to moment... and as we continue to adopt/choose more constructive trains of thought... we will feel more fullfilled and at ease.

  • Thanks Stick! I know how hard it's been for me on this path and when I see someone else going through it my heart goes out to them. I want them to know they are not alone and that the pain and loneliness is all a part of the process and learning experience.

    Thank you for sharing your Light and Wisdom and that of McKenna's. We can all be encouraged by it.

  • ~Good to have you back in the mix, Avatar... thanks for sharing this article which contains really valuable multidimensional insight. Reclaiming our Freedom & Spiritual Sovereignty can be extremely painful at times. One of the issues in New-Agey circles can be an unwillingness to even address it.... to look directly at the shadow & admit that: it's not ALL good! & in so doing, purge some of the tension & fear from the endurance test that Humanity is being put through... or, co-creating.  It's really hard to tell the difference a lot of the time. Thank you for sharing your Light, Avatar. It is not in vain.  ~InLak'echAlaK'in555 



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