The seven candlesticks of ARHAT


1- Listen, brothers of Third Initiation of Major Mysteries, I address to you.


2- Time is arrived to light the seven candlesticks of the mental body.


3- "Before the flame of gold can burn with a serene light, the lamp must be well cared for in every wind-free place."


4- Earthly thoughts must fall dead before the doors of the temple.


5- "The mind that is slave of the senses, makes the soul as helpless as the boat which the wind blows on the water."


6- So that speak about the precepts of Oriental wisdom.


7- Listen to me, oh Masters Third Initiation of Major Mysteries, I address to you.


8- Now need the purest igneous effort.


9. You must now raise your ardent serpent of the mental body.


10- Shine the five-pointed star on the candlesticks of the temple of the mind.


11- Among the sizzling flames, You have now entered the ardent temple of cosmic understanding.


12. Your thoughts flutter between the flames maelstrom.


13- This is the igneous temple of the ARHAT.


14. Your mind must become completely incandescent within the crackling fire.


15- The smoke from the flames must be carefully separated.


16- The smoke is darkness; the flames are light.


17- You have to practice Sexual Magic intensely, between the fire flames.


18- We must convert the Mind-Matter in Mind-Christ.


19. You have to steal the fire from the demons of the mental world.


20- Persevere and be not dismayed, my brother.


21- The pedestals of the thrones of the Masters are made ​​of monsters.


22- Have faith, my son, and shoot your way with the sword.


23- The tenebrous they will close off the passage.


24- Launch yourself against the dark with fiery edge of your sword. Defeat them and go into the houses of the holy temple of the ARHAT.


25- Sun shine and kindle now the candlestick of your solar plexus.


26. Receive, my brother, your reward.


27- In the annular finger of your mental body sizzling the Solar Diamond and the igneous ring.


28- In your solar plexus, burns now a new IGNEOUS ROSE.


29. The demons of understanding lurk everywhere, OH ARHAT!


30- The serpent of the mental body, is now going up the fine thread spinal cord edge of the mental body.


31- You have to master the mind, through the will.


32. Mind is the lair of desire.


33- We must expel the tempting demons from our temple with the terrible whip of willpower.


34- We must liberate the minds of all schools, religions, sects, political parties, concepts of fatherland and flag, prejudices, desires and fears.


35- We must liberate the minds of reasoning processes.


36- We must change the process of reasoning for understanding.

37- Do not identify with the mind, oh ARHAT!


38- You are not the mind. You are the BEING, you are the Intimate.


39. The mind is a wild colt, tame it with the whip of willpower, so do not throw your car into the abyss.


40- Oh the driver who lose his car, you have to restart your path.


41- The IGNEOUS ROSE of your heart is your justice Sun.


42- Learn, oh ARHAT!, to manage your sword.


43. Learn to separate the smoke from the flames.


44- In everything good there is something wrong.


45- In everything bad, something good.


46- Now you have gone beyond good and evil.


47- Now you know the good from the bad, and the bad from the good.


48- Among the incense of prayer the crime also hides.


49. Persevere, my son, the serpent of your mind rises gradually from the core of your mental body. Your igneous wings open, your eternal wings.


50- Your mind shines with the sacred fire.


51- Persevere and do not be dismayed, and light up your seven eternal candlesticks.


52- Acquire sight of the eagle and the ardent ear.


53. Your undulating thoughts flutter among the fiery aura of the universe.




THE GOURD (Cucurbita pepo)


1- Let us now, OH ARHAT, to officiate in the temple with the gourd.


2- Clothe yourself with your robe and white cloak, and come before the altar, OH ARHAT!


3- With the elemental powers of the gourd, we can work with the crowds.


4- The elemental of the gourd has terrible power over the crowds.


5- Through the elemental magic of the gourd, Jonah made ​​Nineveh repent of their sins.


6- The elemental of the gourd on his pineal gland has a tiny crown, which gives it a terrible power over the human masses.


7- Learn, OH ARHAT!, to fight against the abominations of men, through the gourd. So you help the human multitudes and to help men, you are helping yourself. You know it.


8- Remember that the elemental of the gourd is pink tunic, as the unselfish love, unconditional love. It looks like a beautiful little girl dressed in the robes of love.


9- Jonah was three days in the belly of a fish, and the third day he was vomited by the fish in the streets of Nineveh.


10- Jonah sat under a gourd, and the people of Nineveh repented and tore their clothes, and fasted, and took sack and sackcloth on their bodies.


11- I want you to understand now, OH ARHAT! the close relationship between the fish of the sea and the gourd.


12. There is a powerful Angel who governs the fish of the sea, and the elementals of the gourd.


13- The life stream that passes through the fish of the sea, is the same as passing by the plant of the gourd family.


14- The igneous Angel who governs the gourd, is the same ardent flame who governs all fish of the immense sea.


15- The officiating cast the pumpkin into basin of water, which must boil in the flames of a stove.


16- There will be cleaved into pieces the fruit, before being thrown into the vessel with water.


17. That vessel must boil before the altar.


18. The officiant shall bless the steaming pot and command the elemental of the gourd, work on the crowds to make them repent of their sins.


19. The great White Hierarchy will assist you during the rite.


20- The College of Initiates will collaborate with you in this great work of the FATHER.


21- The igneous powers of this elemental creature, flutter intensely between the hot sizzling universal flames.


22- During this ceremony of elemental magic, the white dove of the Holy Spirit come into you, oh ARHAT!


23- Now, plunged into deep meditation, you can hear the word of Jehovah, oh ARHAT!


24- Do not forget my brother, do not forget Oh ARHAT! that each of the spinal vertebrae of the mental body corresponds to a sacred cave, hidden in the bowels of the earth.


25- As your igneous serpent rises through the incandescent medulla of your mental body, you're entering each of the caverns for each vertebra.


26- Those caves lit by the fire of your candlestick blaze scorching.


27- Those caves, which are still not your flaming torch flames are full of darkness, smoke, and only you, oh ARHAT! you can dispel that darkness with the sacred fire of your candlestick.


28. In each of the thirty-three caverns of the ARHAT sizzling blazing fire of the cosmic mind of Nature.


29. In each of the thirty-three caverns of the ARHAT, located in the bowels of the earth, the sacred mysteries of fire are grown.


30- As the ARHAT is illuminating their caves with the torch of his candlestick, light and fire are turning his/her mind-matter in mind-Christ.


31- After Jonah was thrown up by a fish, preached in Nineveh, and sat under a gourd to work with the powers of the mind, flaming between the crackling of burning embers of the Cosmic Mind.


32. People do not understand the symbol Jonah even though Christ was resurrected after three days.


33. The people asked signals to Christ, but he only gave the sign of Jonah.


34- Undress your filthy garments, because they are all full of worms rot.


35- The worm dry rot and kill the gourd.


36- With the rite of the gourd can only officiate the ARHATS.


37- All the sacred college will be dressed in white robes to the temple of the holy rite. Just a few shall helpers use robe tunic and blue cloak during the rite.


38- For a few moments, the lights go out and the temple is in dark.


39. Now you will understand that the gourd plant belongs to the mental plane.


40- Now you understand all the symbol of the prophet Jonah, sitting under a gourd.


41- The momentary switch off lights during the rite symbolizes the passage from darkness to light.


42- We should throw out of us all the baseness of animal nature.


43. The mantra of the elemental of the gourd is "KA".


44- Eastern gong should resonate during this rite.

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