1- The serpent of your mental body has now come to BRAHMARANDRA, the sacred center of the front fontanelle of newborns.
2- There is the top hole of your cane, oh ARHAT!
3- This hole is closed in ordinary people but Master opens with fire.
4- Receive the symbolic reed of your mental body, oh ARHAT!
5- The sacred fire has broken through your skull and now goes, into the surrounding atmosphere, like bonfire fiery flames that sizzling.
6- You shine in the world of the mind as a splendid sun, oh ARHAT!
7- You have become a flame burning in the world of the cosmic mind.
8- An ineffable music resounds in the areas of the temple. Get your bouquet of flowers, oh ARHAT!
9. A railway swiftly away, dragged by a burning machine, red as the burning fire of space...
10- Understand my son, the symbol.
11- You'll have to drag a heavy train with the burning fire of your flaming mind...
12. You will have to drag my son, this train of human evolution on the spiral paths of life, to bring them at the kingdom of the FATHER.
13. MASICULA and PASICULO thus you transform men.
14. The fire transforms everything, however man can not possess life, if not a participant of Gnosis.
15- The mind of the ARHAT shines within the burning flames of MAHAT, when the sacred fire exits from BRAHMARANDRA.
16- The Auric Egg glows with the terrible fire of the ARHAT.
17. In this Auric Egg is keep the fragrancy of all our innumerable personalities that we have had through this round of births and deaths.
18- All those personalities have died, but its fragrance has been grafted into the Tree of Life (the INTIMATE) and the Auric Egg.
19- They are not human personalities which reincarnate, but the INTIMATE, the divine Triad, the Tree of Life, in which the scent of its passing leaves is grafted.(Transient personalities).
20- The Auric Egg is the protective armor that protects our internal vehicles, is the aura of the INTIMATE.
21- The Auric Egg is made of the same substance of the INTIMATE, and now shines with the fire of the ARHAT.
22- With the seven degrees of power of fire, all wisdom and all the omniscience of the seven COSMOCRATORS is synthesized.
23. Now you must unite your pineal gland with your pituitary gland fully, with fire...
24- In the Auric Egg our karmic debts are recorded.
25- The INTIMATE is a true immolated lamb, that have to pay the karma of each of his passing personalities.
26. Tantric personalities are totally separated from the INTIMATE, and sink into the AVICHI, without being able to graft his scent on the Tree of Life in the Divine Triad reincarnating.
27. In these cases the eternal Triad must put on a new personality to continue their cosmic evolution, while its tantric ex-personality disintegrates gradually little by little in the AVICHI.
28. At this moment of human evolution is unsuccessful, and most human personalities are already separated from the INTIMATE.
29. In the Aquarian Age can only reincarnate those INTIMATES those who have not lost their personality.
30- The others, the failures, must wait in the inner worlds, until it passes the luminous age of Aquarius and in Capricorn shall be given to their tenebrous personalities, the last chance.
31- The dawn of Sagittarius will be definitive, then the INTIMATE who have mastered their rebel personalities will assimilate the fragrance of their psychic extracts to continue their cosmic evolution through the wheel of births and deaths.
32. The failed will lose completely their tantric personality, and after putting on his new personality, will continue their cosmic evolution as "laggards".
33- The tantric ex-personalities of those behind, separated from his higher self, they will gradually disintegrating little by little in the AVICHI.
34. Our reincarnating Triad is formed by ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS. This is eternal and indestructible Triad.
35- This is the INTIMATE with his two twin souls: divine and human.
36- This is the AOM within us.
37- The terrestrial personalities are like the leaves of this wonderful Tree of Life.
38- The sacred fire of the ARHAT allows us to study all these great mysteries of fire between the IGNEOUS ROSE OF THE UNIVERSE.
39. All that we have said about the AVICHI in this chapter, we can summarize the following Bible verses:
40- "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man."
"The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom, and the tares are the children of the wicked".
"The enemy that sowed them is the devil; and the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels."
"As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of this century."
"The Son of Man will send his angels and gather out of my kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity".
"And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
"Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father who has ears to hear, let him hear." (Verse. 37 to 43. Cap. 13. Matthew. New Testament).