1 "For the image have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams, they comfort in vain. Therefore they were like sheep, and were humiliated because there was no shepherd." (Verse. 2 Ch. 10. ZACARÍAS).
2- We have to make the differentiation between diviners and prophets.
3- Eliphas Levi, reads: "Diviner comes from the word divinaris, divinus, meaning exercise divinity". But he forgot at the Abate Alfonso Luis Constant the particle A, which precedes at the divine word.
4- Grammar reads as follows: A, preposition denoting separation, alienation, ex. Theo, means God, but if we put the particle A, ATHEIST form the word, which we call that does not believe in God. Soothsayers, represent precisely the opposite of the divine, that is, the diabolical. Apolitical means a non-political individual.
5- If you read the Bible carefully, we find a single word in favor of the soothsayers.
6- When King Nebuchadnezzar summoned magicians, soothsayers and charmers to reveal the dream of the statue, there was no one soothsayer to reveal the king this arcane, only a prophet of God answered the king and said. "The mystery which the king has demanded, nor wise men, nor enchanters, nor magicians, nor soothsayers, can teach the king."
"But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what shall happen within days".
7- This is textual of the second chapter of the Book of Daniel, and invites meditation.
8- Daniel the prophet of the living God, was the only one who could reveal the dream to Nebuchadnezzar.
9- The diviners are tenebrous seers are black magicians.
10- Prophets are seers of the light, are white magicians.
11- The soothsayers see images of the abyss and dream dreams of the abyss, with which predict events that may fail, because not all the time crystallize in the physical world images the dark abyss.
12- The dark abyss scenes are really into the abyss, but not always crystallize in the physical world.
13- Prophets are seers of light, men of God enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and its forecasts are accurate because their pineal and pituitary glands are totally illuminated by the sacred fire.
14- The Chelas of the White Fraternity are apprentices, they are disciples of the prophets, and therefore can serve as messengers of the prophets, and speak a word of the Masters holy men.
15- To be a prophet is needed to receive the Holy Spirit.
16- But the disciples of our White Lodge are messengers of the prophets and disciples of the prophets.
17- The vain dreams are from the abyss...
18. Dreams of light are of light...
19. Among the prophets are hierarchies...
20- The lighting goes gradually performing, because "nature does not make leaps." In all there are scales and scales, degrees and degrees...
21- There is a seer of the seer and the prophet of the prophet.
22- The Seer of the Seer is the INTIMATE, the prophet of the Prophet is the INTIMATE.
23- The bright visions of our disciples come from the White Hierarchies.
24- However, if our disciples are given to fornication and catch the black path, away from the path of the prophets and become diviners.
25- And his dreams are dreams of the abyss, are empty dreams, and their gloomy forecasts unfortunately fail, causing them shame and confusion of face.
26- Prophets are the Masters of the Venerable White Lodge.
27- The soothsayers are black magicians, tenebrous seers, prophets of Baalim who eat at Jezebel's table and teach to fornicate and eat things sacrificed to idols.
28. Our disciples must follow the path of perfection, they must be pure, pure, pure, for the pure crystal of their imagination is a perfect mirror where can reflect all the precious images of the Universal Fire.
29. All impure thoughts, all hatred, all envy, jealousy, wickedness, etc., tarnish the most pure crystal of clairvoyance, converting our disciples into seers of the shadows, in soothsayers.
1 And the Lord God said: "Behold the man is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for always":
"And he brought him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken."
"So he drove out the man, and placed at the east of the Eden garden cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life."(Verse. 22, 23, 24, Ch. 3. Genesis).
2- My little son, already you ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and met its fruit, "sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly."
3- You knew my brother, what is the joy of having a child, the pain of losing, you enjoyed all the pleasures of the race, you snogged as the pig in the mud of the earth, and drank in all the tempting drinks.
4- Now my son, break the cup of fornication, so you return to Eden know good and evil, as one of us.
5- eighteen million years ago you come eating the forbidden fruit, and you already know the taste of that fruit brother of mine, and you acquire the knowledge of good and evil at the cost of so much bitterness.
6- Be determined not to eat of that forbidden tree, so that you come to Eden, where you go out...
7- There you eat from that other tree of Eden, called "Tree of Life" and live forever and rivers of pure water will flow from your belly...
8- Already you suffered too much, my son, you are a resident in the valley of bitterness, with the sweat of your face you ate the bread of the land, and thorns and thistles have pierced your flesh.
9. Do not eat from that fruit of painful, my son ... Enter now to Eden through the door you came out from ... You know already good and evil, brake the rebel glass and enter my son, come ... You one of us, knowing good and evil ...
10. Do not try, my brother, break or skip the walls of Eden, because to paradise because you can only enter through the door where you came from.
11- The man came out of Paradise through the door of sex, and only through that door can enter Paradise.
12- The Eden is sex itself, and to Eden we can only enter from where we got out.
13- Vain will attempt foolish men, jump out the walls of Eden...
14- To Paradise can only enter through the door which we came out... that door is the SEX.
15- Uselessly will try to break the walls the spiritualist theoreticians, fornicators and other prophets of the Baals, who eat at Jezebel's table.
16- You met my son, Greek and Roman, took part in all the biblical exodus and austere priests of all religions on earth they just gave you the comfort of one day...
17- You took sackcloth, fasting and penance, and frames of all the temples of all religions on earth just barely comfort your aching heart, but the sting of time awoke you to the hard roughness of existence, and you could not find in your way none passerby that could comfort you. Catholic or Protestant, Buddhist or Muslim, are already dead leaves in your aching heart...
18- You were male you were women had worshipers at the bottom of your window ... And you enjoyed orgies and banquets and feasting...
19- You were humble beggar and beggar ... elderly, helpless ... and shopkeepers threw you out of their tents, with they feet...
20- You were great matron among perfumes, gold and silk, and each time that death visited, saw the vanity of passing things.
21- Remember your first love ... Remember where you came from ... and enter thou through the door of Eden, my brother.
22- The door of Eden is the SEX ... and you came out through that door when the Lord Jehovah took you out for disobeying his command.
23. Obey now my son, and enters.
24- "Oh, Lebanon, open your doors and fire burn your cedars." (Verse. 1. Ch. 11. Zechariah).
25- "It say so Jehovah of hosts. If thou wilt walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you will govern my house, you also keep my courts, and between them you give here are square." (V. 7, Ch. 2. Zechariah).