Everybody is selling something their ideas, their wisdom, their beliefs, their knowledgewhen it's given freely, without any hidden agenda'sthat's when it's beautiful and that 's when people want to listenand that's what we need more ofThere is so much deception going on... these days ESPECIALLYand the thing is, no one can honestly tell you what the truth isfor the truth is something only you can arrive atand what resonates within youbut for sure, if it doesn't involve love, it doesn't involve truthwithout a doubtwhere it gets tricky is that we have been brainwashedto believe what people with ulterior motives want us to believeand this brainwashing makes you think, feel and actas if you know and have the ultimate truthwhich really the only ultimate truth is LOVEAnd yet we abuse love everydayand have all sorts of ass-backwards ideasabout what love is and isn'tWe've had so many revolutionary people we've been gifted withthat have come here for the sole purpose of showing us what love isand have done without wanting fame and fortuneand have done it with nothing but the best of intentionsso my question is this?Why isn't that enough for you?People have sacrificed their lives to bring you the truth of lovewhen is it enough?Sincerely, Joni Lynn
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"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxM5KN9jVA"
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://youtu.be/tcxM5KN9jVA?si=RqSJiwV2kgAsNCjO"
"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
Heart goes out to those involved in the destructive 7.7 earth quake in Thailand .
Love always, Godis