part 5; Silent Weapons and False Flags
There never was a crisis, but a conspiracy. Every decade or so, they fake a crisis, from the first one in the early 1970s to the 1980s to the 1990s, and now the big one in the new millennium. Each time they drive up the oil prices especially at the pumps until it slows down when people stop buying as much. Then they drop it back again but not all the way back down and the next decade they do the same again, each time reaching a little higher until now we’re paying a good portion of our wages just to get to work. And Except this time around it lasted for three years and more and has tripled in price.
America has had it the best all these years, much cheaper prices at the pumps. They sold out the US to the Arabs for cheap oil. Even during the oil conspiracy they continued to build monster cars and trucks that suck the gas. And that’s also why the auto industry in the US is now failing! That’s probably why smart people followed the hippies in getting smaller cheaper automobiles with better gas mileage. But it’s too late for the manufacturers this time because they continued to build huge SUVs that drank the gas and also because of the auto union’s extremely high wages. I guess they thought prices would go back down but now they’re caught because it didn’t. It has gone down considerably now in the last half of 2008, but the price at the pumps only went down a small percentage. The western auto makers should have followed the Japanese who have taken over the market even here in Central America. The big trucks and automobiles are fading out. So we’re all caught up in their games.
But where are we going? That’s the real question. There’s no oil shortage, There’s no crisis, “only a conspiracy”!. We tried to warn people for many years but they called us the conspirators. Who are the real conspirators now, the ones that are called the conspirators who expose the Illuminati or the SSG itself? Who do we point the finger at now that people are really beginning to feel the pinch? Be careful that we don’t point at each other like I see now happening on U.S. propaganda television. They’re making it a game show on the news, as we watch people going at each other in fear. And of course, they’re playing it to their advantage. More reasons to take the guns away from the crazy middle class in America. What a soap Opera!
The Europeans are taking it easier. And here in Central America they can’t figure out what’s going on around them. Either I tell them until I am blue in the face or I write articles and send them out to newspapers who don’t really want to know because it’s coming outside of them from a foreigner but so is the danger. It’s upon them now. It’s upon all of us. We’re in this together now. It’s wake up call time. Is anybody out there? Hello, HELLO! 911, this is an emergency. The world is being taken over by a fascist elitist group of corporate bureaucrats and the people of thewhole world is asleep! Please wake them up for me. It’s important. Please, thank you.
Now let’s get into the really heavy stuff. Many have now heard about the NWO plans to annihilate us, to get the population down to 500 million (those slaves that will serve them), that’s killing off six billion people! That’s approximately 95 percent of our population. Is it any wonder why so many people are sick and dying, including me? (See chapter on Sickness and Healing.) Yes, the poison food is part of it and the water. But they have other weapons as well.
What about HAARP (mind and weather control weapons) and the viruses released upon us? And then we look up in the sky and what do we see? It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s superman; No, it’s “chem.-trails” over our heads, which is bio-warfare on the total population of the world via tanker jets. Yes, it’s real. And no, it’s not contrails (water vapor that follows the jets as sort of a tail). And then there are all those viruses that keep getting us, a new one every year.
It’s all real and what about the scientists, all 75 of them who mysteriously died after they created deadly mutated flu viruses for the SSG? What about HIV, Ebola, Hunter virus, Scars, pig, chicken all H1N1 viruses and the other recently created bird viruses and now swine flu or A/H1N1? Who created them and where did they come from? Why did they kill the 75 scientists afterward? Food for thought, huh, what else? The viruses of this bio-warfare will be the tool of excuse, a front for them to set up concentration camps known as quarantine camps.
Well bio-warfare is old. They used it in WWI and WWII in some form or another. In Vietnam we had “agent orange” and probably as much damage was done to American soldiers as the enemy. An Agent Orange manufacturing plant was planted near my village, (Defiance Mo.) by Monsanto, licensed by Budweiser Beer during the Vietnam War. Very many people became sick or diseased from the buried waste product including myself and my family. The barrels were buried until 1974; by 1980 they leaked out and contaminated the whole area and destroyed all wildlife! More details in the Genocide sub Chapter. In the first and second gulf war the depleted uranium radiation from the shells of our own weapons did much damage to our own soldiers. And the many mini-nuclear bombs and other bio-chemical warfare bombs damaged the soldiers and their families and that’s not counting what they did to the so called enemy which was against the Geneva agreement. So what’s the point in it? Who does it benefit?
It’s the one world government. They don’t care who gets killed as long as they reap the benefits of the war and the war machines they sell and the money they make providing and caring for the guinea pig soldiers. The U.S. government has refused to recognize the Gulf War syndrome as an illness, even though it’s killed and maimed many thousands, mostly from forced poisoned vaccines. “They simply refuse to pay benefits”. Remember, their plan is to eliminate most all people of the earth. They created the plagues and viruses that are now released upon the world. The SSG had scientists from all over the world in laboratories researching how to make viruses that have no cure, at least no cure for the public. “Forgive them father” for they no not what they do. But they have developed both a prevention and cure, which they use or keep only for themselves. And in the end may not work for them as well. Many of these viruses are alien and not from this world. So there’s no real way of telling what they will do when they continue to mutate.
These viruses are designed to kill us off slowly and quietly, quiet weapons for quiet wars. They used departmentalization so that no one except the top scientists knew what they were actually working on. Then when they were finished they mysteriously killed them off, all 54 (now 60) of them officially, and many more to be discovered. Now only the first and second inner circles hold the secrets. HIV was created by them. And many of the vaccines given to third world countries actually cause the diseases they were suppose to provide protection against.
The same happened with our soldiers. They were not asked, but rather told, to take a vaccine shot that had been proven to be highly poisonous. Only 175 soldiers died in the Kuwait War or Gulf War I, but 3,500 died from the vaccines and now in Gulf War II 4,800 died from the vaccines and 20,000 are sick and disabled. Who’s the real enemy?
Look around and know that these vaccines are proven deadly. The government is now beginning to force the population of the USA to take them. They’re working on passing laws to make people take them and either be killed or live a slow death. And they’ve begun making children in school take them. Soon it will be mandatory in all schools and preschools in the USA.
Now we’ll go back to the viruses that the SSG made. As one may have noticed in the last decade or so, reports have come out each year about a new virus that was found and that has no cure, which also could be a plague and kill millions. But so far none of it has come true. There was the pig virus, the bird flu, the chicken disease, etc. But so far the mutated viruses that they have created haven’t worked well, thank God. Still, they have served some purpose. Number one, they keep us in fear. The SSG feeds off of our fear. And number two they scare us into rushing to the doctor to get a flu shot and pharmaceutical drugs, which I did as well.
I did this in January 1999 when they first started spraying us with chem.-trails (90 percent of the world is sprayed). But this flue vaccine only made it worse and I became very sick for a long, long time afterward. So don’t rush out and get flu shots, vaccines that they come up with because it’s worse than the so called disease, which comes from many years of spraying us with the deadly chemtrails,which is a form of the HINI!
And when they are successful in releasing a virus of some kind, they’re not going to give us the antidote but probably another virus and poisons in the shot. So our body’s immune system will have to learn not only to fight off one alien virus but if you take the vaccine you will have to fight off two alien virus’s and most will die or remain in severe sickness. It will be difficult in the future because they will try to force us into it by threatening to put us into one of their quarantine prisons called holding units which are really concentration camps. Also many believe they will insert a RFID tag in the vaccine, which is the beginning of the mark of the beast, the 666.
I believe that maybe these viruses that the Illuminati create are probably out there and someday will hit the population of the world, but we will not be given protection because the viruses are often recreated from alien sources. The SSG wants us to believe they can save us but they can’t. Only we can save ourselves by getting off highly processed junk food and getting back to natural and organic foods.
Eat healthy. Build up our own immune systems. Take lots of supplements and store them up while we can still get them before they make supplement herbs illegal. And the pharmaceutical drugs won’t help either. Remember, the dark forces control them and make them as well. These won’t heal disease. They usually create them. Again, I know because they created over 20 of them in me. Each drug has several side effects (or new diseases). Natural herbs are the best way because of the positive energy fields that they carry as well as a diet of healthy foods and drinks. I will discuss this much more in the Sickness and healing chapter. So don’t take vaccines or pharmaceutical drugs. Don’t believe their lies on television, radio, or other news media. It’s all meant to cause fear in us.
The daily dose of “chem.-trails” is where we are getting our viruses and diseases. This bothers me greatly and it too should bother all of us. When I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I learned that this is where they make it, along with UFO’s and exotic crafts and weapons at “Kirtland Air Force Base” along with Love Lace Company, Phillips and Sandia Labs and others as well. They have been testing it on the 14 Southwest States for 50 years now.
I have older movies that were made in Hollywood. California and in those tested areas, plus my own photos, showing chem.-trails in the sky. A photo of this is on the Internet. There are all kinds of evidence going way back to when the NWO sprayed it from the back (or from the fuel tank) of the jets, out with the water vapor contrails. So at first it looks like a contrail which follows the jet. But these chemicals stay in the sky. They spray it at about 30,000 feet up. It leaves a line across the sky, which doesn’t disperse. Instead it gets larger and larger and then starts to fall to the ground. Usually they go back and spray again from the opposite direction, leaving a crisscross pattern or “X” in the sky. And after that they sometimes do it again and again. These jets are usually bigger than an F-14 and are white in color, sometimes with a blue stripe.
I believe the ones actually doing the spraying are the regular military plus the NWO military and even the coast guard. I was in Biloxi, Mississippi, in September 2002. I counted about 27 jets coming in to land at the coast guard station, white with blue stripes but no markings or insignia. So they weren’t regular coast guard, but the NWO spraying the chem.-trails down on us. Now the question is where do they get the money to spray us? It must cost billions of dollars everyday to spray 90 percent of the world on a almost daily routine. The standard question is, “What in the hell are they spraying on us and why?”
The money is coming from the Illuminati and they make that money back by spraying us with heavy bio-warfare chemicals that make us deadly sick or at least give us flu like conditions. We, in turn, run to the doctor for shots and pharmaceutical drugs which, like I said, doesn’t help at all. It only makes things worse. The money comes from us buying their pharmaceutical deadly drugs and vaccines that don’t work .And with that money they make more bio-warfare to spray on us and the cycle goes on and on.
They started spraying us (that is the whole world) back in October 1998, over 10 years now. And it seems no one has the power to stop them. No one in power really cares or is trying to stop it or slow it down. They’re spraying here in Belize as well, fairly regularly and this year two new pharmaceutical drug stores opened up in this small town to make money. That’s just in San Ignacio with only 15,000 people. Now what are they spraying on us?
What they’re spraying has been analyzed by private groups of people. The government and military says it’s just waste from the toilets and drains and water vapor of the jets. But here are some of the things the analysts found in it and new studies are still being made. First of all, they are made from a jelly like base with human cells in it, mold, fungi, pig cells and a flu-like virus which is unknown to science. Plus when the chem.-trails fall to earth they catch the nano cells or particles of a radical virus that normally lives in the upper atmosphere and doesn’t otherwise come down to earth.
These cells are the same ones scientists in the early 1950s went up in balloons to catch in vacuum jars and bring down to earth, which they had learned from Hitler after the war.. They then mutated them into what we now call Anthrax, an alien parasite virus for bio-warfare. When this naturally accruing Anthrax combines with the other mixture it then falls down and lands on our houses, cars, yards, water systems, and plants and we breathe it into our lungs. It then can transfer into us through the skin when we touch it.
Fantastic work my Brother!!! I translate already the first 4 parts and put them on my french blog...