im not perfect haven't. Been on here lately I really had to center myself.I know everyone here has their own thought their own purpose I Love each of you for that.No everything I ever say may not designate with any of you but knowin I respect all of you. My purpose in who I am is to love and help set others on that path of love on gods divine path back to him and mother and I am sorry if I haven't done that. I too am here to learn and find the divine within myself as the divine is in all of you. I accept each of you for who you are and pray you do the same of meLove light peaceLisa marie
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  • Hi sky love ya thank you Michael
  • Suiris something came to me what is it your looking for dear what you know I blew up a bit didn't mean it to sound that way what is it you desire that you need that your looking for I may or may not have the answer but I can tell you this I can be a friend a light in the dark so blow up whatever it maybe I don't turn away.
  • And any person saying they are enlightened all say the same we are equal we are one not one better than the next and when you look in the mirror and dare think you are better than another better look again for we are made in the image of God but we are not God we were made from our own willful act to know the pain and hurt of God because if we were God this place would not be the mess it has become. I bow to God not to man kind lord knows I may get shot for saying that. I bow to no religion but to the higher one the only one that has power to clap his hands and its lights out for all. So no im not perfect neither are you. The moment you can heal this world of disease hate and anger then I say your pretty darn close to perfect
  • No illusion no lie. Wow I respect what you think but if you truely read my words oh maybe listened to the words of the video you may of understood the context of what was meant dear. Im perfectly imperfect or im perfect but im a work in progress. We all are. Yes when I look at myself I see God in me but im not God nor wish to be or try to be im just who I can be and that's love and light to all who need me to be. Just as I have those that are love and light for me. Personally I wish everyone who thinks they are better than another would realize they were never on a high horse or throne but down here with all the rest of us trying to figure out this life. As for God Jesus buddah
  • That's a nice desire, yours.

    Everyone has its own.

    But everything is up to your personal desire, and how much you're longing for said desire.

    If you say "I'm not perfect" You won't be perfect by any means. That's your personal wish, limiting yourself, while still being the One. Since there isn't a tangible difference between you and whatever you want to call your "gods and goddesses"

    But most "human beings" always throwing their responsibilities at others. In your case "him and the mother" Whatever this labels mean.

    Who are you?

    And since you don't wanna realize you ARE perfect already, you're still here, trying to set up conditions between You and your fears. Such as "I'm not perfect" Ignoring what might be the biggest challenge... yourself.

    What do you really want?

    Wake up already! or don't... it's up to you. Don't let the fear get in the way of your divinity, or do, it's up to you.

    Yes, I'm speaking with the mirror "him and the mother" the One inside of you, inside of everyone and everything.

    Realization. I feel... like there's fear in your words, an illusion, a lie. But I might be wrong, after all, I'm a mirror as well.

    The answer is inside of you, beyond the illusory fear.

    What do you desire?

  • I love you all so much
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