all religion promise eternal life.
you have to become imortal in your life time their is no paradise after death.
know that reading the bible the koran or the tora will never make you imortal they only bring conflic and great division amount mankind.
people are like sheep they falow and belive blindly anyone who seem to have great position or sucess.
man of value in a world of darkness rarely get famous.
a tell you if you falow the old testament you will never reach imortality but most likely end in prison.
know that their is no god above our self.
the only thing that exist is consciensciousness and energy.
the rest is created by us human these monotheist religion as turn us into miserable sinner we have become condense information.
the material and psysical round is made only of thought form condense information slow wave vibration.
thought and imagination become real the secret elite of this world know it that why they invent psychiatry to control what people belive to normalise society into slave worker.
the latin definition of work is torture and civilisation mean slavery.
know that reality obey mostly to our subconscious belief.
belief are trap you need to know.
know that every 20 or 30 year half our belief go into the supertition box.
for milinia humanity run on make belief.
for milinia we have belive in lie is time for truth.
many people has being kill to expose supertitious belief and truth by a mass that was scare of abandoning their supertitious belief.
all new discovery that change humanity has scare the mass and people who propose new idea where call insane.
know that all truth start like a blashpheme and it is reject by the mass as it invalidate all they know it make them feel insecure.
we are in a dream and nothing is imposible happy thought make you fly.
you are condanme to eternal reincarnation due to the fact that you dont know who you are nor what you do,
we are living in satan matrix where choice are fated.
live up to your ideal.
the more you try to control the more supisious you become about the people and you become scare by the mass coming togheter for peace and justice.
man of peace and truth only as two enemy gouvernement and psychiatrist.
truth as make fall great empire .
only throw love peace and truth can you free the nation from slavery disease and misery.
if you kill demon you multiply them and you end up control by them.
when the system is corupt it become ilegal to be rightious it become a duty to break unjust law that keep our people slave and ignorant.
in the land of god king and qeen are not ruler of the people but costodian of the earth and its habitant.
their is no savior it a scam to keep you waiting that lead you to your own death.
real sage make no folower but free people and empower people to live a rightious live.
a world where their is childrend who suffer is a unjust world.
when the mass is more interest by the royal family that by the need of the starving childrend is time for a revolution.
not caring for the people and the environement is the result of unconscious thinking.
to belive you are god make you a rule and enemy of the mass to know that you are gods make you a lover of life and a bringner of grace and mercy.
when coruption end natural desaster end.
thing that make the body sick,greed judgement , pride , sadness, defending belief or mystical truth, anger , negative thought , lie , violence, fear , injustice ,living in the past or the future , resisting to change,
worry, man law.
thing that bring us healing ,generosity, truth , peace , love, joy , patience, kindness, positive thought , living in the present , justice , humility , gods law.
you have being trick into beliving the psysical and material universe was the only thing real and that you where mortal your own spirit nature as being hide from you where all imortal being.
when we heal our self the earth heal when a nation see and know the truth the earth is made prestine again.
when you know your self the world disapear and gods become real.
in the so develope world school turn you into a blind and mindless slave.
a education that dont teach you to trust your intuition and to think by your self is useless for the people and the planet in turn nto a materialist ,
their is no expiration date on your body your attitude toward life and your subconscious belief determine on long you will live.
if you belive in psychiatry you live and belive in a lie.
if the cause of your happiness is you material or your position you will end up in emotional trauma nothing is eternal in the psysical universe.
a man of sucess worth nothing in the eye of god if he dont live by virtue and have wrong value.
in the so civilise and develope wolrd prescription drug cause more death and health problem that all ilegal drug combine it is time to legalise all plant and extrac and standardise what people buy.
nature is perfect balance braking that balance cause disease and pain nature will halway balance at at the expense of of so call evolution and progress in technology we must restore our harmony and our symbiose with nature in our so civilise world people thing they are iteligent that we are facing our own instinction earth as eternity to heal not us.
if we cut the military budget by half in the industrial world and transfer the budget in real education feeding and clothing the people we will all be traveling interspace.
the interdiction to patent any plant gmo or not.
know that psychiatrist are criminal at the sold of corupt pharmaceutic industry.
the truth will destroy your military gouvernement and civilisation and will earase your belief and make your body the temple in wich you dwell.
we are not here for peace but for truth freedom and justice.
entering a world of posibility the only choice you have is how you chose to percive life.
if something dont bring you joy and happiness you sould avoid to do it.
fear lie stress and anxiety lower your inteligence love truth joy and happiness bring you to higher inteligence.
we are here to help and serve the earth and its people to harm none to heal all.
we are all interconected and every thought afect the whole.
when you where born you inerited the belief and perception of your parent you health condition as a baby and young child depend on how your mother as percive life its a filter of reality that blind you to the truth our job is to remove harmfull subconscious belief as they determine our health and longivity.
if you have emotional reaction to what you see or hear dont wacth the new nor drama neither gossip nor negative or violent movie as it what you will bring in your reality.
if it not truth dont say it.
if a action is not base on rightiousness dont do it.
when we change reality change.
if we adapt to a pur and prestine world and we are not adapting the world to us we live forever.
.Hi Cosmic Warrior.
Enjoyed the article.
Straight up and heart felt.
If I may comment on one of your points...
"know that reading the bible the koran or the tora will never make you imortal they only bring conflic and great division amount mankind".
Hidden amongst the subterfuge, guilt, shame, fear, distortions, and agenda, the bible contains the instruction set that Christ used to claim His immortality.
All it takes is a discerning eye to recognize it.
And some heart to take action on it.
Lies are mixed with truth in all religions . The truth makes the lies more plausible and to get you to buy into the system as a whole. Humans have a history of being fed misinformation in order to control their consciousness. Much of the channel information from extraterrestrials of Earth tell of humans bodies being created as a slave race in their physical image We are born into a system where we are systematically misled and suppressed. Reincarnation with amnesia or long term memory loss is part of that system The idea of learning by forgetting is one of the biggest con jobs anyone has ever come with and is being put forth as a religious concept. The body is a vehicle for experiencing this world. We are born into a frequency range which contains most people to the five senses. The frequency at which you vibrate also contains the level of information you are open to. The last thing the controllers want is for anyone to have an expanded consciousness that expands past the five senses and the 3rd dimension. The in-between life forgetter mechanism which has been etherically implanted is for the sole purpose of keeping people in the trap system along with DNA manipulation. "That which you forget you are doomed to repeat."