The above is what I have understood after listening to many honest doctors give their take on the Kung Flu. Regardless of what it IS, we know it is NOT what we’re told, we’re not all sick, the tests are meaningless, we should not be isolating healthy people, closing businesses, ceasing social contact, and stopping our entire lives over a lie.
Hospitals are no more full than usual and number of deaths worldwide is the same this year or slightly less than the previous few years. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC except in the eyes of the globalists who are trying to control each and every one of us and force us all to get vaccinations which will ultimately mean the end of Humans we we know it. A vaccine will NOT protect us, and never has. There is no proof or study to quote that indicates a vaccine of any kind protects us from a disease, or anything else.
It’s time the world understands who their enemies are and that we stop playing into the New World Order’s hands. Uninformed people are volunteering to be their slaves and dragging the rest of us into the jail cells with them.
Independent researcher Jon Rappoport tells us the tests they’re using to scare everyone into believing some rampant pathogen is infecting us all is bogus. Just turn off the lying, treasonous lamestream media and stop the mind control and programming in its tracks.
In case you thought the PCR test detects an actual virus…wrong
And now for me, it’s back to the boxes, and a boxing day of a different sort this year. Stock up on food, water, meds, cash, and fuel if you haven’t already and maintain situational awareness at all times. Things could get a little spicy in some locales at any time—anywhere in the world. ~ BP
''In case you thought the PCR test detects an actual virus…wrong''