

Human individuality is a self torturing personality. Divine individuality is a self discovering personality. Man does not have to lose his individuality and personality. Man has to feel and realise his all pervading divine individuality and all-serving divine personality. When we speak of individuality, we immediately see that it is composed of pride, vanity, desires, frustrations, fear, anxieties, worries and so forth.

This kind of individuality can be observed in our ordinary day to day life. But there is another kind of individuality, which we call the divine individuality. Divine individuality is totally different from the individuality of pride, vanity, ego, earthbound desires, limited achievements and limited fulfilment.

Divine individuality is a direct expression of the Divine in us. God is One. At the same time, He is Many. He is One in His highest Transcendental Consciousness. He is Many here on earth in the field of manifestation. At the Highest, He is Unity. Here on earth, He is Multiplicity. God is the Lotus, and He has many, many petals, each representing an individual aspect of Himself. He is manifesting Himself in infinite ways and in infinite forms.

When we speak of human personality, we immediately think of something coming from our physical consciousness or the physical body. A man, with his inborn capacities, tendencies and talents and all his characteristics, forms a kind of personality. When a man stands in front of me, his personality spreads like water flowing onto a flat surface.

When we think of a person or a thing, immediately our own individuality enters into the personality of that person or thing. Right now I am here with you at Berkeley, the august university. But if my mind carries me to someone in India, my own individuality immediately becomes one with the person there.

I have entered into the person who is now in India, and I can use his personality on the strength of my union with him. I have not lost my individuality. I feel that my individuality has been transformed into an all pervading and all serving personality. The moment I think of anybody, my consciousness enters into him and pervades him.

When my consciousness takes me into a person, I become part and parcel of him. Then I expand my consciousness there. When my consciousness expands, his consciousness also expands. We always serve the moment we consciously enter into something other than ourselves.

In our true Self we are all one. But in our outer self, we are many. Among the "many," we see that one is serving the other; and the "other" may not take an active or even a conscious part in the process. For example, I am giving a talk here. You may feel that I am serving you with my knowledge and my spiritual light, but I wish to tell you that you are also serving the Supreme in me through your communion with me and your understanding and appreciation of my offering to you.

This is what we call the all serving-personality. The moment we stand before a person, even if he does not take an active or dynamic part in the interchange, our very presence constitutes an important part of the consciousness of that person. An ordinary person does not understand the language of a flower, but when he stands in front of a flower, what actually happens? He appreciates its beauty, and the beauty of the flower appreciates his consciousness.

There is mutual appreciation, mutual love, mutual service.




I am serving you with all that I am and all that I have. You are serving me by becoming totally one with my consciousness. That is true service. In this kind of service we do not lose our individuality. My individuality remains inside you, and your individuality remains inside me.

It is the extension of our personality in the form of this widened individuality which the Supreme expresses in infinite ways. Although a tiny drop of water can be taken as an individual drop, when it merges into the infinite ocean it does not lose its so-called individuality. On the contrary, its individuality is expanded into an infinite expanse of ocean.

When we look at the ocean, we see the ocean as an immense being, a huge personality that has inside it billions and billions of living beings. It is a living being itself. By merging into the ocean, the drop becomes as great as the ocean.

Similarly, when we enter with our individuality into our divine personality, we see that our individuality is transformed into the infinitely vast and all-pervading personality of the Divine.

~ Sri Chinmoy http://www.srichinmoy.org/resources/library/talks/philosophy/indivi... Group:


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  • This I am in agreement with and nighteyes comments are good.ONENESS yes,even in the Native American spiritual ways comment on this ie,The Great Spirit is in the Center of the Universe,whose center is everywhere and in you.Some thing like that.Quote Black Elk.(you are also the center of the universe)as ONENESS with in the heart.And in the pocket of the heart dwells Great Spirit.etc.Love Phil.

  • when my children were younger, i tried to explain the idea to them that we were all One.  when they got a little older and had biology in school, i hit upon the idea of explaining the earth (and multi-verse) in terms of the human body.  every being from every kingdom and gaia herself act as one human body.  just as the cells in the body perform separate functions, and know little of other cells in other parts of the body, or what they do, humans are but one small group of specialized cells in the body of gaia.  but, make no mistake, all the cells are critical in the survival of the body.

    i know this is an imperfect metaphor, but it was enough to get my children thinking about the bigger picture and they role they play.

  • Thank-you this is a beautiful message and one in what I do.ONENESS and all.Divine feminine and masculine etc.

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