Dr. Angela Barnett
There are already Existing, an Infinite Number of INFINITE PARALLEL Earth REALITIES, and each of them has specific Vibrations, each of them Vibrates to a Different Frequency. Each Frequency is representative of a different reality. The Vibration that you change to will determine which Version of Reality-- which Version of Earth Experience that already contain the people that are already germane (relevant-resonate-reverberate) to your vibration.
In Fall 2016, we will be sorted out into different parallel realities. Each reality will be the one that reflects our personal frequencies. That is because reality is created by the individual. Our reality is projected from our DNA onto the atomic mirror around our bodies that allow us to view the movies that we create in our DNA.
The people around you may seem to change, but that is an illusion of continuity. They change because they are a different version of the person that you once knew. The Earth will look the same until you start tuning in to the realization that it is only a facsimilie of the Earth that you were on before.
You will eventually realize that you have shifted your reality to a place where those frequencies or vibrations of many people that you knew really didn't understand you at all, no longer exist in your new parallel reality. Where did they go? They disappeared because they shifted into a different parallel reality than you did.
If you have raised your DNA to 5DNA you will be rising into a Glorious, Loving Experience of multi dimensional harmony.
If you have even raised your DNA from 3.2 into 3.7, your reality will become the movie screen of the visions, the ideas that are still planted in your 3DNA, but a little improved because you are at least in the initiation stages of moving into your 4DNA.
Those who shift into a 4DNA reality will be projecting the astral dream realities that are imprinted in their cellular memory of the time when the Angelic Human had not yet become trapped in the Astral Consciousness of the Zetas and Draconians who created the rip in the Merkaba around our Sun in order to take control of the minds of the leaders and the military on Earth.
Those who shift into a 5DNA reality will rise completely above the 4DNA Initiation and be able to look down from above into the multiple dreams within the Astral Level and choose the reality that is preferred. That version of multi dimensional realities allows continuous shifting and combining reality fields.
Each person will shift into the reality field that contains their frequencies of consciousness. Those frequencies manifest reality through the movie projector of the synaptic cleff wtihin the Soma of the DNA. The movie projector in the 3DNA contains a different movie than the movie projector in the 5DNA.
The DNA is actually the connection in consciousness into higher and higher realms. The shift over all is into the Soul Matrix and Over Soul Matrix of the Higher Selves of Consciousness that rise higher and higher above the illusions of the five senses to show that the narrow version of reality that is seen, touched and felt is only an illusion that is created by the Experiences of Others who planted their Consciousness into our DNA.
Once we rise into the 4DNA and 5DNA we begin to create our Unique Version, our Own Reality that does not contain any characters in the movies around us that we do not create within our own minds.
This is why it is so important to move out of the 3DNA where reality is only contained in the upper cerrebellum. The Fifth Dimension can only be connected to from the Mid Brain. Next a path of consciousness can connect from the medulla oblangata down into the master neuronet which would be the violet frequency of the heliotalic 14th dimensional transformational frequency. Once that transformational connection is made, then the brain can be reconnected into the golden gamma within the Crystal Heart. This creates a new flow of reality that begins in the Mind of God- beyond the 14th dimension of pre light and pre sound frequencies. That Mind of God can stream directly into the medulla oblangata at the base of the skull and into the Crystal Heart and then create a path back into the Mid Brain and then into the Thinking Brain. However, by this time, the thinking brain will no longer be doing the thinking. The KNOWING will be coming from the Mind of God where ALL IS KNOWN. This allows 100% of the Brain to transmit directly into the neuro transmitters perfect health, manifestation, supply and eternal life.
You cannot change another person. When you change your frequencies, those people will not be in your movie projector. Only people who resonate with your same frequencies will be in your movie projector.
So, when I write an article, and someone immediately writes the comment, I don't resonate with that, it simply means that they will no longer be in my world. And Thank God for that. I will begin interacting with a NEW VERSION of that person who does resonate, or he wouldn't be in my new movie.
This isn't true about people who don't understand because they have a language barrier. Those people could easily resonate with me simply by listening to my music.
All realities already exist. You are not changing worlds. You are leaving one world and going to another that resonates with your frequencies. If your frequencies are Hertzian, Visible Light spectrum, you will move to a version of the Third Dimension-- 3.5- 3.7.
If your frequencies resonate with Invisible Light, Blue Light, Silver Pink Light and the Infinite Unknown, you will move to a parallel reality where Entities from all of the 12 coded Galaxies and Universes could become a part of your reality.
Those who lock themselves within the five sense reality will not have a very large choice of realities that they can shift to. Those who have worked on raising their frequencies into the Cosmic Frequencies and to all of the Soul Families of their Consciousness with the help of their Eternal Life Album, will have an infinite number of realities to move in to.
We will all be shifting our reality to another channel where there is already a movie playing on the giant screen of the universe. As we lift our frequencies higher and higher out into the Cosmic Template of our Individual Divine Blue Print- 36 inches above the head and within this sphere that intersects with the Earth's Crystal Heart Vortex deep within her Iron Core, we are within a Light Field that no longer has any darkness that creates a separation of Harmonic Universes.
Whatever you change within yourself will already exist in the world that you move to. We must make the change of reality within ourselves. We must create the reality where we say I have always been fabulously wealthy, I have always lived in a world where everyone adores me, I have always lived in a world where everyone resonates with my teachings, I have always lived in a world where I can telecommunicate and teleport to the far reaches of the universe.
You will take yourself to a world where that reality can be reflected to you because that reality already exists in that world.
There is no physical reality. The only reality that exists is the Experience. The experience is not in the physical. The experience is within your higher self allowing you to become excited about the experience. The illusion of reality is created on the DNA. The DNA must activate to allow us to experience the illusion of reality.
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