Infinite Potential in Life Teacher: Roy Posner


Infinite Potential in Life Articles
by Roy Posner
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Is it possible that there is no limit to what an individual, business, or society can accomplish? That is the question we attempt to address in this entry of Growth Online.

Practical Concept of Infinity

Let's begin with some metaphysical insights into the nature of life.

In the Growth Online topic on the Theory of Creation we describe in metaphysical terms how the universe was created and how life in the universe evolved. We state that the known physical universe emanated from the spiritual source we call the Absolute (also known as the Divine, the One, Brahman, and God in various cultures).

We describe how from the Absolute, in its delight of creation, a universe of forms was created. Beginning with the Big Bang we now understand the development of atoms, gases, galaxies, planets, species, animals, and finally humans.

Theory of Creation can be found here:

We should note that the spirit, i.e. the Absolute, from which forms emanated, is not lost in the forms; rather the spirit is hidden and buried, "involved" if you will, in the forms. This is true even in the human race, a later manifestation of the forms.

As the human race evolves up from the physical to the vital/emotional and then to the mental planes, we begin to come in touch with the spirit of the All, the same property out of which the universe and we came from in the first place.

If the original principle, the Absolute, the All contains the spirit which has infinite force, power, and possibility, then when we evolve and come in contact with the formerly hidden spirit within and without us, we gain access to the same infinite powers.

In our theory of creation we determined that the Absolute consists of infinite existence, infinite consciousness, and infinite delight. When we comes in touch with the spirit in our evolution, the All, we reconnect back to these ultimate determinants with their infinite attributes.

In human life these infinite attributes can manifest as infinite existence, infinite knowledge, infinite accomplishment, and infinite happiness. In other words, there is no end to what he can accomplish, how happy he can be, how long he can live.

We call this infinite possibility in our own lives the "Practical Concept of Infinity" because this idea of infinite potential can be understood and manifest practically in our lives.


In fact we don't have to look very far to see how this "practical concept of infinity" is already expressing in the universe we all know.

When we look up in the skies and think about the fact that there are billions of stars in our galaxy, and that we live in but one of billions of galaxies, we can appreciate the practicality and reality of infinity.

Likewise, when we go the other way into the depths of the atom and comprehend its infinite properties, we can appreciate the reality of the infinite in matter. Also, when scientific discovery is confounded by concepts and theories that defy time, space, and logic, then the possibility of a practical expression of infinity becomes not so far out of the realm of possibility.

Finally, when we examine the incredible diversity of life forms that we see around us, we can again appreciate the concept of infinity being a practical reality in life.

Just as we can witness the infinite in a practical way in science and nature, we can also understand it in society.

If we examine the great changes and possibilities that we have been witnessing the past few years then again the idea of infinite potential as a practical reality does not seem so far fetched. In fact in recent times this development has been accelerating into what may be viewed as exponential change; another indicator of the practical concept of infinite potential.

Yet our theory suggests that even with all of these developments in the world we are tapping but the smallest fraction of the infinite potential.

For example, though the Internet, with its ability to speed up an interconnect so many facets of life, appears to be a vast leap in social development, in terms of the infinite potential involved in our beings it is but a trickle in the ocean of infinite possibility! If this is the case, then it has staggering implications for life's potentials.

Overcome Ego to Join the Current of Infinite Possibility

Then the question is how can we get in touch with this infinitive potential in ourselves and release it in our lives. To answer that we need to understand what our own limitations are. Once again let us turn to the metaphysics of life.

We have stated that from out of the Absolute emerges a universe of forms. However these forms do not emerge as perfect. In creation there is perfection and imperfection, mixed together.

This creation through opposites occurs in order for the greatest quantity and diversity of forms to appear in existence. Forms emerge over time in dualistic pairs -- as knowledge and ignorance, good and evil, etc.

If life did not emerge in dualities, very little if anything would have been created in the first place. Without the dualities there would not be this infinite diversity and quantity and quality of forms we witness in the known universe.


There are all sorts of dualities that can be seen in the creation, including the dualities for human existence. In human beings there is happiness and sadness, knowledge and ignorance, good and evil, and many other dualistic pairs.

It is in fact through these opposites that human life develops. It is through our own evolution that we break beyond the dualities.

This enables us to grow, and brings us back in touch with the infinite All from which we came; with its infinite potentials for existence (endless life), accomplishment (endless success), and joy (endless happiness).

The main obstacle to breaking beyond these dualities is the "master duality;" the ego-sense; the perception we have that separates us from the great spiritual All where infinite success and happiness is a reality.

From our limiting ego sense we perceive ourselves as the center of the universe, rather than seeing ourselves as part of the All, as part of a universal spirit and energy that permeates life.

Through our limiting lenses we gaze on the world in a dim light, blinded from seeing the bigger picture, the greater and vaster forces at work. We are conscious of a speck of the world, and think that speck is all there is.

That ego-sense that limits our consciousness of and participation in infinite forces appears in different plane -- i.e. the physical, vital, and mental -- parts of our being. We are tied to the inertia of our bodies; to thepassions and desires of our emotional, vital being; and to the prejudices, limitations, and linear thinking of our minds.

In total we view all the world in terms of our own bodies, needs, thoughts, feelings, and desires. We are locked in a small cage of perception, blocked from infinite energy, force, and delight. If however we were able to overcome this ego sense, this quality that emerged from the Absolute as duality in our consciousness, we would open to the infinite currents of life.

If we were able to move out of the ego sense perception of the world, we would leave the tiny eddies of life and emerge in the great ocean of possibility, where anything and everything is possible, where potential is infinite.

In the infinite oceans of life there is no limit to money, to success, to accomplishment, to happiness, to peace, to power, to love. Think of yourself now and imagine being twice as wealthy, happy, and energized. How about 5 times, 10 times? 100 times?, 1000 times? 1 million times?

You are now imagining the peace, power, and possibility of the infinite. To the measure you move out of your limited view of yourself and the world, your limited attitudes, habits, and beliefs, you move closer to the infinite potential in life. You move from the possibility of very limited results to the possibility of infinitive results.

You move from your false accounting of reality, to a true understanding and experience of infinite possibilities. When one goes beyond he ego of self one moves into the domain of unity, harmony, connectedness, which is in essence a connection to the unifying spirit of the All, the Divine. When yoked to the All one enters the realm of infinite possibility.


Here are a few strategies to tap into infinite possibilities for accomplishment and joy:

+ Constantly think about this perception of the All, the infinite ocean of life, and try to remain focused there in all your undertakings and situations in a course of a day.

+ Connect to the All through a discipline such as meditation or prayer.
+ Make it a daily discipline to become more giving to others. (For more on this approach.)

+ What you accomplish in life is determined by your deepest motives in life. Therefore examine one's motives in life, and determine if you can move from the motive of ego and self-aggrandizement in the course of your desire to accomplish in life, to something higher, such as a higher value, or something you can contribute to society, or an idea that you want to see come about, etc. (For more on the relationship between motive and accomplishment.)

+ Give up one's own preferences and honor those of others. (For more on this approach.)

+ If you cannot see the ocean of energy, you can see the society, country the not-self, part of a group, other person's point of view. (For more on this approach.)

+ Change a limiting attitudes that prevents you from enjoining the great current of life. (For more on this approach.)

Business and Society Too

This limiting ego which prevents our connections to the infinite possibilities for accomplishment does not just apply the individual; it also applies to institutions in the world and to human society overall.

Just as an individual evolves by overcoming his limited sense of self (ego) and enters the vast reservoir of infinite possibility so to a business can overcome it's limited sense of "self."

For example, among the ways a company can do this is by involving its customers heavily in it's decision, by participating in the needs of society when considering new products, by empowering its employees, and in many other ways.

So too can a nation and a society overcome its limiting self-importance and enjoins the nations of the world and open to the realm of possibility.

Overcome Ego by Moving Within

There is an inner process by which we can overcome our ego sense, our separateness that keeps us from living in the currents of these infinite powers. It is to live at the depths of our being, within, in our inner consciousness, instead of living on the surface of life.

As we go deeper within we begin to touch our individual being, soul, sometimes referred to as our Inner or Psychic Being. When we move within, into the depths through a discipline of concentration, calling, prayer, and others we begin to move from the surface of life to the depths of calm, peace, and an inner bliss. from there we feel less separate from others, from life.

We begin to sense an inner oneness with all because from that inner poise we are joining the universal currents of life, where separation ceases, where a sense of unity and harmony prevail.

At the level of the Inner, Psychic Being one can sense the limitations of the aspects of our being; the limitations of that is there in our bodies, our emotions, and minds. We can more clearly see that we are often living from our desire, opinions, limiting attitudes, and ego.

Not only can we more easily see and change our limitations in our character, but we begin to feel our ego sense that separates us from the infinite currents of life receding. As we shed the ego we come in to contact with the infinite forces, currents, and potentials of life.

As we move from the surface to the depths, from the outer to the inner, soul , psychic consciousness we shed ego and touch the forces that enable infinite accomplishment, success, and joy in life. In fact, an action initiated from this poise has a tremendous ability to invoke extremely positive and rapid very positive responses from life.


A New Power that Brings Us to Infinite Possibility

Aside from moving to the depths to shed our ego and separateness, there is a further approach that can help us tap into the infinite possibilities.

In the past fifty years we have witnessed a great acceleration in technology, economics, scientific achievements, and human thought. In fact, this tide of change seems to be accelerating.

There is also a complementary phenomenon that seems to be taking place. There seems to be a dramatic increase in "inner" experiences in people around the world. People seem to be tapping into a force that seems to bring about real, practical positive responses in their lives.

We believe that this spiritual power has been accelerating in the world in the last fifty years. If we learn to understand this power and force and utilize it, we can partake in the great ocean of infinite possibility.

If one can both overcome the limiting perception of the ego sense which blocks our connection to infinite powers and energies, and we learn to tap into this new, active, evolutionary spiritual power that seems to be awake in the world, then we can become not just happier, but infinitely happier; not just prosperous, but infinitely prosperous; not just creative, but infinitely creative; not just talented, but infinitely talented; not just achievers in the world, but achieving at levels that are twice, ten, even a hundred times our current level.

Sri Aurobindo, the Indian author and sage, believed that a new force has recently awakened in the world.

He began to see that aside from the Absolute, the Divine that is the source of all existence, there was a new force, born from the Absolute, but unique in its action and power in the world. He and his followers began to have experience of this force, and began to see that every time thy opened themselves to the force positive things started to happen around them and inside them.

For example, if before taking up an activity or project one were to open one's self to this force, very positive things would begin to happen on that activity or project. Those who have opened to this new force in the world have seen staggering improvements in their lives, and accomplishment at almost inconceivable levels.

Here are some theoretical examples of how this phenomenon functions:

+ A salesperson opens to this power before making a sales presentation to a customer. Nothing has worked right before with that customer. In the presentation the customer still doesn't budge; yet she gives the salesperson a lead that ends in an enormous sale for the salesperson, infinitely greater than originally expected

+ A marketing person wants to do a mass mailing so she can get a few clients that will help her company expand.She consecrates the action before beginning the creation of a thousand pieces of marketing materials. Within two minutes she gets a call from an earlier perspective client that the client wants to purchase their entire inventory making the mailing unnecessary.

+ A group of scientists are researching the validity of superstring theory by doing a series of experiments. They do a group opening to a higher power, and not only discover new insights into their theory as it relates it to physics, but see a connection to it in two other scientific disciplines, and are also able to see its connection to recent psychological theories related to thought waves and vibrations.

+ A social scientist consecrates his thoughts before beginning to write a report on development in the sub-Sahara. The work goes smoothly, effortlessly, and calmly. Also, after a ten minute break she receives a letter in the mail for a totally unexpected $100,000 grant to expand the project.

Metaphysical Explanation of the New Force

We can try to understand this phenomenon from the metaphysical view. Metaphysically we can say that the universe (seen and unseen) makes up the one Spirit, or Absolute (i.e. God, the Divine) if you will. The Absolute has always been there, is there now, and always will be there.

Humanity has interacted with the Absolute since humans have been on earth. What is new, however, is an intermediary, dynamic power between the Absolute and the individual that if the individual opens to instantly transfers the infinite potential of the Absolute to the individual at that moment.

When the individual opens to, remembers this power before an event or activity is about to start, the Absolute transfers its infinite power through this intermediary force to the particular situation that the individual is about to engage in. All issues of time and space are resolved for that situation (because the Absolute contains this potential).

Problems are solved, solutions are created, harmony in the situation is established, truth unfolds, success is bred, and joy permeates. And it can happen instantly, shortly thereafter, or within the time constraints of the activity itself.

We use the term "Supermind" to describe this intermediary, dynamic power. This is a term first developed by the Indian sage Sri Aurobindo in the first half of the 20th century.

It is called Supermind because it is an aspect of the Absolute that acts as an intermediary between the powers and attributes of the Absolute and the higher mind of the individual.

If a human opens to the power of the Supermind at any moment, a connection is made that enables one or more attributes of the Absolute to directly enter the individual, or be released in the individual.

Actually the name is not very important; one can call it anything one chooses. What is unique, however, is its power of action. A new force has come into the world to manifest the infinite creative power of the Pure Existent, the Absolute in practical life.

This force not only can help us in our own evolution and development, but puts us in touch with energies so vast and so great that all our ideas of success and accomplishment are but a drop compared to the ocean of this power. We as individuals and as institutions and society can tap into the force, releasing the literally infinite potential of life, here and now.

Marginal improvements, occurring slowly over the course of time can be replaced with vast improvements, vast prosperity, vast accomplishment, vast happiness, for any individual or institution who wishes to tap into the new force in the world. The time is now to tap into this infinite force to release the infinite potential in us and the institutions we partake in.


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