Image result for images of CREATOR/GOD
June 10, 2019

What happens when you do not fit into ‘their’ world anymore? The changes going on now have many of you asking this very question. As you walk your path, it may seem as if your world is falling down around you. Dearest one, it is time to change your perspective. (Smiling) What may appear as destruction to you is actually a re-construction of what you know. It may be tense and unsettling but know, as you move forward in love, you are creating your new world as you go. Keep moving, you can do this! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

June 8, 2019

The Universe knows that some of you may be experiencing a bit of a rough ride. The changes you are going through now are challenging…it may be frustrating and stress-inducing. The Universe also wants you to know that you are going to be okay! Again, this is not being done to ‘teach you a lesson’ or ‘punish you’. Every part of you is being shown a much different way of looking at things and the human brain will, on occasion, have a hard time adapting. You are being asked to release judgement of yourself (and others), remember to breathe and know that, once this wave is over, some great strides toward the existence you have been longing for will be attained. Do not give up, you are doing an amazing job! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, those around you will become offended/hurt/angry with your attempts to help. Dearest one, The Universe is here to tell you; do not take it personally! Each human has their own belief systems, exists in their own paradigm and has their very own set of triggers…none of which you know so, give yourself a break! Release the need to ‘make it better’ or apologize for failing to meet expectations wholly unknown to you. Holding onto someone else’s projection does not (and never will) serve you. Once you have a conscious awareness of what is going on, there is no reason to ‘live there’ anymore. Send love and let it go. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

June 6, 2019 
If you have not already prepared, it is time. Several consecutive waves are arriving to your Earth now; more than one message has relayed the importance of being prepared. If this information has fallen by the wayside, rest assured, there is still time.
Keep in mind…the further along you move in the process, the deeper you will go. The deeper you go, the darker things that have been hiding will be brought to the light. You may choose to share these experiences and situations with others or choose to ‘go it alone’. It is about whatever makes you most comfortable. There has never been a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to go about it. There is ‘your way’ and it is absolutely wonderful and perfect! (Smiling) As always, The Universe is standing by for assistance and support as needed. ~ Creator
June 4, 2019
As you experience and integrate this new wave of energy, you may feel as if you have been knocked off balance with heightened emotions and situations catching you by surprise. Do not let this dissuade you from your path! You are human and experiencing human feelings is a part of the process. Take some time today and gather what you need to make the road little smoother, knowing that it will pass just as it should. ~ Creator Jennifer Farley
June 3, 2019

When you chose to arrive on your Earth plane, you knew there was going to be some work involved; being in a human body (with all its lovely idiosyncrasies), emotions, interactions of all kinds and, most importantly, the relationship with yourself. 80% of the time, you have plowed your way through it and have done quite well. (Smiling) As you move through your life, there may be bumps, judgments and projections that, for whatever reason, you have chosen to accept.

Today, you are being invited to take another look and decide what is really yours and what belongs to others. Rather than responding with learned behaviors, forgo the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction and ask The Universe to show you what it is truly means. A better understanding of an experience or situation will allow you to move past it with more than a little grace and ease. This is something you have earned and deserve so use it! Remember you are fully supported every step of the way. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

June 2, 2019 at 11:09 AM

You will always be as strong as you believe yourself to be. Allowing the thought, “I am strong”, does not mean The Universe will begin hammering you with situations and experiences that will overwhelm and challenge. It simply means that you are changing your perspective and letting those around you know what has always been there. You are in the process of re-discovering a part of yourself you may have forgotten. Strength will always mean different things to different people. Find out what it is for you and know you can be strong. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

Your awakening and learning process has always been filtered through your life experiences but, rough beginnings do not always mean challenging growth or outcome. Your amazing, infinite mind has the ability to change whatever you choose to focus on and free will opens it up to all the possibilities outside those experiences. Do you wish things to be as they have always been, or will you make a conscious effort to move toward your better tomorrow?

The Universe understands that your existence is yours and will always support you along the way. Now, dear one, it is time to start creating! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

May 31 at 9:49 AM

Take a moment to ponder this;

The only fight, battle or war that exists within is of your own making. Allow yourself to begin creating peace. You may not know the way but, your soul does. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

With all the huge, sweeping changes going on, darling child, remember love! The Universe knows that you have been diligent in your learning and growth and that it has been challenging on more than one occasion. There is no need to be judgmental, harsh or angry when you release. If those emotions are still present, there may be hidden things you need to work out before the process is complete. When you get to a point where the cacophony has stopped, you are able to see things for what they are and have a deep understanding of it, that is when you are ready. Be patient and loving to yourself…it may take some time but, it is truly worth it. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

As you explore, understand and release the negatives in your life, it is perfectly okay for you to feel sadness or grief. Whether they were your own decisions, things you allowed that, in hindsight, were not the greatest or experiences you had because of those decisions, they helped get you to where you are now. You do not have to forget; keeping those memories is called wisdom. You may not be ready to forgive…yet. This process is all about being on your time. Move at a pace that is comfortable for you, ask The Universe for assistance when you feel stuck and know that all will be well. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

One of the main focuses of the next wave coming to Earth will be the release of toxicity. Whether it be in the human body, relationships or your environment. When you let go, an amazing thing happens; there is an abundant amount of room for growth and change! Allowing yourself the freedom to experience the joy of moving forward, you will wonder why you chose to hold onto it for as long as you have. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

There is a world that exists beyond your physical world. A world where magic happens, where manifestations appear at a moment’s notice and your creations are as real as what you are looking at now. You have been given the tools to access it so, go play! (Laughing) Have fun! Run toward it like a child chasing the ice cream truck, roll around in it like you have found your first big mud puddle and there are no adults watching, dance with it like it is playing your favorite song! You have the power, the drive and skill to do it. The only thing stopping you is, of course, you. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

Each heart, each soul, each human deserves to be treated as such. It does not matter what they wear, who their friends/family are, where they are from, what they choose to/not to worship, where they live or where they are choosing to go. Each and every one of you is living your here and now, walking the path you are meant to take and in a way that works specifically for you! When you decide within yourself to shame, exclude, harass or abuse another because their views differ from yours, you are choosing to hurt yourself. Yes, there will be differences of opinion, however, you know…in your gut…when it crosses a line. Be a bringer of understanding, love, joy and peace. It is much easier and takes up less ‘brain space’ but, fills so much of your world with good. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

May 25, 2019 at 12:45 PM
 The Universe would like to speak to you about balance. It can be a challenge to go from a full-on dissemination of information into a rest period and back into full-on. If you are new to the process, the effects on the human body may be a bit of a shock. This is where your skills come in. (Smiling)

You have been given the tools to navigate these changes with grace and ease but, sometimes, it is neither graceful nor easy. The best thing to do in moments like these is to breathe! Being consciously aware of your breath will help you maintain your center. Keeping your thoughts positive will help you to stay on your best path even though it may be a little rough. Grounding, in whatever manner you choose, is also of great assistance. Being fully here, on your Earth plane, may be the last thing you want to do. But it is necessary for the health and well-being of your chosen vessel. The Universe, of course, is always available for assistance whenever you need it. As always, you are loved, cherished, admired and respected for the work you are doing now and the work forthcoming. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

Take a very deep breath…now, send your consciousness out beyond yourself…and just feel. The changes going on now are so different from anything your Earth plane has experienced thus far, it is challenging to put into words
so, you may need to experience it for yourself. (Smiling)

The Universe wants to you to know that you have done a stellar job with the intense learning presented and the current ‘rest period’ is well-deserved and very needed before the next wave comes arrives. Over the next few days…take some time for intensive self-care, devoting some of it to the integration of what you have already received. This will begin the process of preparation for upcoming events and instructions. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, just ask for help. Assistance, in whatever form, is always available to you! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

A softer, more loving energy is being introduced with this next wave. You are being gently guided to examine the changes you have made thus far and looking into what further work needs to be done. The Universe knows that things have been a bit frantic in the last few weeks so, this is your chance to relax a bit, take it in and enjoy! Remember…you are always worthy and deserving of the good coming to you! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

Today, you are being invited to look at judgement. How you judge yourself, others, situations and experiences. It can be a very slippery slope, dearest one. Allowing yourself to be in a superior position due to any number of factors also opens you up to experiencing the same thing. Also, it may very well mean that you are pointing directly at something you are holding within yourself.

Remember, you have all come from the same source of Unconditional Love and will return to it once you leave your Earth plane. What you do with that time is your choice. How do you wish to spend it? ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

The creation of your life and what you want rests with you. Yes, on occasion, there have been outside influences that have changed your path but, you get to choose to remain by the wayside or jump back into the game. Today, you are being asked to ponder exactly what that means to you. Do you wish to remain static due to circumstances that have been presented to you or will you find your way back and continue manifesting what you desire in your life? The Universe understands that things have not always been easy, however, the tools you need to change for the better have also been provided. My dearest child, it is time to get to work! (Smiling) If you choose, you can move mountains! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

As you grow and gain knowledge, the voice of The Universe will become more distinct and understandable. Just like anything else on your Earth plane, if you choose to practice, that particular skill will become stronger. Those around you are awakening every day on a scale never seen before and many of the messages received are similar in nature. This is The Universe’s way of giving you something that resonates until you have developed the means to interpret its messages for yourself.

Today, you are being invited to step into the gifts you were born with and begin using them on a regular basis. Humankind is heading toward a time when all will work together peacefully and without conflict…and it is coming much sooner than anticipated. Rest easy in the knowledge of being fully supported during this amazing process! ~ Creator

May 18, 2019

During this great shift (which, by the way, is still going on) many of the things you believed to be true will be challenged. What you have held close to your heart for much of your life will be modified, changed and morphed into completely different thoughts, feelings and actions. Please keep in mind; this is not a bad thing! (Smiling) As the soul grows and gains knowledge, it finds a new center of balance, begins to forge new realities and will always seek out and find a more compassionate space to exist. In that space there will be less room for judgement of yourself and others. Some will approach this part of the shift with reluctance and negativity; change is scary! Others will embrace it with open arm because…change! Whichever space you are in now, know that all is well in The Universe. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

Many of you have noticed that today’s energy brings a certain gravitas. This is a reminder that, as always, The Universe (and its continual shifting) has great things in store for humankind. (Smiling) Before the anxiety of not knowing kicks in, please keep this in mind; change may not always be easy but, it is needed for a greater understanding of how to heal your world.

As you make choices for your everyday life, remember that you are also working with a multitude of others toward a peace and tranquility your Earth has never known. Stay focused, calm and carry an awareness in your heart that, even though it may feel challenging in this moment, what you have always longed for is on the way. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

As you move through and release your ‘deep darks’, it may feel like a never-ending process…that the negative emotions, hurts, anger, resentment and fear will swallow you alive. Always remember, my dearest child; there is a guiding hand and light with you every step of the way. Letting go will be one of the most important things you do in your lifetime and, the further to move from where you started, the more manifesting you will be able to accomplish. Steady on! You can do it! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

May 14, 10:00AM
As you are riding the waves remember to relax! Every moment you are presented with is temporary at best. Know that, even though it may be challenging right now, the next will be something completely different and lovely. Allowing yourself to ‘go with the flow’ does not mean blowing listlessly in the wind and being at the mercy of what goes on around you. It means changing and adapting to whatever comes your way and, yes, stepping out of the way if you feel it is not in your highest and best. Your free will is always active…all you have to do is put it to use! ~ Creator
May 13, 2019 at 10:19AM

Take a moment today and think, really think about how you choose to move through and present yourself to the world. This may seem like a pointless exercise that you want to skip over but, really think about it! Do you spend it kvetching and blaming others for your difficulties, do you have the feeling that everything bad happens to you or that you cannot ‘catch a break’ no matter how hard you try? If you spend your time thinking about all the times it has happened in the past, anticipate the worst coming at you and believe it will happen again and again no matter what you do to change it, then you are missing the point!

Even though you may have heard this before, it bears repeating; you are responsible for you! There may be outside force directing negative things toward you but, ultimately, you are responsible for you. You choose to continue there simply because it is where you have always been. The Universe would love to say that changing your thoughts does not require any effort. It may require a lot of effort! However, armed with a conscious awareness and the will to change, all things are possible. Give The Universe a chance to show you…and allow yourself to be amazed! ~ Creator

When you were small, there were certain things you needed to learn…walking, talking, interacting with others. These were not part of a conscious thought process, you just learned. There was no “I give up”, “I quit” or “I’m so over this” involved. You knew on a soul level these things needed to be done so, you accomplished them.

Take a moment to look at your existence now. Yes, there is effort, time and patience involve in acquiring knowledge but, you can become that child learning to walk and talk…making it something you just do! Allow yourself the time and space know that, with help from The Universe, you can accomplish anything! ~ Creator

Before you arrived on Earth, you made choices about what you would do with your time. Many of you decided on a ‘calling’, a purpose to help your soul grow. What you may not understand is that there will be many callings over the course of your existence. Surprised? (Smiling)

As your soul expands, your learning will shift accordingly. What worked for and made your soul sing when you were younger may no longer resonate. You came with the intent of gathering knowledge and participating in the wonderful school of emotion. Do not limit yourself to one specific thing! Have fun and enjoy the infinite possibilities and choices you are offered. It is what you came to do, is it not? ~ Creator

It is time to begin loving yourself. Yes, many of you say, “I love me” but, saying it and feeling it within are two different things. Look closely, my beautiful child, and ask yourself why you are unable to/afraid to love. Is it something you heard in your past or a situation that made you feel ‘less than’? You have made great leaps and bounds in that direction…now it is time to start embracing it! If it feels uncomfortable to you, start small; take time to appreciate the little thing that make you who you are. Forgive yourself for your ‘not so nice’ moments and know that, regardless of what has happened, you are making a new now. ~ Creator

Today you are being invited to really look at what is in your heart? Look closely, my dearest, at the parts and pieces you have hidden away…bring them into the light and examine them closely! Your heart will dictate the direction your life will move and how you view the world. If there is something you want to change, change it. If you would like to experience something different, then take the first steps toward it.
Releasing the ‘burdens’ of your heart will be extremely important in the next few weeks and months. Any change, however minuscule, will begin to reverberate out into your existence and begin a chain of loving events your Earth plane so desperately needs now. The Universe has faith in and knows you can do this. ~ Creator

My dearest one; during this momentous time in your Earth’s history, there will be people (some newly awakened) in your life that do not want help. They may ask, often repeatedly, and still not put any suggestions into practice. Dearest, take a moment to remember what you were experiencing when you first began your own process and do not take this personally! They have found and chosen their safe space and, although they consciously realize it may not be the best place, they will continue to exist there until they are ready to change within themselves. What can you do until then? Ask The Universe to send them as much Unconditional Love as possible! (Smiling) Remember, it is not your job to walk their path but, you can support and offer guidance along the way. It is all about free will. ~ Creator

With the giddy highs and lows, the sudden stops and jerky starts, the waves of energy continue to break over your Earth. It can be very challenging on your body and emotions but, there is a distinct purpose to this ‘madness’. (Smiling) Each and everyone of you is in preparation for the next steps needed in your journey…think of it as studying for a mid-term exam. Not as structured, of course, but you get the point. The benefits of such a shift will be noticeable to you as the energy integrates. Give yourself some time, a little patience and a lot of care and remember, this is what you were born to do! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

How you move through your world is your choice. You can move quietly, observing what is around you, taking it all in and learning what you can. You can riot through your existence, making waves, waving banners, proclaiming love to everyone/thing, gathering knowledge as you careen from one moment to the next. Although each of these paints a different picture, each is valid and beloved because it is who you are! (Smiling) Whichever you choose, embrace and love yourself for it…The Universe does. ~ Creator

May 5, 2019 
The Universe is sure you have noticed the energy arriving on your Earth plane by now. If you have not experienced this before, this is your ‘primer’ to the next few weeks and months. Your physical Earth is on a truncated time table to maintain your environment, therefore, your spiritual awareness has been put into overdrive so you may understand the infinite picture of what is really happening. With each new leveling up, your mind, body and spirit are being fine-tuned to pick up on exactly what needs to be done in the highest and best to maintain your planet. Please pay attention to this! Each and every one of you has an important part in this new awareness…embrace it and know that, yes, you can change your world! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley

Making peace with all parts of your life is imperative during this shifting/growing/learning/expanding time. You are being given the opportunity to change things (and change them very rapidly) in ways never presented before. Allowing this to happen in a way that works in your highest and best is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. If you want to slow it down a bit, ask. If you choose to integrate faster, wonderful. You, standing in your power, have the choices and control. What a wonderful gift, indeed! ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

What are you holding onto? What past thoughts, actions or emotions do you re-live again and again? Your brain has stored every single experience within its gentle, unassuming folds and you have access to that information 24/7. Now, dearest one, this is where free-will comes into play. (Smiling) You can choose to focus on the positive or negative…consciously aware that, when bringing up any particular ‘file’, you are also creating your reality now. Today, you are being invited to create a new story, a different script, a lighter and brighter future for yourself. You have done the work; you are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

My darling child; it is time to fully inhabit your body. The Universe knows that, sometimes, it is easier to be ‘out there’ rather than being 100% human. Yes, there are painful things from your past and situations in which you would rather not participate but, your world has gotten to a point where each of you with gifts is in great demand. You are needed to help change the trajectory of history and your full presence is necessary. Your opportunity is at hand, please do not let it pass you by. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

May 1st, 2019

It can be very easy taking the path of least resistance and going along with what others are doing/saying/thinking. But, is that really what you came to your Earth to do? (Smiling) Standing in your truth, speaking from your heart, being honest and practicing integrity can be challenging. It can be disheartening to look around and see people gaining when it feels as if you are standing still. It may be ‘slow going’ in this moment but, as the world shifts, the rewards of your way of being are coming. Continue walking your path with your head held high, knowing that when you arrive, you will be surrounded by those of like mind and heart. ~ Creator

Jennifer Farley

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Drekx Omega commented on AlternateEarth's blog post ET Exterior Projection Hologram of bear like beings from Tau Ceti!
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AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening posted a blog post
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AlternateEarth’s blog post was featured
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