One of the unfortunate things that has developed on your Earth plane; there are ploys that have been specifically designed to play on your insecurities. You are being told you need to be faster, stronger, more beautiful/handsome, thinner, drive a better car, get a better job, live in a bigger house…as if what you are born with and who you are will never be good enough.
The Universe is here to tell you; once you free yourself from the bonds of what others think and feel, you will begin feeling your own self. For some, this may be a challenging thing to experience. But when you have a conscious realization that you are good enough and what and who you are does matter, the bonds that have been insidiously wrapped around you will begin to crumble and break away. The only standard you will hold yourself to is what is in your heart. (Smiling) You have the capability and (quite frankly) you have already begun this process. Be true to who you truly are, the rest will take care of itself. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
You may have noticed that the current energy has taken an interesting turn. This may have left you feeling a bit stuck and more than a little lost. This is The Universe’s way of giving you a moment to slow down, breathe and take things one at a time. It is human to want to clear out the negative as quickly as possible so you can move on but, you could be missing some very necessary steps in your personal progress.
Today, take some time and really think about what is being released. When did it start? Why was it created? How has it protected you up to this point? Each part of you, even the not-so-good, deserves to be honored and released with love. Completing this process gives you the opportunity to let it go for good rather than creating a similar loop. Sometimes, slow and steady really does win the race. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
The Universe has said this again and again; clearing and releasing regrets, resentments and rejections is of the utmost importance in this moment. If an experience or situation from your past is on continuous loop in your mind, it is a signal from your soul that it needs to go. The past may never be changed but, you can change your reaction to it now.
My dearest child, there is so much love, learning, beauty and growth waiting for you. Let go of the old and give the new a chance to arrive! You are worthy and deserving of receiving all The Universe has to offer! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
As you move through this next leap of growth/learning, it is time to take a very close look at what you have chosen to carry thus far. Imagine you are packing for an extended vacation; you have a limited amount of space but, you want to bring what you feel are essentials. Standing before your closet or dresser, there can be limitless possibilities…and there is only so much you can carry. (Smiling)
The Universe is asking you to look within, sort your options and choose what is best for yourself. Ask yourself if the old stuff you have been packing around ‘forever’ is necessary to move forward. Yes, some of those memories, experiences and situations have an emotional resonance but, do you really need them? Even though they may be challenging to release remember that a lighter load makes for easier traveling. You are moving in a direction you have never been before…a bit of preparation is always worth it in the long run. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
Darling child, there is only one hero you can depend on…yourself! If you are unable look to yourself for your own growth, there is no point in growing. Constantly searching for an outside source may very well enslave you to the ideal that there is something better ‘out there’, that there will be someone who will arrive and ‘fill in your gaps’ when everything you have (and need) is within. It is finally time to recognize and step into your power. Embrace the fact that The Universe created something extraordinary and unique when you were made and there will never be another like you. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
The energy you are experiencing now has the potential to change the course of your existence. Good, not so good, or indifferent, it is up to you.
I can hear some of you asking, “Why would I choose a not so good experience?!”
The Universe will always respond with, “I will give you exactly what you ask for/need/want.”
With that being said and the knowledge that you have the power to create anything you choose…you have been left to your own devices. This does not mean The Universe has turned its back on you…it simply means that you can create whatever you see fit. You have the necessary tools and the skills, now it is up to you! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
Where you go, how you experience things and what you draw to you is limited only by your imagination and the will to achieve. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
Take a few moments and look at where you were ten years ago. What were you like, who were your friends/partners/colleagues, where were you on your path? Now, take another moment and take a very deep look at where you are today. Can you see the difference? (Smiling)
As you move forward in this current energy, The Universe has noticed exactly how much work you have put into personal growth, you have done something amazing with your existence and it is possible to keep growing in a positive way! It may not be the smoothest or most direct path but, it is yours…own it and be proud of what you have accomplished! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley