Interesting thing I read

According to patriarchal philosophy matter is devoid of spirit therefore it is evil while matriarchal thinking has always held that spirit resides within matter. I wonder why that is? I don't know I mean in today's society there certainly more masculine energy present and I'm not talking about gender. The imbalance in our minds somehow is reflected in our society where most of the time we ignore listening, feeling, and being receptive. It's almost seen as laughable for a man to be in touch with this side of him or even stranger for a female to express her masculine. It always has been that we separated both sides when I feel that our spirit is neither. Perhaps we have yet to learn one side so we cannot fully express both, but wow does the imbalance kill I mean sometimes it literally kills. Another curious thing I ran across while surfing the internet was about spiritual materialism. It is materialism with a higher purpose other than physical sensations. It is when we balance the needs of this physical body with the higher realms of our spirit and mind that we begin to loosen the grip of envy and greed. I say this because of greed we lust after things and want what others have never being satisfy with what we've got. I guess I'm rambling but maybe this is some food for thought.

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  • I had read somewhere that the Earth's axis is under a current masculine side.  When the poles shift, it will revert back to the feminine, and the feminine ruling will return.


    We are under patriarchal domination at the moment.  This is based on 'divide and conquer',

    Under patriarchal:

    - control,

    - rule,

    - dominate

    - slavery


    The matriarchal (or mother) would see war as absurd. 


    - need for community

    - non-ownership of land (as it is tended to and used for food for families)

    - creativity and art

    - pleasure over violence

    - intuition


    I find it bizarre and a terrible mistake of the Popes and Kings who gave instructions to kill off the natives and go and claim the land.  Look at how many people have the ability to reside on land and tend to it in order to grow their own food.  Native Americans thought ownership of land was as crazy as owning a piece of the sky.  However this was part of the patriarchal domination and it will be good when this all ends. People will come out having survived whatever might happen in the future, and NO ONE will own land but tend to it in peace.

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