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Introduction to the Realm of The Moire Arena

by Ron O. Cook

3/17/12 Story: Moiré Arenaby Ron O. Cook
“Although the amount of arable land which could be made available with the most careful terracing was not large enough to support a very great population, Machu Picchu offered an impregnable citadel to the chiefs and priests and their handful of followers who were obliged to flee from the rich plains near Cuzco and the broad, pleasant valley of Yucay. Only dire necessity and terror could have forced a people which had reached such a stage in engineering, architecture, and agriculture, to leave hospitable valleys and tablelands for rugged canyons. Certainly there is no part of the Andes less fitted by nature to meet the requirements of an agricultural folk, unless their chief need was a safe refuge and retreat.”
– Hiram Bingham
Machu Picchu and Puma Punku have an ancient relationship that few may realize nor can they comprehend their mysterious worth to our history. The complexity of the data associated with their remains as an artifact of our past is perhaps beyond our ability to decipher. Some of us think that in those old days when these great Archaeological sites were first created by powerful minds, there was much more transpiring on this planet than what current history reports to us today. We believe that the evidence shows that a highly advanced race of mankind was about to face terror in the form of massive Earth catastrophe/s that would wipe the planet clean of most evidence in support of those who became Gods to lesser survivors unable to think past their abrupt circumstances. These creators, who possibly were scientists schooled beyond our present scope of the term, were geneticists and geologists of high repute and capabilities. Common men, such as we modern citizens, were their agents and they worked the universe as professionals who knew the “Primary Technology” that we today attribute to various indigenous tribal types or what have been called savages by academics of today. Herein is the introspective story of their Lives and Times.
Geologic evidence of the Earth shows that this world was swept by a number of tsunamis some 12,900 years ago at the end of the last so-called Ice Age. (Reference the Carolina Bays Event or the Younger Dryas Event). Then some enterprising souls sought survival in self-righting Arks and others climbed the highest mountains they could find, stillothers hid in caves capable of trapping air and allowing food-stuff to keep. Many, who just wanted to have their little fun, were swept away along with the end of an advanced civilization.Puma Punku has the last surviving evidence (engineering beyond most of what we can accomplish with stone granite today) proving that this indeed did happen and those there at that unusual place during the last days went to the site of Machu Picchu in hopes of survival. The large peak called Huayna Picchu is full of highly sophisticated and well designed caves that hide many difficult areas to approach.
In point of fact much of the terrain of present day Peru is inundated by finely cut tunnels still unexplored or even sought. The last vestiges of a once highly advanced humanity who could create with some massive results are today called Incan, but the Inca did not do the great works, they only co-opted the remains that they found in their wanderings in a land long ago washed away. 
Hiram Bingham, the great Yale explorer supported by the National Geographic Society, did not seem interested in these sites but some believe there are still areas there, other than theTemple of the Moon (it looks like a parking garage for a Harrier Jet), that contains many clues to an ancient civilization almost unknown to the Inca.
Due to the terrain and the massive curve in the river below, Machu Picchu was a perfect place to ride out a tsunami with a standing wave of a mile and a half tall. Though Puma Punku is higher (13,000 feet above sea level), the run factor of level land would cause it to be destroyed by wave action in both earthquake and water wave actions. The Advanced Creators of that long ancient time, knew this and absconded to Machu Picchu’s solid granite base. It was the best bet and most scientific alternative with so little time to prepare.

Below is the story of that ancient time



AND JOMON SAID: “12,900 years ago, when I was in my youth, my father and I witnessed the first incoming shards of a massive comet called Dragona. It appeared almost as a feathered serpent in the high sky as its first splintered pieces came slithering into our sector of the universe spewing its destruction thoroughly upon our beloved work. The massive comet twisted as it fragmented into numerous portions and those who saw it said it resembled a giant snake with a fiery head. Segments of it went into orbit to rain havoc down on the Earth for eons. The heaviest parts drilled deep within the planet causing massive earthquakes. Earlier, as we stood in awe watching it come to our world on our sensors at our small Home Base (Puma Punku). It was felt as a foreboding and deeply dreaded knowing that we must seek safety immediately. Massive fear swept over the assembled creators on assignment there for we had become accustomed to the good life. As engineers of Macro and Micro Creations or genetic science, we were well versed in the ways of existence. We knew all too well, that our time on Earth was about to be transformed by an act that would send massive tsunamis and earthquakes across the entire planet. Our works would be destroyed in an instant and a new test of our abilities was about to begin.  

We had already set up a number of outposts for our research teams of geneticists in what is now Biru or Peru in various places held in solid unmovable white granite stone in guarded hopes that we could survive with some of our works. We ( my father’s team/s) would weather the onslaught of this massive comet in the seclusion of these strong mountains. You now call it Machu Picchu. Immediately we began to build a base there amid those jagged, strong peaks. Tunnels were carved with our projected beams to provide hydra-tight facilities for research and survival. In fact the mountains were perfect as an impregnable base of operations. It still is such today. We were prepared technologically (reference flying platforms that housed our systems and technomachines) and psychologically but much of the rest of the planet would be caught by surprise. We knew we would have much to do after the onslaught of the event had devastated almost all of what we had accomplished over time: therefore, we set plans into motion for the entire planet. We designated future bases of operations and units that would help survivors and continue to restructure (teach) those who had lost their memory of who and what we were due to a psychological stress or trauma to the onboard mentality. It was a long-term plan and I would play a unifying role in its accomplishment as the time-catalyst. In essence, I had to live forever as I still do. One wishes we had detected the aberration earlier but no, some had already become complacent via selfishness. Perhaps it was this slovenly attitude that was to set us back due to our awakening negative indolence. Apparently we would face starting over in this sector of the universe. Now, a highly advanced civilization was about to gear up for the greatest catastrophe.” “The story begins at my seat (home) and our oncoming end.”

In a secret chamber near the Temple of the Moon — Machu Picchu Peru:(Recording on Computerized ME not unlike an advanced I-pad or I-com). 

On this day, I crawl out of my secret, crypt unusually tired and over-burdened with the passing of the many echelons of seemingly ancient time that I have spent here in these stone chambers of our past construct. Out of this so-called lunar temple of massive stone — one more time, I do step.  Unknown to those who service this ancient site, I am merely a worker here hiding in plain sight. I will now just slip past the present-day minions, who seem to collect here out of curiosity for some sad reason to understand this site; and go stealthily via (known only to me to) an interior section where a particle transferor awaits in our old lab to slip to the hidden reflection of this site, where my means of earthly travel is still hidden in its park — safe from intruders. With this craft, I will once again survey the state of existence here in this last example of the Goge Sector.

At this point in time, I have forgotten how old I truly am, but I seem to have the History of the Universe running through my mind or more succinctly through my veins and neuronal byways (It is a wonder this fleshly vehicle that I ride, still works after all the abuse it has experienced). I have seen much during this duration of being here as the entity Jomon. (I am) just living as a human being who is occupying a form in Time/Space and on mission from Timelessness — or so I have come to knowingly amplify lest I forget — as others have forgotten. What a massive inundation of data I have to review and relate; yet, I seem to still have the ability to remember most of it. My ME will record everything and feedback to me in my hibernation state. This state of sleeping through the hard times in order to bridge the mission my father put me to, is a pain no other person could or should endure. But, I must do this for the record. The records purpose I will reveal to my hidden brotherhood shortly in the last remaining hideaway other than mine here. I must hasten there now.

I know I approach the end of this experience on this side of the projected and broadcast spectrum — realm of being and becoming because I feel much older now. Age is coming to me now for I have declined each time I stepped outside its bounds to survey and research in the Real World.  Few can truly live a short duration or not much more than 100 orbits of this planet due to our bodily specifications. Our mission (that of my ancestors) has been so massive for those of us who entered here from the “multifaceted-mind” to be multiplied by the quadrillions, to experience each and every particulate of physical expression has been lost to time. Most of my brothers and sisters do not even remember our original mission to amplify the expressed realms from within the visual and sensory field/s. Some humans are now in a cycle repeating over and over again attempting to find themselves and return to their known plan that is hidden deeply in their base monadic being. Such knowledge only drips through via dreams now. Few realize the value of their dreams  in this the collective interface. Many will listen to themselves long enough to catch fire and escape their self-imposed Hell. Their distraction/s occurred long ago as did mine at the behest of the comet that was more than a comet in its construction. It was more a loaded comet of massive proportions of ice and stone. I digress when I think upon its construct and the reason for its mission.
I have been hiding and at the same time hibernating, coma-like here at this point on Earth, which has become my sequential home and from the looks of things the home of many of my fellow travelers here in the Moiré Arena. Since I periodically have dipped in and out of the Real World numerous times since 12,000 years ago, I have trouble remembering who or what transpired over time. Thank goodness my computers or scepters have updated me each time I awaken here. 
It seems many of this current period’s vacationers are intrigued by the sophistication of our old point of refuge. The few times I have seen them, they look at me blankly and I know they have forgotten their own inner-self as evidenced by the blank looks reflected in their eyes. Today, they mill about this place as if they have come to see what we built here in my youth. They have added much to the site via ill placed stone. In comparison to our planned work it looks something akin to the lacking of specifications and the engineering knowledge required to erect this abode. Yet, they seem to not know me at all. Strange, there were times when no one lived here at all after the many years had passed. It certainly has been a long time since any one worked here as we did in the beginning before the end, long ago. What we created in such a short time was a spectacular work of entity engineering. 
Those fellow beings who tarry here are no longer in possession of the universal mentality (we all had) but are localized entities now, built upon the memory of one who gives them a birthing — the ongoing backup. They think in a line and their communications are singular in scope while possessing the capability of dual or gestalt thought. They can no longer read the symbols expressed by the movement of the implicate order generating our very presence from the background of Timelessness — the bifurcation of Life — as they say, the beat goes on from the Sefirah (Da’at) — Tree of Existence. At least I can still remember my roots. I remember when my father first reignited my mind to the fire of the universe. He said, (Not that one is, but that whereby Is, is — thus is the Crux of being and becoming). I will never forget the day he came up to me and said, “Wherein does the point of your thought cursor exist? What is wrong with your attempt at Thinking? You no longer know who or what your are.” I was taken firmly aback.
This is what he said to me…
“When we came here into this virtual expression of our collective dream, our plans were indeed expansive and well supported by the incremental generative order of coherency. Our goal was to create an entire universe of dynamic expression/s utilizing the elements and principles of deity — our very foundation of being and becoming as broadcast from Timelessness or Always.
To exist in this realm of sequential eventuation via the impetus of force through light requires the alternation of wave and particle in the da’at of the Sefirah — the heart of fiery intellect. This collective of mentality is the Is. Some have moved to the forgetting of their own being and becoming. I was a prime example of forgetting who and what I was.   
Earth was one of our experiments in which we manifest in multifaceted be-man-ship. Mind was our interface and the mover was the generative spirit the Enigmni. Through this means of interface with the void we began the Burgeoning of the passionate expression of the Moiré Arena — the canvas of the painter. Each and every one of us was aware through the collective that the positive mission minus the negative aspects of presence were never a part of our existence then, and should not be a part to maintain the verve herein. To purge this inclination to seek singularity on this side is counterproductive. No one part shall be the whole through fiat and selfish endeavor in this multifaceted state of experiencing Time at the same Time. If upon pursuit to this cause occurs, then chaos burgeons forth toward destruction of the whole here in this Moiré Arena of florescence — Life as some call it.  
Initially there were seven aspects of us who explored here and began to create with each succeeding elemental of creation from our point-of-departure — each more complex than the last. With every creation we began to collect a phenomena we called, Time — a creation from the movement of the Enigmni.
This aspect or anterior and exterior realm of presence requires multitudinous sheaths or vehicles of related means to the mental points of drive — or cursors. These cursors are the entry points for the throughputs driven by light/mind and the “fiber” of Always.
Within the Timelessness of Always is the means of abject complexity beyond all mental assemblage’s ability to know completely due to its ongoing-ness.  The Enigmni is the absolute and ultimate unknowable spirit — the Holy Spirit. From it issues generation into presence. That was then and this is now.
Records found since my father died. Information about the world before the comet came.
“Woe comes to those who see existence as play rather than initiation. Surely my initiation will soon stand its ultimate test. This day I had hoped would never come to those of us who shepherd here in and on this world. As a representative scholar and teacher of things genetic having access to the Star Data Transfer is not one of my means of orbital sustenance. Their information is given to those of us who are chiefly in charge of distant research in other creational lands. Biru is my favorite assignment here and it is in that land that I have raised a family and became close to many of my field party who are almost as family. To break the news to them will be hard and the plans of putting survival into motion will indeed be tedious and heart-rending to the highest degree. I am at a loss.  I have been in charge of them all so long; it is something I thought I would never have to face. A runaway comet of massive proportions is heading our way and though we practitioners at Star Data Transfer tried to destroy it, the comet has fragmented due to our insufficient targeting efforts, it still comes at the Earth now in the form of 10,000 particles of massive destruction. It will arrive in a few months and no one knows just what its potential will be to this planet. The comet assemblage is not unlike a great snake that is twisting and turning as it is on course to impact this section of the Goge-realm sector. We must leave and hurry to our projects and prepare our people. The dread pulls me down to a heavy continence almost as though I pull a million Ben Bens behind me.

The Shema craft is our destiny as we shepherds make haste toward the pyramid of ascent for our journey to Biru. It is far away and will mean I have almost the time of an orbit to contemplate and make plans for our protection and hopefully a saving of our research tools and creations. It has been a great period while here in the Moiré Arena utilizing this grand sheath to accomplish the information transfers.

I have almost forgotten my true self while immersed in this assignment. But I still hold true to my test. My pilot has arrived and I shall retire to my post to meditate upon my task ahead. Away. But we shall pass over the wonders of our primary seat upon this old and distant realm called Earth. We had built a grand place in this massive valley of fruitful creations. The mediety of the Me and the Other. It is such a beautiful collection of so many Pyramids of Record.

I sit here recording my thoughts for my son who is now my finest confidant on scientific matters. I do this with the deepest regret in that I do not know exactly what to do. How do we survive if at all possible? As all here know, our primary reinforcement is to survive in this form as long as possible. How will the world survive the onslaught of this spray-shot of millions of particles racing to our throats where our last breath sends us home? We have been here on this planet for over 4 million orbits; the Omegon Practitioners who help create realms of occupation. Our work has been so well done. Now, it will probably all be lost to the storm of fire that is destined to impact our art. As the three of us fly home to the works of our interests in Biru we circle above the below — the great valley region that has been designated as this sector’s home seat or base. We call it Adanus or the last gardened sector. The Gadians (our engineers) are the primary workers in this massive site and they are still working to build designs that will most likely be shattered beyond recognition in the coming months. What a loss and they most likely have not yet been told for they seem to be working even harder to meet their next deadline of accomplishment.
When I first saw the creations below in this old land of the Gadians our builders, I was in awe of their accomplishments. It encouraged me to grow and to know all I might become in this seat of my creation vehicle here in Time/Space. I know I could pass this test when I saw their works because I was not unlike them. I had the wherewithal to grow in mind with this body. I set out to be the best I could possibly be. That was long ago though I have been here many times in the past of this experience. This was my time to shine. The whole valley region is filled with great accomplishments. Builded aspects that rise to the heavens and they are not as my old home of Jomona in the Other ocean region. But I do miss my great red trees that rise to the sky also. They are of our genetic constructs and are more natural than these great edifices of secondary constructs not unlike our Shemas but on a larger scale and much more creative yet geometric. I have had hopes in the past that my son would see this someday, but no.”
According to my Shema’s recorded data-controls, I have been here for over 13,000 orbits of this planet — Earth. What would I do without that silly little means of starlight travel? It has served me well, as Father had always said, “Take care of something and it will last you a lifetime.” It still looks like it did the day he gave it to me — old flying friend. Strange to give a name and a personal feeling to something that is not alive yet performs as its designer had created. I think it is the only one left in Time/Space. I have taken good care of it, as I have maintained all of my generational possessions for what seem only a few years. But, had we not gone to these extremes of secreting away all our evidence of existence, we would have never been able to pass this great message on to our own for they are terrible in their memories. I can sympathize with their train of thought. This process is not easy with all the distractions present.


I have lived beyond any person I have known and have kept it a secret since my early years of existence. Only my father and the inner core of the League of Humanity knew of this experiment to bridge history with a human voice. Then — back when I was born, I was privileged by the God to have been born during the last years of Earth’s Golden Epoch now some 12,900 years ago.
My father was fortunate enough to be one of the most advanced of all souls who lived on this planet, a scientist and member of the prestigious League of Humanity. Some at the time said his name was “thought” exemplified in physical form. His works have been my guiding light since those ancient of days and I have tired to escort his words down to this very period conveying to humanity his great and grand works. His linkage to the source of our very being here in Time/Space was unbroken in soulular communication. If ever a man knew everything in this forum of existence, he was that man. His life was a normal 137 orbits of the Goge Portal what is now called the Sun of this solar system. But he like I “Longslept” for thousands of years. I took his name later in my life to carry on his work, but we will come to that later in this long and detailed report that I am almost sure is the only link to who and what we (humanity) all are here in Time/Space.
My home was Ubnake a learning center near what is now called Peru (specifically the mountainous area) I am transcribing this material now from a hidden vault deep under that old mountainous abode…my former youthful home. In those now ancient times the land mass was indeed much larger and my home was much higher. Things were very different back when I first become manifest here in this realm of the Moiré Arena, the focused ground-point of the eye of God within this dimension. My early world was a home filled with excitement and much learning from the instant I arrived here — my father made sure of that. All of his associates kept me busy with constant psychic adulation. He was already somewhat old when he fathered me to my mother who was one of his assistants in the most important aspects of his research into how we should attain coherency in this realm. I was born the old way. I was my father’s own experiment in prolonging existence as a being in one form. It is this abode where I live that contains the secret hibernation and cryogenic device to my longevity. But I shall dwell upon the how of that later in this transmission to surviving humanity.
My becoming is so involved with the exactness of my father’s findings on human existence in this manifestation of being here in physical form that I have had to maintain incremental and precise controls in how I leverage each and every second of my movement from one point of being to another in this world. The timing of my existence must be precise and I always must return to here, my home via the Sema. It has taken its toll on me mentally and physically yet he trained me well in this strange endeavor that few will ever need experience. I do not suggest its regimen to anyone. It has been long and at each awakening, I find myself saying that I will put this entire journey away and just live life to the end but at the end of each stint, I acquiesce to my father’s instructions though he is long gone from here. He always made the point that no one would have the record of the past unless I followed through. I have done that at great sacrifice and I have reminded myself of the fact that no one has ever done this for future generations. It is of the utmost import.  
My span of being here has been 13,000 years as I communicate to my beloved Friends of the Realm of the Moiré Arena. Truly I have only lived 134 years but I had an advantage. I have been the founder of this rare society down through the ages, always to outlive all my beloved friends — brothers and sisters have they always been. Though our group has been extremely small, we have always had the edge in all earthly conflicts by being able to interface with the “then” powers that be, to offer our insight and knowledge which has always been superior due to the hard work of my father, his old friends and those who engineered and worked on the many projects as was standard for his great and grand generation and the one that spawned them.
The Golden age has at least tricked down to the present even though humanity has suffered numerous catastrophes over the last 12,900 years. The Initial calamity was indeed the blow that almost destroyed all of us on this planet and in this sector of Goge. I will reiterate how we saw it coming, dealt with it and survived its havoc within this, my final thesis. This report will be the last to those who are currently present in area 51 of the United States. There my old friends carry on as best they can. Some carry on only in a vicarious modality of computer memory of their proud and accumulated Neuron-linked knowledge and wisdom.  
As I have lived through it all, with those beloved of you. Each and every epoch of striving here on Earth that I lived through gave us important data.  Though most of you did not survive the individualized periods of history, your work and words still travel as the basis of our total knowing. The libraries we have established and the one here in this vault of vaults attest to the dedication you all have strived for over the many thousands of years, will someday come to the real world…now it is ready. It will be your testament. Alas, that world or this one now, is still not ready for our knowledge and enlightenment — yet it is time. I will not be able to carry on much more and it will need to be left up to you to form the ultimate guild to see the day of reckoning so all will finally know their true being. It has indeed been a secret closely held by the few of us here and in the purview of those at area 51.
My initial start was in a wonderful world where all human interface and adjustment was finally worked out with all the parameters known and in full utilization even to the point of achieving everlasting life in one from through the entire test of existence rather than the reincarnation of another body to continue the quest. My father’s Great Grandfathers had already learned the secrets of existence here in this realm…it was almost old even to them. They learned from the Always-agents.  Their lives were long in comparison to yours. But they had a civilization not unlike the present realm known to you as the 21st Century. Ah, yes the cities, autos, aircraft and all the trappings you enjoy today were present some 50,000 years ago in parts of this planet and other planets. Indeed much as transpired on this silly old Earth. At least for the last four million years and more — I have access to the records for some 7 billion earth years though incomplete.  
The ancestors of 50,000 years ago had the knowledge of their existence from the beginning of their dispensation some 4 million years ago. It was never lost when they came through the portals of Goge as Light beings. Their realms were indeed trials of learning and REASON. Now they lie at the threshold waiting for the door to open so they may return to their true source, as we will also. Those were our “ancient of days.” How and why of our being will be described later in my final report.
This place called Earth was once the source of all sustenance to high living form. We who occupy this form in a physical state came to this sector through the portal of the Goge System many morrows ago as Light Beings. We settled on many planets and began event sequences to experience this virtual realm of cause and effect. A Light Being is a facet or part of the whole of the All. We truly reside in Timelessness, a state where all that is, is localized. We create vehicles via the mentality of creative movement, which is called the Enigmni or the Absolute and Ultimate unknowable. What is unknown about the Enigmni is only on this side of the All. Feedback Looping is essential to discovering the means to how such power can be expressed.

I leave this message to you as I step out to move about this planet one more time.




Cover Page of New E-Book

A Secret, Closely Held

(Realm of the Moiré Arena)

Introduction — (All material below is in rough draft.)

Existence is held within the Realm of the Moiré Arena and is focused here on Earth

as a continuing movement out of the Enigmni -- device of source for a projected stage of being.

Herein lies the remaining Bequeathal to Start the Final Becoming

One must know well what took place here in this sector of the projected illusion

or the known Universe (as experienced by multifaceted mentality).

It is possible to read, hear and see all of its symbolic data sensed by "our" collective mind.

If reviewed repetitively one may hold its memory fast to carry it back to the source.

This device of being here (existence) is of singular scope in its construction and its message to you

is the secret of being here in Time/Space.

Its development via the One or All was selected for expression in a modality

for justice and worth - consequence.

The Laws of Consequence hold sway in all leveraged happenstance.

One cannot hide from its force -- It is the fabric of this endless experience.

It was long ago for Time and always for Timelessness that this deeply hidden

experience "became"...

due to the massiveness of the parameters of the reissuing (feedback looping) event.

It, the event was long seen but held in little esteem until the rapidity of the parts of

its issuance were realized by

the multifaceted humanity itself.

Now, this collective generation shall know all of its parts toward

the whole of existence by striving

to know the elements and principals of its design...

The Design of Is or The I am that I am.

Holding all of this illusion to the law of consequence is also the parameters

of gravity the all-encompassing

sheath of this illusion's issuance - the broadcast of being.

Gravity is the atmosphere of expression

in this Godly programme where information or mind is held within all its apparentness.

This information is the

electromagnetic spectrum of hierarchal echelons of mental articulation.

Its program is geometric and fractal in

its relationship to all facets of interlink and feedback.

Inherent within its expression exists the idiosyncrasies of

creativity held in the elements and principals of design.

Its degree of perfection by unity is perceived as beauty or ultimate choice no matter

the degree of Chaos,

the zenith of Unity. Beauty signals the ultimate test of the soulular traveler

to overcome his self and see the Other.

All elementals of this program are numerically derived from the

holo-spirited movement or generative order

creating sequential Time within Space and the Void.

Created was the Moiré Arena, the realm wherein and whereby all

movement and leveraging is accomplished

for the amplification of the monadic reality whose seat lies

within the depths of eternal Timelessness.

Its charge is to issue into the arena of being.

This realm of existence is the Matrix or Arena

of Being in Time/Space where learning through

the Laws of Consequence undulates within all its parts

through the sequences of events held within the dictates of apparent time.

The program of being is

projected into the realm form or programmed broadcast from infinity,

where all is held in the bosom of creative monadic

mentality -- seat of Eternity or No Time.

This realm of eternity is not unlike

The Dreamscape where all who exist in this "being state" return home periodically

or every night to recharge

the collective intellect on all levels and dimensions.

It has been said that one dies every night when they enter

into the dream world. The Truth is not far from this.

This entire arena is the projection lived within and broadcast by the

One aspect of the multifaceted reality.

We are the parts of its Whole and have always been and will always be.

Now, the Part shall know the

Whole from the above to the below and back.

Opening the Secret...

Ageless were the many portals of Goge to the Omegon called Claronu,

upon his return to

the manifest realms of the Moiré Arena. Ancient data was/is proportional

to the collection of localizations.

Claronu encompassed almost all of the known factors of the sectors of Goge.

His knowledge in virtual localizations represented unlimited manifestations and

countless creative duties.

To some facets of the all, his experiences in Time could be equated

equally to Timelessness

for soulular amplification -- The Maximus (Ageless traveler).

New, because of its weight, was this experience of being

reconstituted into the virtual worlds,

as he had been so many times in the past as a lower form.

But this reincarnation was with more power and expanded data.

To be called into the pixilated atomic structures was unexpected

for him as he had become monadic

in his joining of the Whole (the All), and expansive had become

his duties in creating new universes for higher

experimentation into other structures never experienced prior by his monadic sector.

What could this emergency call be in reference to?

What cause and call from the materialized worlds would suggest this act?

As a former psycho-cognitive surveyor, he pushed his mindscape to the

limit in order to comprehend the

All's rationale as he flashed toward becoming once again in linear Time.

He would reconstitute fully Omni Omegon upon his arrival -- the ultimate physical form

in hardcopy upon and within the Time/Space realm.

Light was all about his programmed rejoining as he swirled

at the threshold of his old Hytonian Goge-portal.  

He knew what had happened in the Time worlds now for all of

it is always visible to the members of the Whole

who reside with the All in soulular localization.

Even Claronu's essence was still monitoring

his light-form from Timelessness while his cursor-being was present in broadcast -

the realm of the matrix.

Claronu's sensory focus was on this mission while some Omniscient

need had interlaced the apparent knowns to force this sudden return.

The old Gardened Planet was his destination as he descended through

duration toward its beautiful blue glow. It was becoming larger and larger in his visual reader.

As Earth's blue reflection melded with his own emission of light,

he pondered upon what great

event had apparently taken course to beckon his return, for this was part of his

making long ago as it was all other beings' mission in this sector of Goge.

It was the collective coherency and the ultimate constitution of being.

Was it a "singular" finality that was drawing him responsibly back to his old mission?

Familiarity chose him for this duty.

Claronu moved through space/time as a stealthy ripple of spiritual

assemblage nearing to the various structures

of atmosphere and descended slowly as an Omni Omegon.

He would remain silent and unseen until

his visual presence was necessary. "I will land in this desolate and cold land

where we sent our Passion

Message to humanity not long ago within my Scepter's Configuration.

This site Takion once visited for I feel his presence somewhat dissipated in specific imagery."

  "My friend whom I have never touched in atomic vibrations of immediacy,

but none-the-less, I know he and I are like soulular beings of the same vicinity."

We are relatives in the monadic sectors.

Claronu paused encompassing the integral environment. Its broadcast beauty

impacted the centers for pride and

accomplishment still present in his memory's hologramic program.

The processes of building this projection and

its initial order were accomplished by the Archeons whose programs for

physical manifestation had been totally complete and beyond perfect.

Automatic genomic DNA programming was progressive and adaptable to nuances of rippling

change that manifest in his idyllic form. As his physical form created,

his mission came into focus. His targeted contact was Takion the newly blessed

Light Being whom he had cognitively and historically come to know on the Enmayi world.

What were millions of years here, were picoseconds to Claronu.

Claronu interfaces with Takion's mental psyche and explores his mind

unperceived by Takion consciously.

Takion had been upon the Gardened One's moon where he had been

assigned to do research on the planet called Earth

by its newly arrived souls. Takion had observed a comet making its way toward Earth

many of the moon's orbits ago.

It was nearing the planet and had not been thwarted by the burgeoning advanced

civilization's scientific community on the planet's surface.

Many plans had been formed to fight this new threat from deep space but none had worked.

Takion watched as the large Comet of the Ages was trapped in Earth's Orbital structure

and began to break up

into thousands of pieces. One large fragment almost as large as a portion of the moon

itself was in the

process of entering the atmosphere of the Earth. Takion had prayed and

localized with the All in an attempt to save the Earth

from such a catastrophe.

Takion had left the base on the moon to race to Earth to be with

his family who lived in the mountains near the

major population centers of Earth. But he soon discerned that his speedily

attempted descent toward saving

his relatives was hopeless.

He watched as the Comet's greater assemblage began to break away and ice particles

sped downward to rain

the surface of the Earth with millions of fragments drifting into a plunge

pattern toward the surface of the planet.

Whole lakes of melted ice began to impact the surface of once great civil-centers

of human development.

Expansive explosions could be seen from space as the chunks as large as

mountains struck the upper sections of the globe.

Then, with more than half of the comet still locked in orbit, the major

part began to be pulled into a chaotic

course charted to the small oceans surrounding the Attallus regions.

When it hit, Takion saw the gargantuan

elliptical explosions of the collision.

It could easily be determined that great tsunamis were spreading as grand tidal

waves across the globe

sending vast sections of the Earth's oceans over once inhabited land.

As the waves spread over the sections,

he could see that the weight and speed factors were crushing the land down

under the power of racing water.

Nothing was left in its course of travel.

Takion reached his former home on a mountain top retreat, which he

owned and shared with his family.

It was apparently empty of any human pattern for existence - all his relations

must have fled and left only patterns

of their hurried escape/s. As he secured his shema (space sheath) he

descended upon the surface roof of his old home.

All that he could find was the base structural installations of what once

was the shelter for his family and its many members.

All was hastily abandoned. From the mountain advantage he observed millions

of humans below in

death bound attempts to save themselves from the rapidly expanding destruction

caused by the tidal waves.

From his vantage point he could see the futility of their attempts.

Apparently few had heeded the warnings he

had sent many months prior.

Few had the advantage of a Shema Craft as he commanded.

He watched what appeared to him as the final destruction of all human civilization.

It had to be, since

he had seen the evidence prior to coming to this landing site of

worldwide destruction and the potential of

the remaining fragments of the comet in various stages of orbital decay.

Some of the massive form looked like

it would gradually decay over the next century...thus constantly rain more

hydra upon the surface

of the Earth - an eternal flood.


Takion Becomes aware of Claronu and a reminiscence of their past days ensues.

Claronu makes Takion aware of his God Son -- Joman.


I — Joman, have lived beyond any man I know and have kept it a secret

since my early years of existence. Then, I was privileged to have been born during

the last years of Earth's Golden Epoch now some 11,500 years ago.

My father was privileged enough to be one of the most advanced of all souls

who lived on this planet, a scientist and member of the League of All.

Some at the time said his name was thought exemplified in physical form.

His works have been my guiding light since those ancient of days and I have tired

to escort his words down to this very period conveying to humanity his great and grand works.

His linkage to the source of our very being here in Time/Space was unbroken

in soulular communication. If ever a man knew everything in this forum of existence,

he was that man. His life was a normal 137 orbits of the Goge Portal what is now

called the Sun of this solar system. His father was Takion who has lived forever.

I now know his secret also for he developed the Jomon culture of ancient Japan.

I was given that name later in my life to carry on his and my father's work,

but we will come to that later in this long, long tale that I am sure is the

only link to who and what we all are here in Time/Space.

My home was Ubnake a place near what is now called Cuba I am transcribing

this material now from a hidden place deep under that old mountainous abode...

my former youthful home. Things were very different back when I first became

manifest here in this realm of the Moiré Arena, the focused ground-point

of the eye of God within this dimension. It was a home filled with excitement

and much learning from the instant I arrived here -- my father made sure of that.

He was already very old when he fathered me to my mother, one of his assistants

in the most important aspects of his research into how we should attain

coherency in this realm. I was my father's own experiment in prolonging

existence as a being in one form. It is this abode where I live that contains

the secret to my longevity. But I shall dwell upon the how of that later in this transmission.

My becoming is so involved with the exactness of my father's findings on human

existence in this manifestation of being here in physical form that I have had to

maintain incremental and precise controls in how I leverage each and every

second of my movement from one point of being to another in this world.

It has taken its toll on me mentally and physically yet he trained me well in

this strange endeavor that few will ever need experience. I do not suggest

its regimen to anyone.

My span of being here has been 11,500 years as I communicate to my beloved friends

of the Realm of the Moiré Arena. I have been the founder of this society down through the ages,

always to outlive all my beloved friends -- brothers and sisters have you always been.

Though our group has been extremely small, we have always had the edge

in all earthly conflicts by being able to interface with the "then" powers that be,

to offer our insight and knowledge which has always been superior due to the hard

work of my father, his old friends and those who worked on the many projects as was

standard for his great and grand generation and the one that spawned them.

The Golden age has at least tricked down to the present even though humanity

has suffered numerous catastrophes over the last 11,000 years.

The Initial calamity was indeed the blow that almost destroyed all of us

on this planet and in this sector of Goge. I will reiterate how we saw it coming,

dealt with it and survived its havoc within this thesis.

As I have lived through, with those beloved of you, each and every epoch

of striving here on Earth though most of you did not survive the periods of history,

your work and words still travel as the basis of our total knowing.

The libraries we have established and the one here in this vault of vaults

attest to the dedication you all have striven for over the many thousands of years

will someday come to the real world...when it is ready. It will be your testament.

Alas, that world or this one now, is still not ready for our knowledge and enlightenment.

I will not be able to carry on much more and it will need to left up to you to form

the ultimate guild to see the day of reckoning so all will finally know their own being.

My initial start was in a wonderful world where all human interface and adjustment

was finally worked out with all the parameters known and in full utilization

even to the point of achieving everlasting life in one from through the entire

test of existence rather than the reincarnation of another body to continue the quest.

My father's Great Grandfathers had already learned the secrets of existence here in this realm...

it was almost old even to them. Their lives were long in comparison to yours.

They had the knowledge of their existence from the beginning of their dispensation

some 4 million years ago. It was never lost when they came through the portals

of Goge as Light beings. Now they lie at the threshold waiting for the door to

open so they may return to their true source, as we will also. Those, our ancient of days..

 - – - -

Copyright 2013 by Ron O. Cook
Presented with permission of the Author


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  • Much more to come...This is the Tip and Point-of-Departure or POD.

    Additional Background material:

    Point-of-Departure...The BURGEONING!

    In the fifth century, Saint Augustine indicated that God created the universe

    out of and outside of time.   Timelessness is an interesting subject to think on

    scientifically as well as spiritually. Ask a scientist the ultimate why, and he will say we

    came from no thing. Then ask him to explain what no thing is -- It will probably look

    about like the clothes that the emperor was wearing, the day the little boy decided to

    think for himself and find deeper meaning in the apparentness found inside the soul.

    Half of science is an assumption (educated guess) -- the other half manifests in a fabricated

    illusion built upon known parts with no relationship to the totality.  

    Science is done while we preoccupy ourselves with "their" reality.  

    Humanity must return to waiting for the one who whispers to our deepest consciousness...

    the truths of being. Einstein called this mental-abyss, the little "Old Man" inside of us.

    He may point to the Burgeoning of Humanity.

    It was once said that the face of God is a fraction past, and inclusive of the optical

    nerve and what drives it.   Godhood is not necessarily conceptual, it (the Absolute)

    is being and becoming and only the created (crystallized) can be thought upon as it

    issues forth from the generative order or the Void that we do not presently understand.

    The Absolute is ongoing, nonlinear, non-local (to our perception), self-similar,

    self-organizing, and creative. Whatever else it is cannot be known

    by one mind (a part or child of...), total perception can only be known by totality.

    The part can never know the whole while it is the part. It must join the whole for total knowing.

      It is believed that Buddha did this and Christ was always this. The "Me" must embrace

    (love, know, join or be aware of) the Other, because the Other is the Me (the all-self).

    We are in this together. The joining becomes the Essence.

    Einstein offered many clues to the real secret to knowing our existence.

    It has been reported that he somehow believed deeply in mystical possibilities,

    knowing that a balance of science and spiritual concepts held the secrets of true knowing.

    These double icons of wisdom, working in unison, would in the end put

    mankind on a new threshold of understanding. Each point of departure would

    really reinforce and compliment the other when humanity finally adopted the

    right path of perceptive ascension. Einstein's quest was to attain the gestalt-view

    and his life showed that one without the other was lame. Yet our scientific and

    religious society continues to polarize the great avenues of wisdom to fragment

    humanity into fruitless pursuits through ambitious leveraging for power.

    Polarization may be the ultimate evil.

    The Universe and Manifest Mind -- A theory

    There exists in the realm of experiences much more than the big bang as a source

    for the universe's beginnings and our subsequent introduction into being.

    Consider the concepts of holography, feedback loops, fractals, the broadcast

    of the electromagnetic spectrum, quantum theory (local and nonlocality),

    and many other subjects of creative delineation through scientific or deific manifestation.

    The fact remains that "mind" is present in this continuum.

    Where does it come from and how does it manifest?

    Let us consider a new concept...Virtual Reality. It is a human endeavor to participate

    in a computer-created world via extra-electro-sensors such as viewing goggles,

    gloves or a total sensor-suit. Those who immerse into this newly created world

    can experience perceptual stimuli that approach the visual and tactile expressions of reality.

      The Department of Defense and NASA have plans to converge robotics with

    VR to allow a cybernaut to travel, work, and fight in hostile environs while

    controlled by a human at a remote site. With such capabilities, we would

    be able to explore the universe from our own living rooms --thereby experiencing

    vicariously the stimuli of pain, suffering and learning via feedback information from afar.

    A Scenario

    Imagine putting on a head-mounted display and body-sensor suit that would

    correspond to sensors in a robot that might be millions of miles away -- say on Mars.

    You could actually become part of a cyber-being that would interact with the Martian environment.

    Turn your head and it reacts to your every movement, and sensual stimuli

    from the planet causes you to react via feedback. You would be able to experience

    all the wonders of such a far away place in a direct sensory manner. One wonders,

    would living through this vehicle eventually displace your understanding of true reality?

    What if you could programme its memory with yours through DNA programming,

    then allow someone else on another shift to pick up and continue with his

    experiments and adds his programmes or thoughts to the same robot?

    Each day the robot would become more sophisticated as its experiences multiplied.

    Later we could add new advances in micro-machines and nanotechnology to

    create an evolving robot that would actually grow physically toward higher accomplishments.

    It could be programmed to repair itself and perhaps even give a cyber-birth

    to new cyber-forms that would assist you in your exploration.

    With new additions being developed back on Earth you could even get

    the feeling that you were on that planet instead of your robotic vehicle.

    You might get so good at controlling more than one robot at a time that

    you would become a family or a nation of robots letting you experience the

    grandeur of multiple personalities. What fun!

    Discovering the Mystery

    Intertwined in this "fun" experience is the length, width, breadth and timelessness

    of the greatest mystery of the universe. If we can attain the above experience

    via VR in this rudimentary human invention, who is to say that this is not

    what is already happening to Godhead at this very instance. We were created in his image.

    Who can refute that we are all an experiment of a higher being that is currently

    enjoying a broadcasted reality via quantum particles that are electromagnetically

    constituted into this reality that we "think" we are experiencing right now.  

    Hindu, the oldest religion on Earth, speaks of the One with no second,

    who lives through all of us in his "playing."   Is God playing life through us

    and we just forgot that we are part of another realm where experiencing

    a VR is the preoccupation of timelessness?

    Think of your own becoming. When you were conceived, you and your

    DNA program came into a body that was new and hard to maneuver in a physical state.

    God's VR has a learning curve. You had to get familiar with the new apparatus.

    REASON or mind began to learn to use the Holy Temple. When a baby first

    arrives on Earth he/she is mentally more a part of everything or what some call

    the Other or the Essence.

    Some say we are actually smarter at birth and just learn to be somatically stupid.

    During the first few months, ego has not yet made its stand against the universe.

    The ego-image has not yet formed until it begins to observe itself in the eye of the other.

    Mirroring sets the self in a reality that is shown or received via sensors.

    Sensory experiences create the other for the individual.

    Soon you will learn to forget where you came from because of the dictates of this state.

      Learning to live in this physical world is our crux of become.

    We learn to stand upon our experiences as a cushion from the void

    (a place we only know of in another state). The void represents the

    unknown or feeling of loneliness and awe. We feel very small against

    our lack of knowing. It has been posited that if we are not observed by the other,

    we begin to feel lonely as if we do not exist. Recognition and observation is basic

    to (quantum) being for all that makes up the universe. Worthiness began to set the

    stage for worship when mankind sought to remember his being in this physical state.

    Religion was once the science of that being.

    Do all of our religious writings suggest that at the core of those impassioned

    words lies the secret and the truth of our reality? Yes. Religious traditions say that

    God gave us being and the Word -- REASON. Reason or mentality is our existence

    within the somatic-vehicular experience. Our bodies are our holy temples or means

    of motivation in a physical state. We should not do harm to our Holy Temples.

    Another point of Reason is that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

    This may be because we are our neighbors as a result of their input to our being.

    It is possible that at the end of this God projected VR, we'll learn that we did all those

    dirty deeds to ourselves. The above may be the Why of religion...a method to awaken

    to the real being involved in this life episode.

    Today almost all members of our scientific community are gradually coming to

    realize that reality is indeed beyond our current theories and some have suggested

    that our environ is a God-like concept...the god of Mental Universal technology on

    an unbelievable scale...the quantum entity. Some say that the universe is a massive

    computer where numbers are the language that it creates for its virtual reality from.

    When great scientists like David Bohm, Paul Davies and others marvel that mankind

    can even contemplate the universe, what Bohm calls the holomovement --

    a realm that is a manifestation or broadcast of Being, progress in existential

    understanding is being made. How can mankind even think about something

    so magnificent as the makeup of himself and the universe? Quantification is the key here

    -- to assign REASON is to measure knowing in a physical state. This universe may be

    a combination of VR, quantum physics, nanotechnology, holography, fractal geometry,

    plasma physics, computational mirroring, inherent cosmological understanding and much more.

    The possibility that we may discover the truth of what we are, might just be found in the

    Virtual Reality Synergism.

    Over the next few years mankind will be subjected to the possibility of universal

    knowing on a scale that could only be called a "revelation." Soon, humanity may

    learn that all those ancient words that our ancestors were in awe of, will suddenly

    come into a living understanding that will cause a new birth of higher knowing.

    This new stage will amount to a Being full of billions and billions of experiences

    incorporated to embark upon a new direction of increasing cognition and spirituality.

    Then mankind will leave this "wheel" (Earthly existence) and graduate to things that

    we can only dream of -- unless our dreams are the reality of this VR? To think that this

    could happen was once laughed at by skeptics, but they probably have not had the

    experience of even the current versions of Virtual Reality.  

    Getting a grip on reality

    If people think VR is somewhat unbelievable, read this --

    technologists and scientists for business, the Department of Defense and NASA

    are working hard to help us get more out of virtual reality. They are working on

    a kind of camera that will reach out and grab reality no matter where it is.

    They believe that, if just a tiny particulate of the once known reality can be quantified

    (triangulated), then its reality can possibly be reconstituted using all the known

    equations of today's mathematical (fractal geometry?) reality.

    What kind of camera could do this? Some call it a "reality-grabber."

    The reality-grabber is a computerized configuration that can measure and

    organize the environ that it comes in contact with via conventional camera

    and sophisticated digital scanning conversions of a multiplicity of electromagnetic data.

    Holography and fractal geometry would play an important role in the output of its

    malleable and quantifiable data. Such a machine would also know where

    it is at all times in the physical environment as it relates to planetary and Earthly data.

    With the above information and a "mirror" software ability to organize every little bit

    of information, such an apparatus could record and distribute data that would make

    Virtual Reality as common as today's television only with billions of alternative

    programming options possible. Individuals wishing to have their own interactive

    ability with the output program could easily experience any number of sequences

    that others may never stumble upon. Variety would indeed be the spice of life.

    When the RG becomes available to VR, think of all the possibilities for learning,

    travel and entertainment.   Simulation of every physical task could be available for

    instant enjoyment and replay. The reality-grabbers resolution of visual data will be astonishing,

    because holographic images (dynamic-data) will be delivered for life-like learning

    or experiencing via any format of delivery with computer enhancement amplifying

    its data-signals whatever its "footprint." The media will no longer be the message;

    instead -- the message will be the virtual experience. You will become Steven Spielberg

    because the entire studio will be at your fingertips for editing, special effects, reshooting,

    sound track/s, lighting, mixing and output. There's no redoing the scene because any and

    all possible alternatives could be reconstructed with the available data of the reality-grabber.

    Ultra-vicarious experiences will be possible if the RG has just a few points to triangulate in

    order to reconstitute.   We are talking about a world of instant mirroring of reality for reuse.

    Its like a radio talk show that broadcasts a few seconds after the primary incidence except

    you can change its outcome for interfacing and integration. This will allow many things:

    to replay reality, even get ahead of what is really happening so trial and error strategy can

    anticipate what the outcome might be; to recreate and pre-create alternate case histories

    that aren't even history yet; to simulate the future. The idea of creating a mirror world is

    perhaps so new that its potential to society is not totally extrapolatable.

    I believe that one repercussion of the above technology will be, that we will have to

    rethink the concept of vocation. At this point in time, many people are already out of a

    job because of burgeoning technology and its only getting worse. With this new powerful

    concept of Virtual Reality exploding into our future, and because of the prospects

    of the reality-grabber, almost all creative informating (metamorphosis of media)

    activities will also ignite into a chaos of information saturation. Consider that  

    all of us will be showing-off the "systems" creativity, who will be around to buy

    when all of humanity is experiencing the mindscape? Since technology replaces humanity,

    who will be able to afford it?   Are we humans creating our own dead end?

    Or, are we entering the process for creating the next world?

    If we develop a reality-grabber that's better than the lens of the human mind,

    where will we find ourselves?   True it will amplify our capabilities to that of

    simulated godhood, but what about the experiential and educational equity to the rest of us?

      Some of us will become living gods -- being able to afford the technology that will

    educate our children at a light-year/ lightspeed level over the common individual's

    inaccessiblity to the techworld. We will create the ultimate disparity, opening ourselves

    up to polarizations that will need to be addressed in a civilization and world that can

    literally jump to a new punctuated equilibrium -- creating a new Otherworld overnight.

    Conflict resolution will certainly be the business to be involved in,

    (lawyers and psychologists will have more work) as humanity continues

    to become the behemoth that some of us once saw on our ever expanding

    horizon of cybermedia.

    Overcoming the barriers to Mind and Body

    The next step beyond the digitizing of reality will lead to the "beaming up of Scottie."

      Even now, scientists are working at breakneck speed to convert our digital world to

    one embracing DNA and its dimensional enhancement of computing via four

    molecule combinations -- A T C G rather than 0 and 1. Thus, we may begin to

    understand the ancient messages of Brahma (Hari the four-faced)  

    who, according to Hindu tradition, was the instrument of creation in

    conjunction with the First Cause. Here we may rediscover knowledge

    that humanity once took for granted. Once humanity unites the disciplines

    of Genetic Engineering with the symbol of the ancient caduceus,

    which is DNA's double helix, then we will begin to create tools that will

    build a new and higher understanding of universal purpose.

    Building the super-mind via the tools of DNA through the amplification

    of neuronic-technology (neurons of the human brain) will set our flight

    from Earth toward the super-universe. Before this happens, mankind will

    need to fully understand the connection between himself and the Divine

    act of creation including the true understanding of Light and Mind..

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