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The offered inventions may be used in energetics, magneto-hydrodynamic generators (including for direct conversion of excess energy resulting from  autothermal air burning into electric energy), on transportation vehicles, in internal-combustion engines, plasma engines, for military purposes, in electric shockers based on new operating principle, no lethal weapons, for medical-biological purposes, cleaning and disinfection systems, for production of fertilizer from air nitrogen, in contactless welding sets and plasma cutters, in plasma and plasma chemical technologies, in switching technologies (low-wear electric dischargers for extra-high switched currents and voltages with super low turn-on time), in technologies, where production of big volumes of low-temperature plasma with high conductivity is required.


1) No. 2362902 "The method to reduce the break-down voltage in igniting systems of internal combustion engines". It increases the spark gap in ignition plugs up to 10 fold and part of energy discharged in it. It is only used in ignition systems of internal combustion engines. No mock-up tests have been done.


2) No. 2364744 "The method to reduce energy losses in igniting systems of internal combustion engines". It allows: to lower the resistance of high-voltage circuit, as compared to a standard ignition coil hundreds of thousands of times; to produce, through a low resistance of high-voltage circuit into the spark gap, discharges of capacitors with a charge voltage much lower than that of breaching one (3000 V/mm) up to 20 V/mm and less, limiting the maximum possible discharging current. These two features allow: to obtain a high efficiency of discharge (39% under 475 А); to use the advantage of "dropping" current-voltage characteristic of arc discharge, under which the discharging current, determining the volume and the positive properties of plasma, increases nonlinearly faster, than power and energy of spark discharge do. The efficiency of current production is 36.5 fold higher, than that of a standard ignition coil.


No. 2397625 "The method for efficient conversion of electric energy to the energy of plasma". It allows, without converters, and consequently, with minimally possible resistance of a discharger external circuit, to make discharges of capacitors, with charging voltage up to 1.6 V/mm (the breaching voltage is 3000 V/mm), directly to the spark gap. The efficiency of this method is much higher than that of invention No. 2364744 (84% under 22000 А). The energy of discharge amounting 1 - 3 joule, corresponding to invention No. 2364744, provides conditions for discharges of practically any power and energy (a plasmoid was obtained with 320 cm in diameter, at that, I was completely inside of it, see below).


A number of claims for inventions are being prepared (already developed and successfully tested).


a) Two methods to obtain plasma with capabilities analogous to invention No. 2364744. 


b) A method eliminating, up to zero, electro-erosion and ablation of discharger contracts (confirmed by numerous mock-up tests), that elevates efficiency and expands the range of use inventions No. No. 2364744 and 2397625. To evaluate the method efficiency the following may be taken into consideration. The shot VCLP0204.0-01-30.046 shows a discharge of 884 joules (the current higher than 22000 amperes, the plasmoid diameter equals to 96 cm, the section of copper wires of the discharger equals to 10 square millimeters). The next VCLP0204.0-01-30.082 shot shows the burning of combustible gases, derived from air nitrogen, and a strong electro-erosion of the discharger contacts (sparks are specially well seen in VCLP0204.0-01-30.115). The shots VCLP0093.0-00-00.992 and VCLP0093.0-00-01.026 show a discharge with the same parameters, but there is no electro-erosion, and at that the section of the copper wire only makes up 0.45 square millimeters (22 times less). The shots VCLP0416.0-00-04.930 and VCLP0416.0-00-04.963 show a discharge with much higher current and the discharge energy amounting 6643 joules, big volumes of burning gases, but there is no electro-erosion (sparks). The section of the copper wires equals to 25 square millimeters.


The method allows: to use considerable switching advantages for current, voltage and operational speed of spark discharge as compared with modern electronic switches (it is possible to obtain a voltage commensurable with the results of N. Tesla); utilize any quantity of electric power in the spark and obtain characteristics analogous to hybrid drives without using an electric drive; to increase many-fold the speed of fuel blend combustion, including low-grade and extra-diluted mixture. Combustion gases (hydrogen and oxygen), concentrated nitric acid and fine-dispersed graphite (it is also possible a presence of fullerenes), forming up a self-recovering graphite coating on electrodes and cylinder surfaces, which sharply reduces friction, recovers warn-out parts, and increases motor capacity of internal combustion engines, including ceramic ones, result from atmospheric nitrogen under strong high energy discharges.                               
A method to obtain a stable mode of nonfuel air burning by electric discharge has been developed, that represents a gratis, practically inexhaustible, completely renewable source of energy, having combustion energy  7-8 times higher than that of gasoline, ecologically clean exhaust and characterized by absence of uncompensated thermal emissions. The energy consumed to obtain autothermie and the energy released in the course of autothermie are equal to the energy consumed from the surrounding media in the course of recovery of air from plasma state to molecular.


Upon the completion of air autothermie reaction, dissociated molecules and atoms of the air return from plasma to initial molecular state with compensation of oxygen (as they can not be in plasma state) mass defect (one hundred millionth of mass) with almost 100% consumption of expended and emitted energy. That is, the temperature (relatively small) and the pressure (basically determined not by the temperature, but the degree of dissociation of gas molecules) return to the initial state (a minor growth of temperature and pressure due to a warming-up of contacts of the discharger almost not participating in plasma creation is observed). For example, under 100 electric discharges within 2-3 minutes with total energy of discharges amounting 19700 joules in a leak-proof five-liter bottle the average temperature has grown 28 degrees (the losses of light, heat, shock and sound waves have been insignificant, and have been not taken into account. The bottle was covered with foil to lower the losses of light emissions, isolated from heat and placed inside an iron screen to lower magnetic radiations). To increase air temperature 1 degree in the 5-liter bottle (without regard to losses) 6.5 joules are required.

Thus, the temperature, even not taking into account possible emission of energy due to air autothermie, was supposed to grow (not considering losses) 3000 degrees. And that is to compare with 28 degrees. In this way, there is virtually no heat pollution of atmosphere and, consequently, any limitation for the amount of energy to be consumed by humanity. Due to fast recovery of initial energetic state of air, its total energetic store almost does not change, i.e. is practically inexhaustible. The only wearable component with long period of recovery is nitrogen, decomposable into fractions (1.3% of graphite, 90% are H and O2).

During a mock-up test, pressure and energy, obtained by electric discharge and autothermal burning of air, have been derived and measured, while using the method described in the invention No. 6. As examples of mock-up tests, see the oscillograph record in the file "давление4" ("pressure4"). Under the electric discharge with energy of discharge (Ed)  = 206 joules in a hermetically closed 5-liter plastic bottle with air, normal atmospheric pressure and temperature of 22°C, the pressure sensor (the sensitivity of the pressure sensor 40PC250G1A - 0,00012 V for 1000 Pa, measurable pressure up to 17.53 atmospheres = 1.722 MPa, measurement limit up to 0.212 V, response speed 1 ms, maximum bearable pressure of sensor is 3.45 MPa), mounted on its bottom, and located at the distance approximately 22 cm from the epicenter of the discharge, showed the maximum excessive pressure Pmax = 24.63 atm. The pressure increase coefficient equals to 24.63 (at that it grows nonlinearly with the growth of discharge energy, i.e., as a matter of principle, it is unlimited, provided that the resistance of the discharger external circuit is minimal, see below). T compare, for diesels, depending on the method of mixture formation, it amounts 1.2 – 2.5, for gasoline engines 3 – 4, for gas engines 3 – 5.  

 To obtain the value of Pe, mean effective pressure of the discharge, the oscillogram was divided into linear sections (in order to get more precise values), where the average pressure on a section (half-sum of values of pressures on the ends of a section) was multiplied by the time of its action. The derived values of all the sections were summarized and divided by the time the pressure action T=150 µs (the sections of pressure diagram from -5 µs to 0 and from 150 µs to 168 µs were not taken into consideration due to measurement inaccuracy). Pe = 1009167 Pa (10.29 atm).

The energy consumed to get an excessive pressure (according to generally known formula)        E = Pe  V Joules, where V is the volume of the bottle, V = 0.005 m3, Pe in Pa. E = 5046 J, Е/Еdischarge=24.5, i.e. E is larger than Еd energy of spark discharge 24.5 times, that proves the availability of autothermal air burning is the source of the excessive energy.

The following data are referred to the oscillogram "давление4.1.3а." ("pressure 4.1.3а"). Еd =86 J, Т=130.1 µs, Рmax=8.17 atm, Pe =443329 Pa, Е=2217 J, Е/ Еd =25.8.

The following data are referred to the oscillogram "давление2.1.б." ("pressure 2.1.b"). Еd =18 J, Т=119.3 µs, Рmax =1.36 atm, Pe =56402 Pa, Е=282 J, Е/ Еd =15.7 (the additional oscillograms with Еd= 200 – 210 J prove the repeatability of experiments). The real value of Pe, and consequently of E are considerably larger (possibly, by an order of magnitude and more; an additional study is required).


1). The pressure near the spark discharge (in the epicenter) is considerably higher, than in 22 cm from the discharge. The little time of autothermal burning, a big distance between the epicenter of the pressure growth and the pressure sensor, the limited speed of the pressure propagation do not allow equalizing the pressure in every instant of time. The pressure was taken by its minimal value, determined by pressure sensor, rather than the half-sum of maximum (in the epicenter) and minimal pressure (readings of pressure sensor) at a time.


2). The high speed of pressure change, its big value, the brightness of plasma glow combined with the large surface area of the bottle, small thickness, flexibility and transparency of its walls predetermined a great level of losses in the form of shock and sound waves, light emissions (as it can be seen in the shot VCLP0298.0-00-09.934, under the discharge Еd totally 42 J on some areas outside the bottle (6 liters), a glow of plasma, derived from energy leaks, occurs, and waves of pressure around the bottle can be seen as well). The reduction of these losses (by using a rigid opaque material of discharge chamber) will increase Pe and E, including due to an intensification of initiating action. When using compression and lowering linear dimensions of the discharge chamber, the number of reflections of shock, sound and light waves from the walls increases, that also grows their initiating action.


3). Measurement accuracy. The precision of the pressure sensor measurements degrades because of a decrease of sensitivity from 0.00012 V up to 0, when the pressure exceeds 17.5 atm. (the maximum nominal output voltage of the sensor is 0.212 V, in the oscillogram "давление4" ("pressure4") Pmax = 24.63 atm. – 0.29 V), as well as because the response time of the sensor (1 ms) is 6 times longer as compared with the duration of the pressure surge (173 µs). The voltage of the sensor electric power supply was 9.8 V instead of nominal 10-12 V.                  


 With the augmentation of Еd (energy of discharge) discharge energy, most of all grows E and increases E/Ed ratio ( see the results of measurements 18 J, 86 J and 206 J; decrease not increase of E/Ed at 206 J in comparison with 86 J, the reason is the greater influence of item 1) and especially items 2) and 3); and decreasing of discharge efficiency, as with the increase of the discharge current augments current decrease on the resistance of the outer circuit of the discharge gap). The reason of the efficiency increasing with the augmentation of discharge current is explained above (see the description of patents 2 and 3). In shot VCLP0413.0-00-30.755 was fixed current discharge with Ed about 3169 J (the nearby flag in length of 78.5 cm allows to define proportions ). 

The next shot in 34 ms fixed the maximum volume of the received plasma (to compare volumes of hot plasma of the discharge and received brightly shone, current-carrying and rather cold plasma; scale of shots is equal, diameter of plasmoid is 167 cm. In shot VCLP0416.0-00-04.930 a discharge with Ed of about 6433 J, plasmoid diameter 320 cm (energy is  2.03 times more , and the volume of plasmoid is 8 times larger – nonlinear increase of efficiency). In the following shots VCLP0416.0-00-04.896 and VCLP0416.0-00-04.996 the discharge device before and after the discharge is visible. After the discharge: copper wires of the discharge device (with section 25 of square mm) are bent, the contact jaw (through which these wires have been passed and fixed) is broken.  Small time of the discharge (a millisecond share), distance between wires - 35 mm, specifies in very big force of interaction of currents passing on wires of the discharge device and their big size (to compare: at Ed = 197 J, plasmoid diameter is 40 cm, an impulse current is 21560А; at Ed = 6433 J, plasmoid diameter is 320 cm, discharge energy correlation is 6433/197 = 32.7, and plasmoids volume correlation is 512 – nonlinear growth in comparison with growth of current and discharge energy, discharge current - ?). In conducting wires with isolation (8 multi-core wires with section 10 of square mm, each one with thick isolation), soldered on distance 12 – 15 cm from discharge epicenter, with a high-speed plasma pressure which swelled in wires under isolation, in several places in their depth (in bends of wires - the raised resistance to the plasma swelling) has torn isolation (in the form of the knife cut in length 10 – 15 mm). 

Considering distance to wires and small time of plasma influence very big pressure of plasma in discharge epicenter can be confirmed. The big radius (1.6) and small time of a luminescence (less than 33 мs – duration of a shot) speaks about high average speed of distribution of plasma. Plasma with it’s conductivity has closed in 22.5 cm (the least distance to the nearest condenser of the battery of condensers) 6 mm. a backlash between current condenser lead. There was a repeated discharge (the considerable part of aluminum contacts has evaporated, a considerable quantity of soot, pressure of plasma of the additional discharge breaks off a plastic glass in which there is a condenser) that testifies to high conductivity of plasma (pressure of the repeated discharge is less than 130 V). 

Installation mock-ups have very simple design, low cost, are collected literally on "knee" from accessible materials, and can be made by any person at home (in a design are applied easy-to-find details produced by the industry and current sources to the charge of condensers). Therefore, from the technological point of view the construction of industrial samples is rather an easy process. The main aim is to create the most optimal mock-up of discharge devices (heating plugs) which differ from the common discharge devices.

Depending on the conditions of exploitation, energy of spark discharge, rate of operations, duration of discharge set, average temperature of gas operating environment and its chemical composition, in spite of great decline of electrolytic erosion and ablation of discharge device contacts, an additional cooling can be needed (that may require some changes in the device construction), selection of materials of discharge device contacts by thermal conductivity, cut, fusing temperature, chemical durability.

By the use of plasma generator in the discharge device (which is not necessary, some other methods exist), that has minimum energetic charges connected with the creation of conditions for the proximate discharge in a spark gap of the condenser with the charge voltage much less than a disruptive one, it is necessary to solve the problem of the bad deletion of carbon, obtained with an electrical discharge, which by-pass high-tension output. While solving these problems on a arrangement of combustion engine (in combustion engines, delay adjustment of the ignition moment to 80 – 90 degrees may be required) , jet engines, MHD generators (in other devices, see application domains, new devices development can be needed) while this inventions will be applied, constructive changes are not required ( anyway, in mock-up samples, which is oriented on small working time for characteristics reading; it is necessary that the receiving energy will not exceed strength characteristics of the utilizable devices).

For example on March, 2010 (air temperature near -7 degrees) test run of one of the methods, mentioned in claim No 4, without any changes in the construction of combustion engine, were held on the autocar Iz 2126 (Иж 2126) (combustion engine 1.8 liters). There was used a regular ignition system (switch, ignition coil, high-tension distributor and plugs), as an energy accumulator was used alternating voltage doubler of domestic power network 220 V, 50 Hz,  which restricted the maximum rate speed, less than 1500, as the  strain of the charge of the energy storage capacitor and energy of the electrical discharge declined). Fuel feeding wasn’t disabled. With the increase of energy output in electric arc (without additional regulations in combustion engine) from 20 mJ to 390 mJ, idling rpm increased 37%. With the electric arc energy 20 J on idling rpm in less than in a minute plug contacts were welded together (it is necessary to use the invention method No 5).


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