Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c) 2011
According to the Light Councils and our Beloved Starry Brotherhood, the star, who has entered our solar system from two universes away, was sent by Jehovah to imprison and destroy those on Earth. However, there is another side to this story. This same star is bringing the Ultra Violet Blue Frequency into our atmosphere which is raising our frequencies into the 12 DNA template, the Christ Consciousness, the template of immortality.
Our Starry Brotherhood is in truth battling with Jehovah at this time. The battle is a timing and frequency control. The timeline that would had brought the Star into a field of alignment which would had created great earthquakes and tidal waves in the Northwest has been slowed down and shifted into a higher state of consciousness.
There has obviously been something controlling the activity of this Star which NASA is now calling Elenin. NASA has labeled it an unstable Comet because it's movement has been erratic. The Light Councils are explaining that the change in movement is actually being caused by their control of the Star as they are controlling the activity of Jehovah. I have found some research that shows evidence of the movement of Elenin actually being controlled by some unknown outside Source. (I've placed the URL below of that information).
So, now we know why the activity that was expected to happen on June 15 didn't happen. The activity of the Northwest was put on Hold until the shift in consciousness is complete. That doesn't mean that our Starry Brothers just press a button and the plan is changed. Each one of these activities is created or prevented through a great amount of negotiation and battles at many levels. One part of it, as I understand, was a grand negotiation with Poseidon to help calm the waves of the Pacific Ocean. There are so many levels of reality going on that the average human being cannot comprehend. Zaurak once explained to me how they have to actually realign the etheric DNA strands in each and every individual each time a change or shift takes place. They are always freezing us in time for thousands of years to complete each of these tasks.
It should also be known that a large part of the battle that is going on is happening inside of Earth as well. There are thousands of layers of hybernyzation zones of Entities who have gone within when their civilization was destroyed. The entire history of Lemuria and Atlantis is frozen within the layers of the Earth's crust and mantle. The tectonic plates that are shifting under Japan are being caused by the completion of the war between Atlantis and Lemuria. That very war was frozen in time and happened directly under Japan. The unfreezing of the hybernization zones is allowing a reunification of all dimensions and all times to continue as multidimensional consciousness. Those who die in Japan will immediately awaken in their multidimensional bodies on the higher realm that Earth is shifting to. We will all awaken together in a new Utopia.
This same shifting in tectonic plates will happen in the Pacific Ocean. I wrote many times before about watching Atlantis rise from my Condo in Monterey. This glorious movie will take place; however, we must use our frequency specific Mind of God to see it. It is not recommended to watch Atlantis and Lemuria rise from the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
There is much contradictory evidence about this star that is entering our solar system. There are groups, including NASA now claiming that this star or comet is so small that it couldn't possibly have an effect on the Earth. That information is obtained from technology that cannot calculate the density of Ultra Violet Blue because it is not in the Visible Light Spectrum.
We have been locked into the belief that the only reality that exists is the three dimensional Visible Light World. Now we have an Ultra violet Blue Object entering into our system that cannot be seen with the technology that this world uses for its scientific observations.
NASA does in fact know that this star is ultra violet blue in nature. They do know that it is made of a frozen liquid light substance that cannot not be weighed or measured with their technology. They are lying about not knowing. They also know that the density of this anti-matter ultra violet blue frequency will have a great impact on the magnetic field of the Earth.
The questions that leaving people in a contrary emotion of not knowing who to believe come from this factor of the yellow brain (the part of the brain that only recognizes visible light) cannot be convinced of the reality of anything that it hasn't already experienced.
We are moving into a new reality, a new time, a new dimension of ultra violet blue which is the field of light that has not been seen by those on Earth because we must begin using our mid brain and our mind of God in our lower Cerebellum to begin seeing these new realities.
Our Beloveds were warning us of the wobble that would be created by this star if it had been under the direction of Jehovah. There is a constant battle going on between the Beloved Brotherhood and Jehovah, the Annunaki troops and many fallen angelics. This group has been called the Ashtar Command in many former teachings. They don't actually call themselves that anymore. However, they are a great field of light created by their own starship Merkaba Light Bodies that are continuously protecting us from the powerful light of destruction that could come from this star is it isn't controlled in its timing and direction.
The Beloveds cannot and never have made any guarantees of how smoothly the transition into our new reality of ultra violet blue spectrum of co-creation, instant manifestation and immortality would be. They have been working on this project for millions of years, in order to secure the best results at this time.
There have been hundreds of times that Earth was almost obliterated during the past eleven years. The Beloveds have been realigning frequencies and light and battling with Jehovah continuously to protect us. The latest warning of June 15 was just one more warning. The Beloveds are not meaning to create fear. They are trying to create intelligence. They are trying to get their human angels to wake up and take their stations. They have made it very clear that being on the coast line is not an intelligent choice.
The Starry Brotherhood has told us many times over the past eleven years that they would give us a three day warning in case of a catastrophic event that they would need to guide us from or even send ships to pick us up or to shift us in dimensions to protect us.
This is one of those times. The three day warning doesn't mean you only have three days left. It means they are giving a three day warning. This phrase has been used so many times in the past eleven years, that it obviously has a different meaning than we might associate with it. It is like a cue, a symbol that only has meaning to human angelics and starseeds that know that it is time to take their stations. Since one day in God Time is Billions of light years in length, it could be that three days actually means three months warning. It is obvious that the Beloveds have warned us for twenty years to get away from beach front property. They are just trying to give us PLENTY OF TIME TO PREPARE. That's what I think. For instance, if I didn't move away from Monterey three years ago, it would be much more difficult to move from there before August. My starry family warned us to get out of there and they did give us a three day warning at that time. So, for us, the three days actually meant three years. Time doesn't exist in any realm except this Visible Light three dimensional realm. The Beloveds are just doing everything they can to help us.
There were many who became very angry and accused me of fear mongering. That very reaction is absolute proof that those who chose to react to fear itself and to comments that created more fear, are not ready for what is to come. Fear is the reactionary response of the yellow brain. The yellow brain or mortal mind is now being replaced with the blue brain- the immortal mind of God. There is no fear in the mind of God. The mid brain is frequency specific. It does not register fear. Fear is only caused by activities that are unknown and unfamiliar to the yellow brain. The Re-actionism is a part of the personality fighting for survival. The personality will evaporate when the ultra violet blue frequencies raise consciousness beyond the visible light spectrum. However, those who are still in the yellow brain during the transition are in the greatest danger. This pre-warning period was a good example of how much work needs to be done on getting rid of fear.
I highly recommend these two youtubes for in-depth understanding of what the incoming Star is and when it will arrive at the most dangerous proximity. It has been made very clear that all we need to do to be safe is be at 1000 foot elevation. So, instead of allowing fear to motivate why not plan a trip to the mountains on those days, and then focus on your ultra violet blue reality of instant manifestation. You won't need your old house because you can manifest anything your heart desires.
The second youtube shows that many countries are so familiar with the time line of this star entering our system that they put it on their currency hundreds of years ago. It's even more interesting that those same countries have removed Nuclear Energy Sites.
BEST INFO YET ON DWARF STAR THAT WILL CAUSE SHIFT Dates to watch for are SEPT 26 - Oct 17 - Nov 6, 22
This YOUTUBE SHOWS map of NIBIRU entering on Swiss Currency.
Crystalai (c)2011
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c) 2011
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c) 2011
According to the Light Councils and our Beloved Starry Brotherhood, the star, who has entered our solar system from two universes away, was sent by Jehovah to imprison and destroy those on Earth. However, there is another side to this story. This same star is bringing the Ultra Violet Blue Frequency into our atmosphere which is raising our frequencies into the 12 DNA template, the Christ Consciousness, the template of immortality.
Our Starry Brotherhood is in truth battling with Jehovah at this time. The battle is a timing and frequency control. The timeline that would had brought the Star into a field of alignment which would had created great earthquakes and tidal waves in the Northwest has been slowed down and shifted into a higher state of consciousness.
There has obviously been something controlling the activity of this Star which NASA is now calling Elenin. NASA has labeled it an unstable Comet because it's movement has been erratic. The Light Councils are explaining that the change in movement is actually being caused by their control of the Star as they are controlling the activity of Jehovah. I have found some research that shows evidence of the movement of Elenin actually being controlled by some unknown outside Source. (I've placed the URL below of that information).
So, now we know why the activity that was expected to happen on June 15 didn't happen. The activity of the Northwest was put on Hold until the shift in consciousness is complete. That doesn't mean that our Starry Brothers just press a button and the plan is changed. Each one of these activities is created or prevented through a great amount of negotiation and battles at many levels. One part of it, as I understand, was a grand negotiation with Poseidon to help calm the waves of the Pacific Ocean. There are so many levels of reality going on that the average human being cannot comprehend. Zaurak once explained to me how they have to actually realign the etheric DNA strands in each and every individual each time a change or shift takes place. They are always freezing us in time for thousands of years to complete each of these tasks.
It should also be known that a large part of the battle that is going on is happening inside of Earth as well. There are thousands of layers of hybernyzation zones of Entities who have gone within when their civilization was destroyed. The entire history of Lemuria and Atlantis is frozen within the layers of the Earth's crust and mantle. The tectonic plates that are shifting under Japan are being caused by the completion of the war between Atlantis and Lemuria. That very war was frozen in time and happened directly under Japan. The unfreezing of the hybernization zones is allowing a reunification of all dimensions and all times to continue as multidimensional consciousness. Those who die in Japan will immediately awaken in their multidimensional bodies on the higher realm that Earth is shifting to. We will all awaken together in a new Utopia.
This same shifting in tectonic plates will happen in the Pacific Ocean. I wrote many times before about watching Atlantis rise from my Condo in Monterey. This glorious movie will take place; however, we must use our frequency specific Mind of God to see it. It is not recommended to watch Atlantis and Lemuria rise from the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
There is much contradictory evidence about this star that is entering our solar system. There are groups, including NASA now claiming that this star or comet is so small that it couldn't possibly have an effect on the Earth. That information is obtained from technology that cannot calculate the density of Ultra Violet Blue because it is not in the Visible Light Spectrum.
We have been locked into the belief that the only reality that exists is the three dimensional Visible Light World. Now we have an Ultra violet Blue Object entering into our system that cannot be seen with the technology that this world uses for its scientific observations.
NASA does in fact know that this star is ultra violet blue in nature. They do know that it is made of a frozen liquid light substance that cannot not be weighed or measured with their technology. They are lying about not knowing. They also know that the density of this anti-matter ultra violet blue frequency will have a great impact on the magnetic field of the Earth.
The questions that leaving people in a contrary emotion of not knowing who to believe come from this factor of the yellow brain (the part of the brain that only recognizes visible light) cannot be convinced of the reality of anything that it hasn't already experienced.
We are moving into a new reality, a new time, a new dimension of ultra violet blue which is the field of light that has not been seen by those on Earth because we must begin using our mid brain and our mind of God in our lower Cerebellum to begin seeing these new realities.
Our Beloveds were warning us of the wobble that would be created by this star if it had been under the direction of Jehovah. There is a constant battle going on between the Beloved Brotherhood and Jehovah, the Annunaki troops and many fallen angelics. This group has been called the Ashtar Command in many former teachings. They don't actually call themselves that anymore. However, they are a great field of light created by their own starship Merkaba Light Bodies that are continuously protecting us from the powerful light of destruction that could come from this star is it isn't controlled in its timing and direction.
The Beloveds cannot and never have made any guarantees of how smoothly the transition into our new reality of ultra violet blue spectrum of co-creation, instant manifestation and immortality would be. They have been working on this project for millions of years, in order to secure the best results at this time.
There have been hundreds of times that Earth was almost obliterated during the past eleven years. The Beloveds have been realigning frequencies and light and battling with Jehovah continuously to protect us. The latest warning of June 15 was just one more warning. The Beloveds are not meaning to create fear. They are trying to create intelligence. They are trying to get their human angels to wake up and take their stations. They have made it very clear that being on the coast line is not an intelligent choice.
The Starry Brotherhood has told us many times over the past eleven years that they would give us a three day warning in case of a catastrophic event that they would need to guide us from or even send ships to pick us up or to shift us in dimensions to protect us.
This is one of those times. The three day warning doesn't mean you only have three days left. It means they are giving a three day warning. This phrase has been used so many times in the past eleven years, that it obviously has a different meaning than we might associate with it. It is like a cue, a symbol that only has meaning to human angelics and starseeds that know that it is time to take their stations. Since one day in God Time is Billions of light years in length, it could be that three days actually means three months warning. It is obvious that the Beloveds have warned us for twenty years to get away from beach front property. They are just trying to give us PLENTY OF TIME TO PREPARE. That's what I think. For instance, if I didn't move away from Monterey three years ago, it would be much more difficult to move from there before August. My starry family warned us to get out of there and they did give us a three day warning at that time. So, for us, the three days actually meant three years. Time doesn't exist in any realm except this Visible Light three dimensional realm. The Beloveds are just doing everything they can to help us.
There were many who became very angry and accused me of fear mongering. That very reaction is absolute proof that those who chose to react to fear itself and to comments that created more fear, are not ready for what is to come. Fear is the reactionary response of the yellow brain. The yellow brain or mortal mind is now being replaced with the blue brain- the immortal mind of God. There is no fear in the mind of God. The mid brain is frequency specific. It does not register fear. Fear is only caused by activities that are unknown and unfamiliar to the yellow brain. The Re-actionism is a part of the personality fighting for survival. The personality will evaporate when the ultra violet blue frequencies raise consciousness beyond the visible light spectrum. However, those who are still in the yellow brain during the transition are in the greatest danger. This pre-warning period was a good example of how much work needs to be done on getting rid of fear.
I highly recommend these two youtubes for in-depth understanding of what the incoming Star is and when it will arrive at the most dangerous proximity. It has been made very clear that all we need to do to be safe is be at 1000 foot elevation. So, instead of allowing fear to motivate why not plan a trip to the mountains on those days, and then focus on your ultra violet blue reality of instant manifestation. You won't need your old house because you can manifest anything your heart desires.
The second youtube shows that many countries are so familiar with the time line of this star entering our system that they put it on their currency hundreds of years ago. It's even more interesting that those same countries have removed Nuclear Energy Sites.
BEST INFO YET ON DWARF STAR THAT WILL CAUSE SHIFT Dates to watch for are SEPT 26 - Oct 17 - Nov 6, 22
This YOUTUBE SHOWS map of NIBIRU entering on Swiss Currency.
Crystalai (c)2011
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c) 2011
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