God said:
You are invited to a party I am giving on Earth for all who are here. This gala event is in your honor. It is in honor of your being alive on Earth and partaking of all the experience that there is for you to partake of. Come in. Come here with Me.
Here is your name card. Sit right where you are, or, rather, here is Our dance card. Dance right where you are. I offer My hand to you, and I say, "Let's dance." And you accept My hand, and We dance. We dance fast and slow. We dance to all rhythms. We find that We are virtuosos of the dances of life on Earth. Even the old dances are discovered anew.
We make the music. All has been tuned here. You turn the juke box on. You put the nickel in, and We dance. You are the invited and the inviter. The thing is that you dance, and the whole world is a dance. This is the party that We come to.
We encircle each other. We intertwine with all the other dancers. Our dance is planned, unplanned, spontaneous, unspontaneous. What matters is that We dance, and We dance for the joy of it, not for the complexity of it, not for anything but the joy of it. We invent new steps.
We taste the fruit of all the trees. Even the trees from faraway that we have never seen or touched, we taste the fruit of Our imagination. We name every object and call it by its name even when it has not yet been named. There is nothing that We don't live on our way in and out of Our little spin on Earth. We go around the block once or twice or more. We partner in, and We partner out. Exchanges are made.
Oh, yes, of course, you call some dances work, and some dances play, and some dances dancing. You name that tune.
All the while, you are an adventurer or Earth. You are a scout, a hunter, a barterer, a player, an Excalibur of adventure on Earth. You are lithe, and you are thick, and the Earth waits for you. The Earth doesn't mind what you are like. It offers you itself. It is your dance floor. It is the forest, and it is the lake, and it is the day bright and the night dark, and it is the calm sea, and it is the roaring seas as they enjoy their tempo whatever it may be. May you enjoy too. May you enjoy the swinging. Swing, beloveds, swing.
Life on Earth is here for naught but to be discovered, rallied around, and enjoyed. Life is for the joy of it, the fun of it, the spectacle of it, the unexpectedness of it and the expectedness of it. All is good when you are enjoying on Earth.
Enjoy the swaying. Enjoy the swinging up and the swinging down. Enjoy the highs, and enjoy the lows.
Enjoy the refreshments. Enjoy old favorites, and enjoy for the first time. We are here to enjoy. We are here to savor. Let Us savor the sweet, and let Us savor the not so sweet, and digest it all. It is on Our plate. We lick Our plate clean. We accept what We are served. We accept in good grace. We are at every instant being treated to life on Earth. Whatever comes to Us is Ours, and so we dance with First Choice and Second Choice and even Last Choice because it is what is served to Us.
We close Our eyes, and We open Our eyes. We blink. We smile. We do not frown, for We are dancing. We are dancing to the beat of Our hearts, and so We dance, and We dance until 2 a.m. in the morning, and We dance at dawn, and We dance between times. The thing is that We dance.
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