I came across a document and found it made much sense....'In 1930, John Maynard Keynes imagined that by the beginning of the twenty-first century, the working week could be cut dramatically – not just to 21 hours but to 15 hours. He anticipated that we would no longer need to work long hours to earn enough to satisfy our material needs and our attention would turn instead to ‘how to use freedom from pressing economic cares’.

Ok, so we have the technology to work 20 hours a week but end up working and getting poorer while the filthy rich get richer. Just look at the middle class and how it is disappearing all over the place. We can clearly see, once we do our research (look up modern money mechanics), how the banking & monetary systems are frauds and only serve to keep us enslaved and the power elite in control. But at the end of the long work week everyone's too tired to start a revolution to end this old system set up to make us miserable ...can we still be so blind and ignore how the ones that designed all the entrenched institutions and structures of society only want us to stay asleep, and allow them continue their insane ways of leading us further into the ditch. Its sad when we can't spend time researching the deeper questions of life or enjoying some quality time with our families, because we have to worry about putting food on the table and paying our mortgages, etc. I know this isn't only a dream of having more free time to do what brings us JOY, and less of the rituals & drudgery of the imbalances of work outside the home ....We can make this real for all, we just need to unite and bring this into a manifested reality. We need to realize that the schemes need to stop, but this means we learn as much as we can about how the system works now so we can break free from it once and for all..

"The logic of industrial time still ticks away in our heads, shaping how we understand our lives, in terms of cause and effect, progress, stability, clarity and usefulness. We have become used to the clock directing us from one place to another throughout the day, so that we readily associate certain hours with specific activities and locations. While the old industrial clock ceases, in fact, to regulate our lives in discrete chunks of time and space, the tempo quickens inexorably. The pressures mount, both to work to earn and to earn to consume,
24 with effects that are far more burdensome for some than for others. So the challenge for us now is to break the power of the clock without adding to these pressures, by freeing up time for living sustainable lives."

Taken From http://www.neweconomics.org/sites/neweconomics.org/files/21_Hours.pdf
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  • This is a true "liberation theology" well worth being a peaceful warrior for.

    James Albus in Peoples' Capitalism is an update and detailed scheme of actually making Keynes' vision --- and more --- a reality.

    Please help spread the word as a precondition of ending wage slavery.

    Also see In Praise of Idleness posted by CoMdr * LightSpeed *
  • This question is a highly spiritual matter, although few people realize it.

    The curse of Adam (in Genesis) needs to be lifted. In the animal world once the prey is caught and eaten the metabolizing of the food (digestion) is no longer a worry for the animal.

    In the human world an analogous process on a higher level must be established. The worry over getting enough, food clothing and shelter must become as taken for granted as our digestion.
    Then, finally, we --- as a species --- will be free to become fully human and spiritual in incarnation.

    The vision is a human family where sibling rivalry gives way to cooperation; where it is clear that there is enough life support to go round and give every sister and brother basic security from want without having to fight to secure it. The name of the game is no longer survival but the higher goal of developing dormant capacities and contributing the results to enhance the quality of life of the whole family.

    Evolution produces increasingly complex life forms because vital metabolic functions are designed to take place without the organism having to pay conscious attention to carrying them out. Within the human species the automatic and taken-for-granted provision of individual basic needs will have the same liberating effect and will unleash the next evolutionary surge. True com-unity is a future development and its result, in tens of thousands of years---the next few minutes in the life of Life, will be a meta-organism. As eukaryotic cells came together, during the dawn of Life, to evolve into metazoa---multicellular life forms, so human individuals will find ultimate fulfilment in co-creating great beings in order to experience new levels of existence.
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  • Yes, J makes a good point. Our focus is our reality. That's why advertisement is so rampant-- to make something exist, it needs to be paid attention to. If something wasn't advertised, then it would be noticed, and never be bought, and it would shrivel up and die. That's how businesses, religion, and government work- they get themselves noticed.
  • Excellent, wise points J! I think as we realize that where our attention goes, energy flows, our energies are only sustaining these entities... once we withdraw our energy from whatever it be, and claim our sovereignty, so those obsolete institutions will collapse...either way if we're here living dreams within dreams then I want to make a dream that I feels serve my higher purpose, instead of someone else's gigantic ego.
    Wow unlabeled? Maybe I'm just needing to munch on that one... Physics!! The mass is wealth and the force is laboring people, I think I get it!
  • So right on, I had actually thought to post something like this yesterday, you did it for me thank you! My angle is, so many seem to believe that it is inevitable, that we are to give our time and energy to some entity in order to survive, be it a business, religion, or government (So-called capitalism, theocracy, socialism, respectively). The simple truth as I see it, is that people have lived very well for a long time before these concepts even existed, labor being a force for furthering the common good rather than scratching out a living in order to further the good of a larger entity. I would urge everyone to spend your labor the way you spend your money, with consideration to who you are giving it to. It's the revolution, sometimes the best defense is not to be there ;) Thanks again PW!
  • Oy, my man, it's simple physics, that's all, to move mass you need a force to drive it, don't you see? The mass is wealth and the force is laboring people! You see! Physics! Physics!!
  • Excellent points Richard! The fear is a big one we need to deal with on this subject .Currency enslaves us and its caving in on us but things are changing as you say...I dream of a world without money too...once that is eliminated we can focus on real important matters. I think if people got together and really looked deep within they'd realize that buying things will never bring them happiness, but we've bought into it for so long that it will take a crisis to help one shake off those beliefs. I am not disgusted with the system because I know we've created it collectively but I'm just frustrated that we've let ourselves buy into it and destroy our world, families, etc. The illusion of separation will end and with it the unconscious living we've been doing and we will have free energy and all fear will be a forgotten thing. In the meantime I'm still not conforming and just try to stay free.
  • Hi! I enjoyed reading this post alot.I'd like to add my comments.To what has been typed and spoken of here.First of all I'd like to start off.By saying,"I'am not against work altogether!"I do feel its necessary at times in moderation.Not made into a religion.That most people are enslaved too.Because of a fear.Of starvation and homelessness.I myself tried and failed to conform too.The roboticaly consistancy that is required.To earn and pay for your physical needs.As we all know even.The movies doesn't hold back.The fact that the work environment isn't a democracy.However we can free ourselves.From this day to day reality.By considering some alternatives like for example.Going into business for yourself or having no boss to answer too.I also feel in the not to distant future 95%.Of robotically consistant work.Will be elminiated with automation and robots.The free energy technologies.Can free us from work and co-create a world free of money.That as it stands.Currency enslaves us now.By providing for human physical needs.It could help us advance or evolve spiritually.The free of charge motto of a way of living.That started in the counter culture.Is still needed now.More than ever as the economy.Gets worse and the prices go up.Or the cost of living goes down.Let automation do its job and free us from work and money! I have another suggestion.Give everyone who is at or below the poverty line.A living allownance and a place to live.All across the planet.The only people that wouldn't qualify.Would be the rich.For those who make or have $500,000 a year or more.That would eliminate poverty and homelessness all together.Let's build instead of destroy.This concludes my comments.Thank you for taking the time.To reading them here.Goodbye for now and take care to all my readers here!
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