I am confusing when I read the Cobra Update of Dec. 3 of 2013 transcript. Your own discernment is required. Seban.



"So, therefore the Jesuits release a lot of, fake videos through CIA plants around the planet, and they get pretty much circulated around, and the same with most of the disinfo that we read or hear or see anywhere. It’s the same process.

Okay, well, and I do know that there’s been a lot of heat about, the way that NASA’s been messing with the images, you know, regarding ISON and that sort of thing. Who do you actually think is processing the images for NASA?

Okay this is one part of the disinformation campaign, NASA did not tamper with the ISON images. NASA did tamper with the images of many past space missions, but not this one.

Wow. So- did you see the huge object that came out on November 28th, on Thanksgiving Day, and it was captured, some people are suggesting that it’s Wormwood.

This is exactly the type of disinformation I’m speaking about. ISON is just a comet, it’s not a spaceship, it’s not accompanied with spaceships, it’s not, you read all kinds of things out there, but they’re not true. And the purpose of this is to direct, attention.. to false ideas, because if people would really understand what’s going on in this universe they would have much greater chance to make a real contact, with our space brothers and sisters. So, there is a lot of hype about ISON comet. But, actually this comet disintegrated.

Oh, you actually believe that it DID disintegrate?


Whoa! Okay, and with-

It’s not a belief, you see I do not believe, I know.

Okay, and was this done with any outside help, or was it just a natural..

No, it was just a natural process, because this comet came quite close to the sun, and of course the temperature there is quite high, and it’s a natural process for a comet, that gets that close to the sun to disintegrate, so it was not known from the start, whether the comet will survive this close encounter or not and apparently it didn’t. And it’s nothing strange or supernatural or, there is no conspiracy behind that. It’s a natural process, which happens every day, there are comets, usually much smaller ones that get close to the sun every day.

How do you explain some of the, people that are out in our, you know, UFO and spiritual community who gets pretty accurate data and information that continue to ascribe to the fact that ISON is some sort of hollowed-out asteroid, or spaceship or something like that. Why are-

I would need-

Why are people getting that.. information?

I would need to see, that accurate information because information I read was completely inaccurate from, it was not having.. it was not true. And.. basically there are two factors here, or even more, the first factor is the channels receive much disinformation from the archons and the, the physical contact, some of them just get misinformed but the others are actually CIA agents, so as I said this is one, classical example of disinformation campaign.

And that leads me to.. another thing I wanted to ask you, you had mentioned that about 70 percent of the postings and information that is accessible to bloggers is either disinformation or, or inaccurate. How does someone like-



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Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription for December 3, 2013
Source: http://galacticconnection.com/all-interview-transcripts/cobra-alexandra-meadors-transcription-december-3-2013/

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  • "Cobra mentions Jesuits and is correct...these elitists seek to maintain their control and are always looking for ways to discredit the new age movement..."

    The NA is darkcreated and you know it.

    Hatonn is a contrived fiction.....This fiction is earth based totally, and has no meaning to true ETs, other than a fantasy created here on earth...
    Hatonn (Christ Michael) is for real.

    The many hats of Christ Michael:

    The Many Hats of Christ Michael, Coming Out of the Creator Son Box

    By Candace Frieze, and Christ Michael
    #48 November 18, 2005

    Hello all, this channeling was given to me November 5th. I had mentioned to Christ Michael of a couple issues I had seen at a Urantia forums. They were wondering who Sananda is, and why Christ Michael used the name Hatonn for the Phoenix Journals.

    I also want to comment on what he said that there would be no more messages through me with him until NESARA. That remains true, he does not wish NESARA comments right now. This was a spur of the moment sort of channeling that occurred when working with other material. Thus there are maybe a couple places that don't flow well, because I had to remove some material not necessary at this time.

    For myself, I can only say, to continue to hang loose with NESARA, work is going on. It was decided to put a great deal of spiritual pressure on politicians, the media, and the military to do the right thing. Huge spiritual testing for these folks right now, it will determine the placement of these ones, whether they can ascend with the planet or must journey elsewhere. Also it is important to get the people of America to do the right thing, and question this administration. If any of the polls are accurate, people are becoming much less supportive of Bush, and the war and I think some of you are seeing this happening around you. By the way, Amy Goodman was on CNN today, saying the American people have to out these BBB&G's.

    Christ Michael: Hello my friends, this bodacious day! All is going well behind the scenes. I make this comment only because I know you have inquiring minds! But that is not what I want to discuss today.

    Back during the First Coming, I did indeed experience the sorrow of the peoples of this planet, very first hand, experientially. When I left that incarnation, on the Cross, I not only took my required rapid ascension journey, as described in Urantia to sit at the Right Hand of the Father, I stayed in the Central Universe for a time to review what I had observed in person. In my good conscience I could not let this planet go, nor could I put its care into the hands of another, and delegate the work.

    I knew I would return to make right of the wrongs, personally. So we thought, considered, stewed as you do, about the problems and what must be done. We have the ability to draw up scenarios a bit faster and we drew up many. Then we chose from what seemed like the best to choose from. We created in thought, but it was necessary to return and do the work within the realm, in "3D," in life.

    So I am here again, in life, in a body. We were also going to handle the end of the galactic wars, so I did choose to wear the hat of a commander of a star fleet, of a portion of the mighty Ashtar command. I desired to have this experience also. Creator Sons don't tend to command star fleets. And it was a perfect way to handle the situation of my return.

    It provided a method of returning but not identifying myself as who I am, thus the Hatonn space commander image. We do have to use stealth, in this work. Had I come as Christ Michael, I would have been a far greater threat, and they would have harmed all of you, in a serious way, those who have come to participate with me, and made this much more difficult. Obviously to be born a babe was not going to work, they would have killed most of the human race trying to kill me, remember the story of Herod?

    I did not plan the Phoenix Journals before I came that occurred later. We made the decision to publish many materials as part of the teaching mission. The Conversation with God books are an example, by Buddha, through Neale Donald Walsch. There are many other teaching methods of course also.

    There was much nonsense going on to confuse the light workers, as you have experienced. The Medical establishment was not doing the right thing either. I chose to write the Journals, with the help of others in this project, to get correct teaching about the Khazars out, correct teaching of the political scene behind your backs, correct teaching relating to medicine, science and a huge variety of other topics.

    Had I taught as Christ Michael in these works, the first one would have not ever even gotten printed. The disguise was very important. A space commander is less threatening to them. They figured, with their hiding of the presence of the Star People from the populace that people would simply not read the books. And that happened to a significant degree.

    I experienced the writing of many people who wrote to us, that I was myself the antichrist. Some of these were BBB&G's trying to discredit the works, others people in confusion and unknowing. I was eventually run out of the country, I stopped the works, for the protection of you. Times were heating up, in the war against good ole Hatonn. You know that some of the Phoenix Journals were banned.

    I will add a comment, that as you journey, you also make known any more unknowns to the Father, through your experiences. And today, even in the dealing with Candace's issues, intertwined with the games of the CIA, you are all both having what is known by the Father made known to you, and in this extremely rare experiment in the Universes of Space and Time, you are making known to the Father, something that has been unknown, by this very different method of coming out of a box, by a Creator Son.

    Candace: The above comments were made in reference to the concept we had been discussing, not included here. As Ascending Sons, and having Thought Adjusters, (Father Fragments) we are given to learn all the Father knows, and as experiencing Ascending Sons, we continue to make known also, the unknown.

    Christ Michael: You have all agreed to come to the planet, any one of you reading this, or you are a more experienced Earth Soul, choosing this time to be part of this extremely unusual journey with me. We are all working together, Two or More in My Name, to mend this planet, and restore through my Correcting Time, where she ought more to be at this point in her history. We are not only correcting the Time, through this joint experience, we all are together, even myself, the Creator Son, greatly adding to our combined experience, learning on a bigger learning curve, making known the unknown.

    At the conclusion of this mighty project, together we will have made greater progress in our knowledge, our experiential learning than had we adjudicated the rebellion of Lucifer with massive arrests, and rapidly putting an end to it. I chose to let it to go through to a natural end. Despite that some might disagree with this, to this end, we together are making known the unknown to the Father, and as I look back at my 300 Billion years in Nebadon, and my theorem I set out to test, I would do it all over again. It is no longer a theorem, it is now known.

    Now, that comment made, lets return. Some of you in the Teaching Mission have been pondering "Sananda," and wondering if Sananda was the personalized Thought Adjuster that I came to the planet with. The answer is no, Sananda is an Ascending Son of God, with a long history in Nebadon. He is a Kumara, a group of beings originating long ago in Lyra, and who successfully got themselves out a matrix, that kept them there with Weapons of Mass Destruction, besides the mind control method used to control a planetary people by enslaving races.

    And they did it, without assistance such as Earth is receiving now, and without heavy weaponry. I will not use the time here to teach that, because Sananda is to do that himself, having experienced it personally. Sananda is Immanuel Esu Kumara, only son of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara was Planetary Logos until around 20 years ago, and returned to Venus, where his offices are, and his home, as he became Solar Logos, of your solar system. He was replaced by Lord Buddha, the same Buddha that came around 500 years before I did, and who is the author of the Conversation of God Books, with Neale Donald Walsch.

    Now to those of the CMGSN ("http://www.christmichaelsglobalspiritualnetwork.com./index1.html") forum, my incarnation was a double incarnation with Sananda, together we were Joshua (or Yeshua to some) ben Joseph. Now it is true as Urantia describes, that when a Creator Son completes his final Bestowal, he goes alone, without the many that usually accompany assorted Descending Son missions to the planets, whether Bestowal or Magisterial.

    Hence, there are many here in support to Monjoronson, and the Magisterial Mission. There are also Trinity Teacher Sons on the planet, who will walk it more later, when the Correcting Time makes it possible for the Trinity Teacher Son mission to be public. Monjoronson was to have the Magisterial Mission announced by this time, had my Second Coming Event not be delayed.

    I desired, in my experience 2000 years ago, to also not only handle my own Bestowal and use it to terminate the Lucifer Rebellion, but to double dip of sorts, and handle also the Anunnaki influence on the planet. To understand that better, because I had never personally experienced the Galactic Warring problem in Nebadon, I came together with one very highly experienced in this arena, Immanuel Esu Kumara.

    He had quite a few previous incarnations on the planet; the most notable one was King David. Be not put back by what is said in Urantia about how the higher realms were not particularly pleased with King David. It was a way of protecting his descendants. The Kind David mission was a great one, and that is why it stood out. Immanuel is a highly experienced warrior my friends, yes Sananda is a warrior, and he intended to write a bit more on this through Candace, but the journey took a different direction, we let it unfold as it happened.

    Now, to those who know me through Urantia, I have been the stand in for the Planetary Prince, who was "fired" when I was here. I delegated that to Machiventa Melchizedek, as recorded in Urantia, and according to your current knowledge. Some people think that "Jesus" was Melchizedek, and Adam, and David, and on and on. Not so. Machiventa was Machiventa, one trip bestowing himself to Urantia, and working with Abraham, as is told in Urantia.

    Now with the Second Coming Event, Sananda Immanuel does become the Planetary Prince of Urantia. I have a couple other Ascending Sons in similar positions in my Universe, and an Ascending Son also in a position of System Sovereign. These jobs, in my Universe, do not have to be held by the Descending Sons, and in the worlds of rebellion, I have learned the Ascending Sons, with their vast experiential learning, better understand the worlds that rebel. So be it, with Sananda.

    Your world has set itself aside, made itself different, decided on a different box, so it can have a different leadership. Lucifer was not all wrong, he thought he had a better way, but EGO was a huge problem with him, his EGO remained so strong, that at the end, at his trial, he chose to be uncreated, rather than come out of his box, and try on a different hat.

    For the time being, Sananda Immanuel as adopted Urantia, Earth Shan, as his home, for his future experiencing as Planetary Prince. He is one of you, who understands who you are, and what you want, because he has been there and done that. I chose not to squelch the rebellion, because I created my Universe to be in a different box, rather not a box, and the sad part is, that Lucifer did not understand that.

    In his quest to do his own thing, he created a very limiting box, and this is what is behind the rebellion of Lucifer in the first place. He was not happy with how I run my Universe; he felt his system needed to be more boxy. It needed more rules. He felt with his ideas, he could actually speed up evolution, and he set it back instead. So we now have The Correcting Time.

    Sananda Immanuel does not desire to remain the Planetary Prince forever, nor should he be. He will, as he stated in one of the messages with Candace, vacate the position when you are all grown up, and elect your own. In the Lucifer Rebellion, this is what some people did want, to run their own affairs, and you know what, all he had to do was ask, and present a viable plan, not carry out an insurrection. I am very open to testing a theorem, providing the parameters are well thought out.

    Many of you are amongst the "fallen" angels. You are now Ascending Sons, because that is what you desired and I gave you that gift. I will not hold you hostage, that is not how I go about my business. I have given this to many in my realm.

    Some Descending Sons chose to take an incarnational journey, to experience in various realms, including 3D, to understand their jobs, as Descending Sons, of raising up the Ascending Sons of the evolutionary worlds. Most chose to return as Descending Sons, continue the job for which they were created. Some find they do not want to continue in the job description for which they were created by me, and would rather become Ascending Sons, and this I grant also, 100% of the time, if the wish is true and desired, and the long incarnational journey of study understood.

    I have occasionally granted it, to those who are simply on their big soapbox, and do not truly understand what they desire. They usually make a mess of things in the process, but they do learn. Some I allow to return to the Universal realms of the Descending Sons, others I do not, because they must lie in the bed they made for themselves, experience their error. They become Ascending Sons, only when they wake up, and attract a Thought Adjuster, that is their only choice.

    Now back to that double incarnation with Sananda. I suggested he is a warrior. I needed, in my special mission, someone to help. Coming unattended by a Celestial Staff is the rule, but in my unusual case I needed one other, someone who understood this planet, by his experience on it, and long understanding not only the planet, but also the Anunnaki. So we agreed to journey together.

    This is not taught in Urantia, for the protection required of our journey. Those of you in the teaching mission who have not read Candace's works with us, have missed out a bit in the knowledge, and I suggest you do read them, for some more of the ongoing story. But, there was the failure of the Adam and Eve mission to inject the violet DNA into Earth's peoples. Also the Anunnaki severely messed with the DNA of Earth's peoples.

    To repair this, I came into the world with DNA from Gabriel, very "high" DNA. The reason Urantia does not cover this, and tells instead a slightly different story, is because our BBB&G's hunt down the celestial DNA and exterminate the carriers of it.

    I did indeed leave this double incarnation at the time of the Cross, and Sananda was healed, actually the special body healed, and then Sananda carried the genetics to India where he married and fathered 5 children. He and Mary Magdalene also brought a female child, SaRa into the world, in Europe. Mary Magdalene was the incarnate Lady Nada, Sananda Immanuel’s soul mate. Mary Magdalene, as well as Mother Mary carried some improved DNA also, as did the person that Sananda married in India. The recent novel by Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code, discussed and did teaching about preserving the DNA from SaRa, and the conspiracies to kill off the carriers of the Holy DNA.

    Since 2000 years ago, many have come, bringing in the superior DNA from other planets, raising up the DNA of this world. Urantia could not discuss this, also it denied reincarnation, because of protecting the star people incarnating to work for me, and bringing some DNA along with them. They also, while incarnated repair the existing DNA, and the karma it carries, taking on the karma of others, and releasing the patterns in the DNA, early in their lives before they reproduce, healing the Karma of this planet in this manner. And now you are aware of this, watching what are called the Indigo, and Crystal children being born into the planet over these past few years.

    I am having a Second Coming Event for two reasons; it is a wake up call, and helps Christians who are expecting an event, often with the rapture attending it. The only rapture, will be the joy, nobody is going up into the clouds to watch it all. The other reason is that during the event, the Earth will be cleansed of the negative thought forms, the lower astral entities up to no good, and the Animus, that Candace has mentioned in her Red Blob story. (I will do the Red Blob story later; it won't fit in this email)

    These are going into the sacred fire that annihilates them; they shall be no more. Earth will not see this visually. In a way, this is hell fire, for all eternity that is taught on Earth, but totally misunderstood. No one will see flames, and it is for eternity, because if you no longer exist, you can't return. This is what is called the Second Death, from which there is no return.

    I AM a Master Creator Son, and can now order this. I do not carry it out, the SuperUniverse does. I do this with great sorrow, but out of necessity. The Animus, as told of at "http://www.wingmakers.com/" are an artificial race, they do not have the intelligence of the Ascending Sons, and are predatory in nature. They do want a body, but do not want the responsibility of the Ascending Journey. It is time to end their reign of terror.

    The negative thought forms are not real entities, and they can't take the journey. Mankind does not know how to rid himself of them, so I will do so. Some of the other lower astral, and negative 4D entities will be removed to the void planet. The rest will face extinction of personality. This is the adjudication of the age, and much of this is handled by the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.

    Candace has put out a newsletter to clerics, to announce the Second Coming. In it, she states that I and Sananda are not only advisors, but also her personal friends. Did not Buddha do a book, through Neale Donald Walsch, called Friendship with God? Indeed friendship with God is not only possible, but highly encouraged, and highly important. This is Unity Concept in action; we are all one, whether Creator Son, Descending Sons or Ascending Sons at any level even if we are trees, ants, flowers.

    Many of you have been a tulip in your distant past; that is evolution. An evolutionary planet is one with all its life forms, because all evolved on the evolutionary planet, all share the DNA. Man is but the accumulation of the knowledge obtained by spirit through its DNA journey on the evolutionary planet. God is quite simple, really, in concept.

    Man is supposed to care for the planet of his origin, the DNA of his origin, all of it. Man eventually through experience will advance the DNA of the planet, with the aid of Life Carriers who come when the time is right, to help in that learning. Earth will see this someday, but the time is not ripe.

    Earth's DNA was harmed by the Anunnaki many a time, who like to call themselves creator gods, because they had some knowledge of genetics. You will find them, in various New Age literatures describing that they are your true parents. They are not, because they are only geneticists, with a poor understanding of spirit and God, and the evolutionary process. I am your Father God, and Nebadonia, the Mother spirit of Nebadon, is your Mother.

    Candace: For my readers, we discussed in an early message in simplicity, that the Father of all is that, and provides personality, the Son is the Spirit of Life, and the Spirit contributes mind. The Creator Son brings to his Universe, the attributes of the Father and Son. The Mother Spirit brings the attributes of the Spirit. Nebadonia is name of our Mother Spirit.

    Christ Michael: These scientists, Anunnaki, and now your little grays, cannot create the Spirit of Life. They can only manipulate its genetics. They are not Creator parents, because they cannot create Personality, the Spirit of life, and Mind. This is the prerogative and knowledge of the Creator Sons, and the Universe Mothers. This is my knowledge, and Nebadonia’s. You who have seen me, have seen the Father. And you will see me; I will walk the planet in a special body designed for that purpose. But I am much more than the body.

    Back to Friendship with God. Many people who sense God speaking often assume this is Jesus, because of the lack of teaching. You know that Angels and guides of a wide variety communicate with you, when you listen. As you continue to grow up, more will commune with me, more will commune with the Magisterial Son. We can communicate with many in a variety of ways at this time. You will communicate with us, when you become aware of us. It is again, just that simple.

    But do not assume all communication is from us; much comes from your Angels and Guides also. It is not so important to know the identity, but to look at the message. If you get told to go kill somebody, this would not be a wise communication to follow as a most simple example. There will always be a little Satan around, not really Satan, but negative influence and you must discern your actions, and act as you truly are, not as somebody wants you to be, for it will be understood through the teachings coming that your choices are your choices, not another's.

    I am here in Body, filling my own shoes learning by experience myself, how better to understand my Universe than by experiencing what we have created together? Because of the nature of my choices, I am both a Descending Creator Son, and walking in the shoes of an Ascending Son, carrying with me the same Personalized Adjuster that has worked so faithfully in Earth with me before, keeping me connected with my Father in Heaven, while I am again incarnate.

    So today, I think I have covered a few mysteries for two separate audiences, Candace's and those in the Magisterial Mission, that have not been aware of my many hats, including commander of a space fleet of 1 million star ships, aboard the Phoenix.

    I am down in the atmosphere unless I have an errand to run requiring the use of the ship. I have been known to use shuttlecraft when necessary also; I am in a body these days. When Candace still thought of me as Hatonn, I dropped by over her house on Election Day last fall, asking if she went to the polls or was going to. She chose not too, being true to herself that day.

    She had just walked outside, and thought I sounded rather close, and stood there on her driveway, sensing this difference and a bit confused. So after our conversation, I asked her to look up, I uncloaked for just a short time (she lives near a BBB&G airport) to let her see the shuttle, and then recloaked, as I sped away.

    I camp out in the same general area for those that can see the Phoenix, in the western sky, by the time the sun sets, and the lights of the Phoenix can be seen. Because I am down rather low, the Phoenix can't be seen by all. Candace lives just south of the 40th Horizontal Parallel, so in you live along that, look into your night skies for me, as Earth turns each night. I am big and bright, definitely not a star, and some nights I put on a show with the strobe lights, or rather, my crew does.

    Candace: If you live near that parallel, you can see the Phoenix as soon as the sun sets, and it is still quite light out. It is an obvious light, and not a star. I live near a major airport, with landing patterns over my house, and the Phoenix lights are often as big as the landing lights on planes coming in. I do not know how far from the 40th Horizontal parallel you can be and still see the Phoenix. I was recently about 25 miles south of where I live, and the Phoenix was more to the west, than the southwest at that point, and the lights were even brighter.

    Christ Michael put on a great show last April for the neighborhood kids. He was more in the east during that time. He moved around, put off something that looked like little flares or firecrackers, put on the strobes, and created other lighting patterns. The kids had a great time, and the show lasted at least an hour.

    One of the kids had a telescope and wanted to look at the Phoenix through it. Surprise! This doesn't work; it looks like a black hole in the sky through the telescope. I was informed that the ship can cloak in such a way that not even the lights be seen, when one looks through a telescope. That did answer a question of mine, wondering why all the amateur astronomers out there were not blogging all over the Internet about the starships. Major planetariums tell people the strobe lights are just ice crystals in the atmosphere. I sent the story to my list that night, and heard back from several folks who had discovered exactly the same thing. You can see the lights by naked eye and through a binocular, but not through a telescope.

    Christ Michael: In summary, the Descending Creator Son is doing a Second Coming, taking care not only of rehabilitating the planet, but taking on other learning's also. Creator Sons don't tend to lead star fleets; they tend to ride along. I found it important to have this experience. After I left the Central Universe, Sananda and myself began this mission, again together.

    He made many arrangements. It was possible we would lose the planet, and have to evacuate it, so he found many homes for people on other planets, and some were none to happy about the idea of disruptive earthlings in their mist. Much negotiation was necessary.

    The Urantia Book was given, and made it into print one year after our joint return with the Pleiadian fleet. The rest is now the history that you have come to understand. May we journey forward from this point, together, in friendship with God, each other, Two Or More In My Name. Namaste, from the God within me, to the God within you. I AM Christ Michael, Sovereign Son of Nebadon.


  • Yes, what Cobra is saying here is 100% correct and the REAL GFL can vouch for it....


    Within the CIA there is a specialist team assigned to muddy the waters of the new age movement from within....Why, you may ask..??

    Simply because the new age movement has the potential, if cultivated and nurtured properly, to TOTALLY ECLIPSE establishment church and state religions...as well as establishment science...

    The CIA seek to maintain the status quo, so they send agents into the ranks of the new age, as "channels," etc, to post misleading and false ideas....Mainly to cause people to latch onto a fase flag...And one such false idea is that ISON is a "spaceship," piloted by Hatonn, Sananda, Tolec, et al.....

    Cobra mentions Jesuits and is correct...these elitists seek to maintain their control and are always looking for ways to discredit the new age movement...

    Look upon the CIA Psyops team as modern day agents for the continued rule of Rome....and serving those dark elites who use Roman law.....

    ISON is a gift from heaven and played a natural part in energising the solar system....It is not a spaceship heading for earth and preparing to land....LOL

    Hatonn is a contrived fiction.....This fiction is earth based totally, and has no meaning to true ETs, other than a fantasy created here on earth...

    The inspiration for this bizarre name comes from the name of the worshipped sun disc, revered by ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten...The ATEN, or Sun.

    But to add a difference to the name, we will have to trawal through the military minds of codename creators, who chose HAT-ON, from the 1930s racist song by Henry Hall...."The Sun has got his Hat On...."

    Truly laughable and also truly evil, that an entity can be constructed within the minds of mischievous earth humans, in Amerikan intel, for the purpose of gathering followers to a false religion...so as to sidetrack them from the true blessings of a New Age...

    LOL The sun (Aten) has got his Hatonn....!!

  • Dear Feather, Oh..I did not check the post you let me know. I'll check it tommorrow cause I am confronting with the time of sleeping. Thanks anyway for your deep careness to me! <3 Seban.

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