
It is our purpose this morning to discuss with you your opening to communications of these kinds. In your rising states of consciousness it is becoming more and more common for you who think of yourselves as lightworkers to discover that, in one form or another, you can become the recipient of our thoughts.

This is a wonderful occasion which we enjoy quite as much as you do yourselves.
There is, however, a tendency to be so enthusiastic in the discovery that the simple basics of personal protection are forgotten or left unlearned. There will come a time in the near future when that is not a problem, as negative energies and beings are just no longer a possibility where you are living. Regrettably, however, this is not yet the case.

Every reliable teacher of methods to begin these types of communication includes information urging beginners to clear themselves and their surroundings, and most are wise enough to urge their students to always begin each session, or each day, by reaching at least as high as the divine level of consciousness before allowing any communication to take place.

We can tell you that far too many are either ignoring these instructions, or lack any experience of having heard them. They are being taken advantage of in all sorts of ways, up to and including allowing other beings to control their precious bodies and minds.

As fewer and fewer of these lower or negative beings continue to survive in the increasingly high frequencies of your surroundings, they are becoming more and more, shall we say, desperate to hold on. Many of your dear healers are being approached almost daily with these sorts of problems.
Firstly, dear ones, drop your fear.

There are no conditions or problems which cannot be healed, cleared, changed. Seek the help of those who know what to do.
But our point this day is to urge you as strongly as possible to, at the very first sign that you are becoming telepathic, clairvoyant, or clairaudient, and this will be happening soon for large numbers of you, seek out that information which will keep you protected from negativity and the influence of those you do not want to be influenced by.

At this time, we wish to inform you that the method which is of the very most effectiveness is for you to begin by going, in meditation, to the very highest source that you can imagine. Learn to find your way to the even higher divine levels than our own. Go to the Creator of All. It matters not by what name you call this being, this energy.

Source, Creator, Allah, Buddha, all will do, and other names as well. Reach the level of love and consciousness that has created the All That Is. And there learn to specify whom and what you wish to communicate with.

You are not participating in parlor games here. Your very soul can be involved and that is a serious thing. But we do NOT want to scare you with this. It is a wonderful thing and great gift you are being given. But just as if it were a higher powered vehicle, which is what it is we suppose, some caution and responsibility is in order.

If you are among those who are currently beginning to notice these kinds of openings in yourselves, let us congratulate you and say that we look forward to working with you in every way possible. Approaching this in the proper way can be both enlightening and enjoyable.

The joy and love that awaits you will be, we promise, well worth the effort. There are many, many who look forward to working with you.
Please do not be deterred by our words, but please also do not forget them.

Go this day in love and light. We will speak again.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Posted in Archangels, Ascended Masters, God http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/2013/02/23/it-is-a-wonderful-thing-and-great-gift-you-are-being-given-channeled-by-ron-head-february-21-2013/





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  • Yes, Shafin, you may.  :)  Just the night before I read this post I had a very unusual experience during a meditation.  I was communicating with my higher self, saying something to the effect that I found it hard to determine exactly what bits of information were actually coming to me from higher self and what was perhaps wishful thinking on my conscious self's part.  The speech pasterns seem so similar.  I was told to "feel" the difference.  That does in fact make the process much clearer.  Doubting self is such a bugger....  :P  Anytime I get anything that does not resonate with logo, or the ONE, I just dismiss it immediately.  ~Namaste~

  • My apologies, I  had read it.

    Didn't appreciate the significance of it.


  • No, I haven't.

  • Shafin, it's interesting to hear you talk about the noises. I recognize something similar that had been just out of my conscious awareness for a long long time. I have recently discovered that it was me distracting me from my truth. Once the the sounds came into conscious awareness I was able to address them. 

    It was only then that I was able to truly take a step and learn the lesson that I thought I had learned repeatedly. whilst it may not be the same as what you are experiencing, I do recognize the feeling that a lesson has been leaned repeatedly.  Only to have it thrown up at you again.  What is happening is you are chipping away at the lesson a bit at a time. But not breaking through to the core of the lesson. the lesson is learned when you recognize it hasn't been. And then choose to do different. 

  • Shafin,

    It most certainly is a test of resolve.And the test is one our higher self places upon us so that we gain conviction in who we are. The voices are our own. They are the voices that talk the loudest. designed to disguise our truth. So that we have the opportunity to discover the truth on our own. It is not enough to wield power. There must be integrity in the way that power is wielded for that power to manifest in all its brilliance. The light is beyond corruption. The test of duality is designed to teach us this. 

  • Dear Shafin, could it be a test of your resolve?  Perhaps an opportunity to exercise your abilities to control your perspective on every "NOW" moment, and in so doing manifest your best possible outcome for that moment.  To act on the choice of the moment that you FEEL the most excitement for?  Always bring the light.  ~Namaste~

  • Wow, ok,,, that one hit home.  Almost like you were talking directly to me.

  • There are periods that I feel the same way Shafin. I am well aware of negative beings and the energy they embody and can project upon those who may be unaware of these things, yet there are times that I am making very favorable progress then it's as if  something other than my Ego is preventing me from reaching ceretain plateaus that I can envision in my heart and minds eye. I understand exactly what you are saying and what you mean. Whenever this occurs for me, I become very frustrated and feel like just zoning out. I'm certain that there is a cause for this and we WILL find an answer.

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