Its a mixed bag of Karma-- pardon my Dogma

It is Karma-- I mean is everything that happens to us Karma?

What is the harma of so much karma...

What you have done in the past whatever that has been ---

it has brought you to the present moment--

and what you do now that will determine your destiny,,,,

The only problem with karma is that good or bad or indifferent---

its all a type of suffering because it means more and more of different types of experiences and existences

which can have unpleasant side sffect..

but if you can be happy and serene in the face of calamity and pleasure--

Karma ceases to be an issue.

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  • I've mixed a few jokes in this blog just to get some action stirring.

    There is two aspects to activity


    and Reaction

    that an axiom of material nature-- but of course there is a trancendant aspect to consciousnes

    which goes beyond the contamination of matter.

    Whatever you associate your mind with thats what it resembles...

    but if dont associate with the temporary there can be an end to action and reaction.

    If you agree to focus on the influx of the cosmic prana comming in through the brahma randra--- at the top of your head

    you can rest in the nature of the mind( Rigpa)

    there is a state beyond mind beyond thought called the transcendant aspect

    but its something you CANT

    put into words or talk about you just emanate it--- the truth

  • I wouldn't say all is karma. I see karma as imprints on our consciousness that carry on from moment to moment. I have a sense that beyond the world of the physical body, mind and personalities lies that TRUE I... that pure awareness that is prior to karma... Prior to anything. That pure field of awareness is how I am not subject to karma and how I can have serenity in face of karma
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