Hi all.
So at last we have our glorius second sun Jupiter!!
Second photo of New Sun
Hi everyone, now the pic by Leo last night was towards sunset, sun in the western sky, that is in the other sun post.
The reason Jupiter is at the bottom is because this picture is at rise. Do the homework, of visualizing this. If something is on top at rise, it will be on the bottom of the sun at set, and visa versa.
This picture above is very confirmatatory, because it is a negative, and thus proves that Leo's pic is real and not a case of camera goo or lens flares. And the pink/peachy aura in Leo's is very confirmatory too. Those of you that sungaze at rise and set know the sun looks blue and has a peach aura around it.
Many bigs thanks to Laurrentius for this photo!
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The New Sun By Giuseppe Mar 10, 2010 - 1:43:13 AM | Email this article Printer friendly page |
The New Sun
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Yes it is the small dot over the sun , and it will be a quite small sun , but the fact that Jupiter now is about 9AU behind the sun (1 AU=distance from Earth to the sun) makes it smaller than it really is.
Okey folks prepare for geological changes (there have been one 7,2 quake in chile last hour) and many other changes.
The beautiful shift to 5.th dimension that the dark ones want´s you to believe in inside there false channelings wan´t happen until we are all ready to enter life and light , maybe 80 years o so from now.
Many think´s that this is negative information , and that this makes the evolution to go back instead of forward , but as I have said before , the truth can be hard to handle, and if it is something that makes the world to evolve - it´s the truth.
Please look trough all theese false channeling like Ashtar on the road and other on the net and open your eyes..
Blessings to you all , and I hope to see more people soon that has discovered the truth.
Most people that just do not want to believe in the truth of Christ-Michael Aton, because fear or other factors are going to have a very RUDE awakening in a matter of days.