
"Greetings and blessings. We are a collective consciousness of Guardians of the Golden Ray, sharing wisdom and perspectives on the very unique time phase you are experiencing.

We offer our unique views on the Cosmic relationship to your Personal Ascension and your unique Role in the Shifting of Ages on Earth.

Our energetic translator is one of us, choosing to serve her role from within the bodysuit at these dynamic cycles of time on your planet.

Let’s begin with this session together.

We awoke our partner at midnight her “time” Jan 9 2014. We asked for her assistance and she obliged, placing her heart consciously in service, in love, in presence, in form.

She could’ve asked why. She could’ve asked what is happening. Her energy field upon being awoken felt a bit unsettled and yet she did not choose fear.

Do some of these feelings sound familiar for you, too of late? Your authentic stargate, Sol, the Sun, is in the midst of heightened activity, as many of you are aware.

Many of you experiencing expanded Consciousness are aware of rich, deep insights of Self newly available to you in recent days, or even recent hours.

When you are present in your presence these gifts of inner revelation are more readily available. We sense you won’t want to miss this recent cycle of these revelations, which are truly divine activations.

This cycle of insights will assist you in shaping your energy field for the remainder of your journey. Yes, “life” long effects from what is transpiring “now” in this window.

These windows of fresh, profound revelations can easily be missed, mainly by not being present, and yet they are of a quantum nature thereby capable of being brought forward from within, by you at any “time”.

Distractions that pull many out of their Presence include becoming out of balance through overly focusing on external events to self and trying to utilize global events for meaning, purpose and direction in One’s life.

As compared to bringing/allowing inner energy, light and love out... See the difference? Balance is key.

What is Sol’s present activity’s meaning and purpose? Our dear Comrade, what do you desire it to mean? We are intentionally beckoning the Creator power of Self with this question.

The further opening of stargate energies and their interaction with Earth is always capable of being expansive, uplifting and deeply supportive of humanity’s divine restoration... from within. This doesn’t happen “to you”.

Nothing happens “to you”. But rather by you, the ground crew of this Shift. And amidst presence and consciousness One can further harness and operate from within realms of Divine Creation more and more consistently in your journey.

I, from my human consciousness, took a walk with Gaia before receiving/creating/sharing this message. Upon inner reflection, I felt led to consider which layers of energy I desired to interact with regarding this request for my conscious presence and assistance that had me awake at 12:06 am.

I considered the choices and summoned Earth’s planetary consciousness of Gaia. I opened my right hand as I often do to welcome another’s energetic presence I have called upon. I was instead greeted by the rushed and forceful full embrace of an exuberant Gaia, like a bear hug that almost knocks you off your feet. Unrestrained love.

We took a stroll among the planet. We began in Africa and I felt the ground shake. I noticed it and looked to Gaia for any meaning necessary. Gaia smiled calmly and pointed out the changing weather and geography constantly available amidst shifting cycles.

No concern nor alarm was felt by either of us. We proceeded in no time to the arctic circle and she casually stroked a polar bear’s head as we passed by. The bear was lying on a small ice platform.

She knew I was asking about the bear’s well-being, knowing how much change is taking place not just in her ecosystem, but everyone’s. We stopped for a moment and Gaia, full of presence and light and love, offered:

“This shift, these journeys, for all of us, was never about survival. The more readily we accept and expand our consciousness to beyond the survival “mentality” uniquely available to humanity, the more readily we can authentically experience our God Consciousness which is capable of delighting in what is, relishing the opportunity we are restoring for Conscious Divine Creation.”

We laughed as I noticed the new meaning for CDC (in the USA, CDC commonly refers to the Centers for Disease Control).

Conscious Divine Creation... Prioritizes the spontaneity for Creation over predictable/”certain” outcomes. Welcomes the opportunity to be present, in love and in service to Source, which is Self, at each moment.

Appreciates the experience of humanity, for self and overall, while not being unhealthfully attached to the need to be human or to be physical in order to be “alive”.

Stabilizes in the eternal energies of Source rather than the temporary vehicle of humanity or any other physical life form. (Note: Physical Life Form -- that term is so helpful and has many deeper meanings and energetic layers that may trigger divine codes within you. You may wish to repeat it to yourself verbally.)

The gripping to physical life. The death grip on a sense of life that is known to be temporary is out of balance with our divine origin, our Divine Self.

The Divine Self energies operate beyond the fear-based version of love that worries about the physical transition to the non-physical. The Divine Self cannot separate the eternal energy experience, whether it be from a physical life form or not.

The sense of Life from the Divine Self has no end. And no beginning. It cannot be destroyed. Yet it can experience an infinite array of vibrations.

Of which humanity is one. And it is simultaneous to all the other ways/manners of Be-ing Self...

Source Is. Energy Is. Love Is. And in our ability, our choice, to be present in our Presence we can know and be and operate from these expansive frequencies.

Fear is but a narrower channel among the all that is. Human journeying is but a seemingly temporary ride for the Eternal nature of Source.

And that is why it is such a treasure, a blessing, a gift. Not to be survived. But to be experienced. And possibly even enjoyed, if you so choose.

Solar flares. Earth changes. Loved ones transitioning. All of these are physical life form changes. Are they another thing to bemoan and monitor like the latest doom and gloom headlines? Something else happening “to you”?

Or might you consider the powerful shift of consciousness available, to adjust your perspective that this, and everything in your creation field, (all of it) are somehow in alignment with an Eternal Loving God, of which you and everything Is?

“How is that possibly in alignment?” you may ask.

How could What Is, no matter what you are observing/experiencing, not be in alignment with an Eternal Loving God, which is You?

Rationalizations and tempestuous demands for explanations are of the beautiful and unique human brain orientation.

What we are assisting you in re-Storing is beyond the brain, so please don’t expect too much in terms of a human/temporal orientation of understanding, rationalization and explanation, which are, always, inherently overly complex.

This is about Feeling. Feeling in these expansive ranges is beyond the human circuitry, helping you further access the Divine Source of Self, of you.

Let’s pause those “demanding to know” parts of self for a moment, and explore the layers of you that have an infinite sense of knowing.

The layers that appreciate there is knowing which then prompt infinite expansion layers of exploring possibilities, and creation and what can be.

The choices and power are in a shift of perception to these Conscious Creator layers.

To be clear, the vibrations of Source that we represent include Curiosity, Interest, Desires and Love. These frequencies and energy patterns prompt and produce expansion, which leads to the infinite experience we know Source, all, to be.

Some among you have a different sense of what Source, God, is. We mention this to help you consider your conscious choosing of this.

Some have a sense of Source that is a stable, force of life and energy that is content with what is, in an uncurious, almost intellectual and even robotic manner. This vibration of Source we are describing is also often not demonstrating love of/for/by humanity and the human experience.

This perception of Source is as a static force of energy, creating almost a bubble of homeostasis. Not unlike a Controlled Experiment; humanity being the controlled variable.

Deep breath, please as that bit can be very activating for those unconsciously coded to be part of a controlled influence that is limiting humanity, from within humanity.

We do not represent this vibration/perception of Source, as it is not conducive to infinite energy among other inherent limitations, by design...

That view creates timelines that are not expansive. See the connections? It is intrinsically, and by definition, limiting. We prefer infinite. Again, we offer this to promote your conscious choosing. We notice the request for evolution and progress.

And yet there is a misalignment when that desire is rooted from a view of Source energy that is not infinite, not loving, not curious and not desiring, of anything. (Smile).

Deep breath and big smile please for any that are now releasing any coding related to controlling and limiting the human potential and the restoration protocols for inherent human sovereignty. Vibrations of Source... no need to judge it.

Let’s now go all the way to the version of Source that is infinite and eternally loving, shall we?

Let’s revisit our question from earlier in which the human brain defiantly questions how everything underway on Earth could be in alignment with an Eternal, Loving God/Source.

The vibration of Source we are assisting you in re-membering is Everything, and Anything, in various states/vibrations of experiencing itself. So how can anything, not be of Source. Nice deep breath, please.

Do you “see” it yet?

It’s All Source. In various states of vibrations and energy patterns.

This Earthly reality in it’s present form with superimposing cycles and intersecting spheres is possible because the All That Is (God/Source) was curious enough to create something called Unconsciousness, allowing us/all to have experiences where we forget that we Are, eternally, God. Experiences of forgetting that we are God. Experiences...

Let’s invite an experience here. Open your right hand, as I as Jill mentioned previously in my summoning of Gaia.

This is a summoning of Source, You, more fully into your human presence. Like an open hand eager open to the loving hand of a comrade you know, trust and appreciate. Nice deep breath. Close your eyes as you consciously breathe for a few moments. Be open. Beyond the brain and it’s controlling, polarizing nature.

Stay present. Explore and summon the layers of you that Know, that Trust, that Love without conditions. Verbalize these words out loud, or mouth them silently. I Know. I Trust. I Love. I Explore. I Create. I Am that I Am. Whole. Full. Complete. Yet also infinite... Love.

Now please imagine your human heart opening in all directions like a perfect white rose with fragrant petals blossoming on all sides, like a glowing and expanding divine white and platinum sphere with a golden center.

Expanding this blossoming, fragrant sphere now to beyond the size of your human body, radiating from within your broader human energy field. Glowing, warm, divine energy. Radiating. Beaming from within. Like the Sun.

Let the energy of Source from within stream more fully into your presence. Like an X-Class Source flare of love, awareness, discernment, joy, creative inspiration for what can Be, amidst what Is, in your human-ness.

Feel the very expansive, infinite, loving energy of Source stream like the endless and clear rays of Light from Sol, beaming and warming more and more of you, within your human consciousness. Feel Source within you. Feel You.

More fully aligning you, your human experience to Eternal, Loving Source/God.

Nice deep breath as you close your eyes for a few more conscious breaths. Stabilizing these expansive frequencies, letting your body possibly slowly spin as it re-calibrates it’s rhythm. Openly embracing what Is. Not because of your beautiful brain’s understanding of what is.

But Because of your Conscious Creator ability to Choose, to Create and Be in divine alignment with all that is, even now.

Thank you for sharing in that experience. We hope it continues to offer you expansion, alignment with Eternal Source/God and your consciously choosing from within this expanded, divine frequency range.

Balancing Divine Energy with what Is requires an expanded perception that can see all “sides”, and into the view beyond “sides”. Beyond polarity. So you can also see/know the view of God in what Is, and in what can be.

That is the power switch. Into the fifth dimensional energy patterns, and beyond. The power of perception within humanity is a game changer that is highly underestimated.

It changes the entire energy grid of the planet... and it already has been, as more and more are choosing to expand their human energy frequency range to include the Divine consciousness of eternal love with what is, all that is, even here on Earth.

Even with where humanity is right now in it’s varying, but for most very limited states (narrower range) of vibration, amidst unconciousness. And that is what expands it. You, each of you. One by one for self. It is about expanding the vibration.

Expanding the vibration so that One can begin to accept, and possibly even appreciate the experience of what Is from the Divine consciousness.

Which begins to then beckon the Conscious Creation energy patterns. Opening to the broader choices of what can be. Exploring, Consciously, how One desires to Be, now and in all future “nows”.

The Shift in our view is not about “fixing” what Is, especially for others in their experience. And “fixing” isn’t possible/available from the narrower frequency ranges that sees problems, “death”, and things to fear and fix and solve.

That perceptional range is too narrow to include the God Consciousness necessary for any real change. Any real progression. Any real evolution.

Notice that the word revolution also means cycle. Within a cycle... there are revolutions. The revolving of the wheel, within it’s defined energy patterns for behavior.

And in this case of Earth transitioning from an Unconsciousness/Separation Age/Cycle, is still within polarity.

Evolution, by contrast, is beyond the revolution of the cycle. Creating a new cycle. New timelines. New spheres of realities. Beyond polarity and what we term 3D and 4D. Into the possibilities of what can be, guided by the Conscious Creator, and in this case the ground crew... You.

I Know. I Trust. I Love. I Explore. I Create. I Am that I Am. And so it is.

With love, blessings and deep appreciation for all that you are right now and in all “nows”,
Jill Renee Feeler and the Guardian Council of the Golden Ray"

Copyright ©2014 by Jill Renee Feeler and Beacon for Lightworkers LLC. This material is protected by US and international copyright and may be distributed freely as long as the author’s name and website, www.theplatinumage.com, are included.

Inspiring, evolutionary messages in a non-religious yet deeply God-centered manner to expand consciousness, thrive and help us savor our human experience.

Jill Renee Feeler is a writer, futurist, spiritual experiencer, alchemist, gifted intuitive and inspirational visionary for beings across the globe seek-ing personal re-union with their expanded vibrational access, their God Consciousness.

Jill accesses Divine wisdom for clients in private sessions and for humanity, shared in written and verbal messages.

Her insights related to the Ages of Earth and the present Ascension Cycle on Earth are inspiring, revolutionary and key for humanity’s progression.

She strives to apply this wisdom in all facets of her personal life, making it relevant and practical in our everyday lives.

Jill delights in guiding and demonstrating her vision for the developing Divine Human experience, filled with a sense of wholeness, well-being, joy and most importantly, love.

Her work is activating, evolutionary and life-changing for those open to receive these gifts. She offers her work to those who resonate with these unique frequencies, while honoring that there are many paths to enlightenment and ascension.


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