Check out this video from activist John Knox with a home that burned only 2/3 of the way through and the remainder is untouched.
Now helicopter footage from the December 31st fire in Boulder County, Colorado. The Tesla dealership burned, too. Somehow the fire flew across the tarmac and roads and decided to burn the building. It’s mesmerizing material and I couldn’t stop watching. 54 minutes. No audio.
Here’s some valuable perspective from former Navy SEAL Michael Jaco and Patty Greer who tie it into the deep state, energy weapons [DEW], HAARP, etc. The psychopaths control the weather and with technology they can generate massive devastation. Loss of life is inevitable, so getting out of denial is key so we can protect ourselves.
This is one more example of why we might want to have a bug-out bag handy at all times. These incendiary crises accelerate rapidly. I suppose it’s a miracle in itself that people were warned to evacuate at all.
They also discuss the idea that “they” are spraying us with pathogens via the chemtrails and infecting large numbers of people in target markets.
It’s Patty’s view that since they couldn’t stop us from celebrating Christmas, they shut down the airlines and cancelled flights, etc. They couldn’t stop us from celebrating New Year’s Eve so they generated these fires. There were fires in Patagonia, Argentina, as well, and a fire at a pier in Kazakhstan.
Worse case scenario, they speak of “spontaneous combustion” of people whose bodies contain metals, etc. from chemtrails and other evil schemes designed to take us out, as well as the suspected contamination of the nasal swabs for testing with Morgellon’s. It’s best to remain a “pure blood” for many reasons.