
My beloved brothers and sisters, my beautiful fellow adventurers, my companion co-creators in love and light!

I come to greet you with LOVE greater than ever before, softer than ever before, more and more intense - in every moment - than ever before, NEWER than ever before...and this, my dear friends, is because you make it so!

Beloveds, we fall more deeply in love with you, in the sharing of love with you, in the BEING of LOVE with you in each moment. Of course, in so many ways this is always so; such is the nature of LOVE, of creation, of existence.

And yet, you - my intrepid explorers - YOU are creating so much newness, such vast and continually-expanding potential, such incomparable fields of unmanifest possibility just awaiting perfect timing to come into form, that our love for you and all that you are allowing us to share with you is becoming passionate beyond description in excitement and shared, soaring, joy.

Oh my darling and beloved masters - yes we in the light realms support you and amplify your process, yes we have largely had access to much greater clarity and purity of perspective than you, and so we have seemed 'greater' or 'purer' than you in so many ways for so long, even if your minds have grasped the knowing that this is not really so in true LOVE terms.

But my dear ones, nothing can compare to the richness, the variety, the spectrum, the availability, the intensity, the sheer BEAUTY of your blossoming now, each and every one of you.

Most beloved, precious and unique sparks. Oh my wonderful friends, this goes beyond words.

I do not wish to labour this point beyond this particular depth of expression, for I know just how much praise upon praise has been poured upon you from us for the last weeks and months, and far from you having received enough - for this could NEVER be the case and you can be well assured of that! -

I simply recognise that from your perspective, sometimes it would be far preferable to have tangible and manifest shifts into the new you are creating rather than more tantalising hints and approbation from us when you are still very much in the midst of intense unfoldings!

I respect this deeply and so we very much take our cue from you, dear hearts, as you begin to collaborate more and more consciously with us and so we can reflect YOU ever more clearly to your conscious perspectives.

And so we say, our love and admiration for you knows no bounds, yet we honour that at this point perhaps it is more lovingly supportive to communicate more intimately with you on this process, rather than just in general adoration...*wink*

We pay attention to and with you, dear ones, oh we do! And we love you so for your wisdom and perseverence. It is beyond description!

And yet there is another purpose in my beginning with these loving words of devotion and praise, for I wish to address directly the process you are undergoing post-Equinox, and as you head into the month of April, as you know it in your time-based perspectives.

And, by the way, don't you just love how this process of awakening does not cut anything out? Simply transforms it? That time becomes new as you become new, and your experiences of it simply reflect that?

That is certainly a whole other topic that is being spoken of a lot, but time truly is a wonderful creation and tool of perception...more on this another time perhaps! *Laughing!*

Well then, this time. This time of LOVE unfolding! My beloveds, the reason we begin with our expanding and intensifying love for you is because this could not be so if you yourselves were not BEing this expanding and intensifying love.

Your self-focus, self-awareness, self-love, self-curiosity, self-trust is giving permission for your incredible lights, your unique soul-signatures, to shine and evolve and blossom like never before!

And we use the word 'blossom' frequently here because this unfurling matches so wonderfully the organic and fluid process of expansion and refining from within that you are all undertaking, as well as the inherent beauty of a flower revealing the inner shape and colours of its beauty as it opens its petals for the world to see and share...

You see the delicate beauty in this analogy, beloveds? Because this is just what we are seeing blossoming in every moment, and more.

And this is why we smile at our use of the words in the title of this message, my loves, because WHOLENESS is what this is ALL about!

We wish to talk with you today, to communicate and converse with you, to share and dialogue with you today - on all levels and through these words - on this unfolding LOVE affair.

For this LOVE affair, as you are all uniquely discovering, is all about YOU.

It is all about you, beloveds, at that unfolding, unfurling edge where your human consciousnesses meet your cosmic fullness; where your non-material selves meet and merge with your material selves, and the magical alchemy contained, emitting and creating therein...this is the beauty that takes our breath away, if we had 'breath' to take! *Smile!*

You, beloveds, are beginning to meet and know consciously more and more of your own fullness, to remember more and more of your inherent wholeness and you are doing this IN BODIES.

Oh, we know you know this beloveds but we cannot help but exclaim it with joy because it is SO exciting!!!

Bear with us and let our unbounded exhilaration inform and support yours, my wondrous ones, until you catch up with our perspectivein your own ways, for truly this is opening up for you now more and more consciously.

Because what this meeting and merging is doing, what this conscious collaboration is allowing for and the form it is taking, is YOU falling in love with YOU.

This is the wonder of this love, my dear and devoted angels of light. This is the precious honey of this time for all of you in each of your precious and unique ways.

My beautiful ones, you all consciously know the beginnings of this, many of you know more of it, some of you are fully immersed in it and expanding with it, and the first thing we wish to say about this is, that this is completely perfect.

Many, many channels are bringing forth this crucial confirmation; now more than ever you are all coming to know the perfection of your individual processes, and this is allowing for all of you to let go of final resistances, subtle and deepest of structures that restrict your ability to fully trust yourselves as your very own multiverse, as all-that-is, as LOVE in your own perfect timing. As WHOLE.

And it is this completely intimate, self-focused, individual process that is also bringing youinto the full beauty of self-realisation, self-recognition, self-exploration.

Beloveds, you are falling in love with YOU. You are falling in love with YOU. In every possible way.

You are becoming LOVE UNFOLDING with yourselves, as yourselves, for yourselves, and you are discovering that this truly is all that is! Love in love with love. All-that-is.

The simplicity that gives birth to all complexity. Love in love with love.

And as you let yourselves go into this exquisiteness more and more, you realise that your desire to share, to know more, to know differently, allows for your unconditional love of all.

When you know, within and without, that you are LOVE, unique and precious, you have no interest in looking for love elsewhere, and this self-focus means that every experience you have becomes about loving you, as you, in a universe of YOU, and more and more and more.

And so people, places, experiences become simply exquisitely different forms of this self-love, and the room that you have for all this experiences becomes infinite as the resistance to it all as separate from you - in anyway infringing upon your own creatorship - falls away.

Your self-orientation gives permission for the LOVE that is you to LOVE everything as you. And the world, the universe, the multiverse, becomes your oyster. Because you ARE the oyster. Delicious.

And in so many ways you know this, and yet we wish to communicate more on this because you continually enter into new levels of self-interaction, and this time brings in unprecedented potential for this.

For, my dear hearts, now are you beginning to know the exquisite delight and paradise of remembering your very own love-self, after you had forgotten it so entirely...?

Now do you see the sheer size of the expansion you have created with this sojourn into density?

How much more intense you have made this homecoming by forgetting there was ever a home!

How much more precious have you made LOVE by blocking out its existence from your conscious experience. Oh what an experiment! What an illusion!

What a reality! What an experience! And now, as reality becomes simply what you make it, do you start to realise what is in store for you...your store! Of YOU! Created by and for you!


So we say to you, what kind of LOVE are you? For this is what you enter into now - the intense uniqueness of each of you most impressive of soul-tapestries.

This is why comparison and seeking for similarity becomes less and less appropriate for each of you now, and sharing and delighting in the individual additions to the WHOLE become such crucial fun!

And that is why we ask you, who are you, beloveds?

Who are you in this process? What is this process for you? Beyond labels, beyond 'roles', beyond any wider point of reference that has been before - though all of these are beautiful ways to understand yourselves.

The important thing now though, even if you allow and acknowledge any ways of understanding this process to inform you more widely, is to move beyond the restrictions, to allow any previous understandings to become fluid, and to simply open to more knowing, more exploration, in neutral, joyful, excitement.

For each of you does this differently, IS this differently.

How could it be any other way? Some of you quietly ground energy and work pretty exclusively in many other dimensions to make the structures and potentials more available for the collective.

Some of you allow a great deal of emotional and mental repatterning to be done for the collective through your own systems.

Some of you lead very 'normal' human lives, emitting light and codes wherever you go and lightening the collective with your presence and so touching many without really knowing, some of you are devoted parents allowing a tremendous amount of new energy and light to come through children of all ages who bring more and more new DNA and light capacity, some of you are very public channellers and healers and lightworkers who serve the collective in very visible ways, some of you unfold this process without ever having any knowledge of this kind! I could continue on forever.

So do you see beloveds, even in the general sense of a role, the variety is beyond extensive! And it is your own exquisite and unique intricacy of self that is opening up for you to explore now...

And this is why we offer these questions to you to open up the deeper self-exploration that is happening on all levels now: what kind of LOVE are you?

How are you BEing this process? What is joyfully unfolding you now? Can you give yourselves permission to be whatever brings you joy in this unfoldment?

At all levels and in any detail? Can you give yourself permission to be coherent simply within yourself, without resistance, in harmony with whatever unfolds within you simply by your permission to just be you, however?

Even if it seems that you are the only one doing it your way? Can you let go of anything that brings any sense of conflict into your sense of self?

Be it diet, exercise, practices, purpose, past, future, techniques, understandings? Can you trust that your experience - lovely or not so lovely - is simply yours, and if you allow it - ALL OF IT - it will naturally bring you into greater and greater conscious alignment with your own wholeness, your own remembered LOVE?

And the joy that grows and fills you up and intensifies to bliss and carries you to unimagined heights will be the only thing that you need to listen you to guide you into each divine action - even if that action is inaction?

How deeply and intently and gently can you listen to and discover yourselves, my beautiful friends? How much permission can you receive from your incredible hearts to be simply, exquisitely, HUMANLY you, allowing your divinity to come to you, as humans?

And explore it? And be so so PROUD of it? And talk about it however you want, and express it however you want and CLAIM it for you, with every cell, with every thought, with every moment that is open to you?

This is what I would wish for you, my beloved family, because this is what you wish for - and are continually intending - for yourselves now, and you know this!

Because the full freedom of JUST BEING YOU brings such balm, such bliss, such peace to your hearts when you remember it, when you touch it, that there can never be any doubt that however it unfolds, whatever individual shape each pathway takes, this is where all paths lead now, my wondrous ones, this is the only place they have ever led.

And now your intensifying and expanding focus in this ONE direction - which is ALL THERE IS, which is LOVE, which is YOU - is bringing you home.

To YOU. Where you have always belonged. Completely and utterly. And which is your only portal to everything you could possibly dream of and beyond. Because it is all YOU. It is all YOU. And that is all.

It is my pleasure to bring this reflection of your own love for you winging its way to you on words of light, in this endless reflective mirror of experience, of knowing more of ourselves, as ourselves, in the great big paradox of ever-unfolding experience that is LOVE.

I am ONE with you and no words can ever describe the love, the joy, the excitement and the fundamental bliss of being that is who I AM, with YOU; who YOU ARE with ME.

We are LOVE.

And I am your Jeshua ?


Channelled by Sara Hillman ~ March 28th, 2014 ?


To read previous channellings visit ~ http://followingthejoy.wordpress.com/

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