...there are things you must endure in preparation for all things to come...Give yourself to all and to those that need you most...Give what you have and do what you must... the road is the road you choose to be upon...You are the beacon, you are the light. All has the light but cannot switch it on so readily... It is time
Dearest One and All,
....there are things you must endure in preparation for all things to come. It is important that you do not judge anyone or anything from this point forward. Give yourself to all and to those that need you most. You are the beacon, you are the light. All has the light but cannot switch it on so readily. Give what you have and do what you must. No matter the earth is in the third or the fifth dimension, you must continue to give of your mind your heart and your soul being. Love all things and find all things lovable.
This is the credo to live by, no matter the circumstances, no matter the journey of each one. As in all journeys, the road is the road you choose to be upon and the road teaches you many things. Do not fear and do not conger up emotions that will be harmful to others and to yourself. Be At peace. Be at Onement now and always. Find the eye of the storm and sit peacefully and quietly in this field of energy and absorb the sounds and light from the higher realms as you sit quietly.
Posture yourself as the beacon and see yourself as the messenger of light. All is well my dearest children. You are loved and you are kept in our hearts safe and sound and comforted. Give to others. It is time. With my deepest appreciation for all things, I am Jeshua
Channeled by JoAnne McConnell