c74c775c35a0697c0dca0be00a046aa7_M.jpg?width=180I'd like to introduce two messages of Jesus Christ as a spiritual viewpoint, regarding both extremists and terrorists.  Seban.

Message 1: What happens to extremists, who think they killed for a worthy cause?

Channeler: Kim Michaels

Source: http://www.ascendedmasteranswers.com/world-issues/man-made-atrocities/604-what-happens-to-extremists-who-think-they-killed-for-a-worthy-cause

TOPICS: People learn by making choices and seeing the consequences - violating God’s law to prevent people from violating God’s law - killing destroys a lifestream’s opportunity to learn - your state of consciousness determines where you go after death - you will be given further opportunities to grow - difficult to help those who will not see they made a mistake - life review - helping you see your mistakes without shattering self-esteem - God never supports extremism - extremism shows an imbalance in the lifestream -

Question from Kim: Jesus, today a former Presbyritarian minister, Paul Hill, is scheduled to be executed for killing an abortion doctor and his escort. In an interview, he said, “The sooner I am executed ... the sooner I am going to heaven, I expect a great reward in heaven. I am looking forward to glory. I don’t feel remorse.” I would like to hear your comments on this.

* Note: About Paul Hill: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Jennings_Hill

Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

Let me begin by making it absolutely clear that this person’s reasoning is fundamentally flawed and completely out of touch with God's will. As I stated in my comments on the war with Iraq, LINK there is absolutely no cause – and I truly mean no cause – which in the eyes of God justifies the killing of a human being.

The essence of this matter is that God himself made the choice to give human beings free will. God defined this in a divine law, which I refer to as the Law of Free Will. As I have stated elsewhere on this website, the Law of Free Will does not stand alone. It was created in a polarity with the Law of Cause and Effect. So the essence of life is that human beings have to learn by making choices and reaping the consequences of those choices. God allows people to commit acts that violate his laws, because he knows that people will eventually reap the consequences and thereby have an opportunity to learn.

What I am trying to explain is that the essence of life on earth is that people have been given an opportunity to learn by making choices. God allows people to make choices that violate his laws. Therefore, killing someone in an attempt to prevent them from violating God’s law is in itself a violation of God’s intent and the Law of Free Will. In other words, the belief that the end can justify the means or the saying, “Let us do evil that good may come,” never originated with God or with the ascended masters.

The idea that it is acceptable to violate someone's free will in order to prevent them from committing evil originated with the forces who temporarily oppose God’s purpose for creation. These beings attempt to force people to be saved, whereas God wants people to be saved through their own choices. In other words, if you truly understand God’s purpose and respect God’s law, you clearly see that it is not justified to kill a human being, even if it seemingly prevents a greater evil. (Let me say that this needs to be understood in the context of self-defense, as discussed in the remarks about the Iraq war.)

The reason it is wrong to kill a human being is that it takes away the lifestream’s opportunity to learn and thereby work out its salvation. Because the opportunity to learn is the very purpose of life on earth, there is no greater violation of God’s laws than destroying this opportunity. Killing is not the only way to destroy a lifestream’s opportunity for growth, but it is certainly one way.

Kim: So, you are saying that God will not reward this man for his actions?

Jesus: Correct. One of the fundamental lessons that people should learn from the Bible (or any other religious scripture) is that “God is no respecter of persons.” In other words, God’s law is not influenced by human opinions. Regardless of what this person, or humanity as a whole, believes, God is not mocked and his law will not change one iota.

This man has violated God’s law by killing another human being, and he will inevitably reap the consequences.

Kim: So you are saying that he will not go to heaven as he thinks?

Jesus: Correct. According to the Law of Cause and Effect, he will have to pay back his debt to life. Therefore, he will have to come back into embodiment and compensate the people he killed by helping them make up for the opportunity that he aborted by killing them. In that respect, see my other comments on reincarnation. LINK

So what will happen to this lifestream after the death of his physical body?

Contrary to popular Christian belief, there is no instant salvation or eternal damnation after death. Instead, there is a continued opportunity for the lifestream to learn and grow.

If people are interested in more detailed descriptions of what happens to lifestreams after death, they should study some of the many near-death experiences that are readily available. I would like to make it clear that these near-death experiences are part of God’s plan for expanding people’s understanding of life. These experiences are also an attempt to help people overcome their fear of death.

The essence of the many near-death experiences is that when the physical body dies, the lifestream separates itself from the body and moves into another realm. As explained throughout this website, the scientific fact that everything is made of energy opens the possibility that there could be many realms, many levels of vibration, beyond the material universe. In fact, there are a number of realms, octaves or stations to which lifestreams can be taken after death. What determines where a lifestream will go is the lifestream’s state of consciousness before death.

In the case of Paul Hill, we have a lifestream who has clearly violated one of the fundamental laws of God. At the same time, this lifestream obviously feels no remorse for its actions. Again, contrary to popular Christian belief, God has no desire to punish human beings. The purpose of life is the growth of the lifestream. So when a lifestream leaves the physical body behind, it will be taken to a station where that particular lifestream will be presented with the best possible opportunity to learn. The lifestream must learn the lessons it needed to learn in its last lifetime and therefore, hopefully, make choices that will allow the lifestream to move on in its growth process.

What I am saying is that the purpose of anything that happens after death is to educate the lifestream. Punishment simply isn't part of the picture, contrary to what so many human beings want to believe. Once again, God’s law is not altered by human opinions.

Each lifestream has a number of spiritual teachers assigned to it. The role of these teachers is to help the lifestream grow and move to a higher level. In this particular case, the teachers of Paul Hill’s lifestream are faced with a difficult situation. This lifestream is absolutely convinced that it has committed an act of martyrdom and that it will be rewarded in heaven. As I have stated, this is an illusion. Therefore, the lifestream cannot move on until it lets go of this illusion, and this must happen through the free-will choosing of the lifestream.

The problem in cases like this is how to make a lifestream realize that it has violated God’s law without at the same time shattering the lifestream’s sense of self-worth and plunging that lifestream into a state of guilt, hopelessness and despair. This can be a very delicate balance that presents difficult challenges for a lifestream’s spiritual teachers. (In that respect, let me say that this dilemma also applies to lifestreams who have performed or chosen to have abortions. For example, the lifestream of an abortion doctor faces a very difficult situation of having to come to terms with the fact that it aborted the opportunity for thousands of lifestreams.)

One of the tools that is commonly employed in an attempt to make a lifestream see its wrongdoings is what some near-death experiences describe as a life review. Some lifestreams simply view this in a detached manner, as if the events are happening on a movie screen. Other lifestreams view this in a more involved manner in which they experience every situation. However, instead of experiencing the situation from their own perspective, they now experience the situation from the perspective of the people they harmed. During such a review, people experience firsthand how people they harmed felt in that situation. For some lifestreams this can be an efficient way to awaken them to the true consequences of their actions.

In some cases, this rude awakening can be too much for the lifestream, and it causes the lifestream to withdraw into a state of shock from which it can take a long time to recover. Therefore, contrary to what some people believe, there is no standard way that the lifestream is treated after death. This is an individual matter that is decided on a case-by-case basis by the spiritual teachers of particular lifestreams.

In this particular case, the lifestream will indeed go through the life review of experiencing this situation from the receiving end of its actions. Hopefully, this will achieve the result of helping this lifestream see the wrong of its actions without destroying the sense of self-worth. However, because the outcome of this procedure is ultimately up to the free will of the lifestream, even I cannot predict the outcome.

Kim: Paul Hill stated that "More people should act as I have acted." What would you say to people who might be influenced by this statement or by his example?

Jesus: I would ask them what they think about the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. I am sure that most of these people would denounce the attacks.

Then I would ask them to consider that the people who performed these attacks believed they were fighting for a just cause and that they would be rewarded in heaven for their actions.

In other words, the mindset of the terrorists is exactly the same as the mindset of Paul Hill and all other extremists, regardless of what cause they are fighting for. The only difference is that whereas the 911 terrorists invoked Allah, Paul Hill used me to justify his actions.

The simple fact is that Allah does not support extremism and fanaticism any more than I and my Father in heaven. I can say this for a fact, because the God who inspired Islam is the same God who inspired Judaism, Christianity and every other true religion found on planet earth.

As I said 2,000 years ago, there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is the way of death. The way that seems right unto a man is the way of extremism, which quickly leads to fanaticism. Extremism is always based on the relativity of the dualistic mind. The true way is the middle way whereby a person reaches for the higher perspective, the balanced perspective, of the Christ mind.

There is a fundamental and fundamentally important difference between religious fervor or zeal and extremism or fanaticism. I admit that it can sometimes be difficult for a deeply religious person to avoid extremism. However, extremism is always caused by an imbalance in the lifestream, and before the lifestream can truly come home to God, it must resolve all such imbalances. This can more easily be done when the lifestream recognizes the dangers of extremism and embraces the middle way that leads to Christ consciousness.

Copyright © 2004 by Kim Michaels

Message 2: What happens when a terrorist dies?

Channeler: Kim Michaels

Source: http://www.ascendedmasteranswers.com/spiritual-topics/death-and-dying/271-what-happens-when-a-terrorist-dies

TOPICS: Depends on the person’s overall state of consciousness - a lifestream has a certain time in the material universe - even committing an atrocity does not automatically mean the second death - some know they are near the end of their opportunity and thus do something extreme - Hitler is an example - many terrorists trapped in black-and-white thinking - evil actions often not committed by evil beings - terrorists often meet their victims - reconciliation in spiritual realm between perpetrators and victims of 9/11 - people in embodiment also need to forgive and move on - can only stop the dualistic struggle through forgiveness -

Question: What happens when a terrorist dies? Does he go to the second death?

Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

What happens to a person who has committed an atrocity will depend on the person's state of consciousness. And with that I don't mean the state of consciousness that the person had at the moment when he committed that atrocity but the long term state of consciousness, the state of his lifestream, his spiritual growth.

I desire you to realize that the concept of the second death is not tied to performance as such. The second death comes about when a lifestream has had sufficient time in the material universe. This is a quantity that is not absolute in that it is not the same for every lifestream. It does have to do with the lifestream’s attainment before it fell. That will determine how long a time is allotted before that lifestream must come back to the upward path. So when a lifestream has been given a certain time, that lifestream has the free will to do anything it wants on earth. And even though a lifestream committed a certain atrocity, it does not mean that the lifestream will immediately go the second death or final judgment after that lifetime.

If the lifestream has time left, it will be confronted with the spiritual reality of its actions, so that it has the opportunity to see those actions without seeing them through the filter that the lifestream had while in embodiment. So in other words, the lifestream can look at its actions without the spiritual blindness that caused it to perform those actions. And thereby, the lifestream can then receive an opportunity to rise above that consciousness, hopefully even to turn around and start the upward path away from violence.

Yet, there are, of course, some terrorists who commit atrocities precisely because they are close to being at the end of their time and they sense this subconsciously. And therefore, they have calcified their consciousness and hardened their hearts to an almost unfathomable extent. Adolph Hitler was an example of such a lifestream – who had become so hardened and who knew that his time would shortly be up – that he was completely oblivious to the results of his actions, and completely determined to do whatever he “damn well pleased,” as the saying goes, while he was in embodiment.

This does apply to some terrorists, but not to the vast majority of them. In fact, many of them are indeed spiritual lifestreams who have been misled into the black-and-white thinking that is the cause of all terrorism, violence and other forms of atrocities. When you look at an action, you might say, "This is an evil act" but I must tell you that in most cases – in the vast majority of cases – evil acts are not committed by evil beings. They are committed by beings who are simply misled by the duality consciousness, by the black-and-white consciousness, or even in some cases by the gray consciousness, the gray thinking. And so they do not fully see the reality of their actions or their consequences.

What often happens to terrorists is that they are given the opportunity to meet their victims. For example, the terrorists who directed the planes into the World Trade Center towers were indeed given an opportunity to meet with most of the departed lifestreams, most of the lifestreams that were killed in that incident. And they were given an opportunity to work on their mutual understanding, so that they had an opportunity to understand each other and thereby rise above their outer differences and forgive each other.

Now, in many cases, some lifestreams are not able to truly acknowledge the full extent of what they have done. They are so shocked when they realize that they actually killed so many people, that they are not even able to look at it but must run and hide from the reality of what they have done—or they would be destroyed emotionally, or at least so they feel.

And so not all can respond to such an opportunity. But I must tell you that in the spiritual realm there has been a very great reconciliation between the victims and the perpetrators of the 9/11 event. And it would indeed be extremely helpful to the forward progression of this planet if those people who had family members or friends that died in these incidents would also work on forgiveness and understanding, so that they could erase the records that are still there. For I can assure you that most of the people who were actually killed have risen to forgiveness, have seen that it is better for the earth, that it is better for the cause of defeating terrorism, that they forgive. For by holding on to the hurts and the wounds, they only add to the dualistic struggle that is the real cause of terrorism.

For, as I explained in my discourses on the Iraq war and in my comments on 9/11, it is the dualistic struggle that precipitated this event. And so the people caught in it on both sides were simply caught. They were all victims, so to say, of the duality consciousness. And those who are still fighting the battle today are victims. And the only way to really break that cycle is that the people in the West – who live in countries that are further along than the countries in the Middle East – rise above the hurts and decide to forgive so they take away power from the dualistic forces and the dualistic struggle.

Copyright © 2008 by Kim Michaels

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