Beloved Jesus:
Every individual's first duty is Adoration and Love to the "One Mighty I AM Presence," which is everywhere present.
Do you not see how in this, it is a joyous privilege to love your so-called enemy, because: " 'I AM' the only Real Presence and Activity anywhere!" If the ignorance of the outer activity of the mind seems to have created disorder, pain and limitation, then you know that the miscreation has no power of its own. There is nothing but the wrong belief of the individual to sustain it; consequently, it has no Selfsustaining power.
If you have been unfortunate enough to create in-harmony, disorder, limitation, then can you not see that you alone, through the Power of your "I AM Presence," the Consuming Flame, must consciously call on the Law of Forgiveness, consume through that Flame of Life which you are, everything in your world which you have wrongly created?
This should easily make it clear to you how you set about to cleanse your world of its disorder and its mistaken creation. Then you stand forth, clothed with the Sun, the Light of Eternal Life, Youth, Beauty and Opulence, holding within your hand for instant use the Scepter of Power of the "I AM Presence," which you are.
It is important to know that this One Mighty Energy does all things according to the quality you give It, or the wish you want fulfilled.
One thing students should be intensely conscious of, and that is: " 'I AM' the Eternal, Harmonizing Presence and Activity everywhere I move, and of everything to which my thought is directed." This, constantly used with the feeling of Its Invincible Power, will keep the atmosphere of your world purified, harmonized, and held in readiness for any conscious direction to go forth with great speed to its accomplishment.
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I think we can all have a "distorted" or " Over Rosy View of Ourselves" that's why I think self appraisal is unimportant to myself as like you know anyone can say that they…"